
8/3/2018 1:53 – Facebook Post

12:08 p.m.


L:O H.

/ W H O L E… W E… Is added.

C H… T R…

Hello… I spent most of the day trying to figure out the riddle which involved my passing through the last of the portals of a 26 year journey since Garde de Nord at Paris…
And since 1988, when I returned to London England.

Tejumola Raheem Osazee post had that code 88 of likes…

The portal is represented by Edward Eceinco. E E.. Though he is not fully aware, as non of you really of of this Evil Cruel… Horrorible Obscene play.

When Anamla Qayins posts came up yesterday with the Map of Hell, Victor Van Doom and then Death as the Harvester/ Horseman- it was the confirmation from the script that indeed, I had been made to walk through Living Hell, Dantes Inferno… D.I..
*Link Kyle Robert Murphy and the place he now works “Dig In”
D I.

For 17 years I have had to pass through each person collecting the Original aspects of my self.
I was Behind Enemy Lines.. I did not need any film or story or Echo to tell me this- the Echo only serves as that indention of confirming the Truth which I have been stating.
Indenting it onto Existence Reality..
I knew all this already, I know what I have endured and I am fully aware of the ignorance and disbelief which such an expression would generate…

It was part of the torment and the torture… that no one would take me seriously, no one would believe… the Isolation the Scream… while the Demonic realm which use Humans , exists because Human who are unnmatural and who are unclean exist with thier Hypocrisy while clinging on to beliefs which they have so dishonored…
The assassins chasing me, hunting me.. I wrote about all this…
Spirit asssassins.. Mind assassins.. literal assassins…
I met in Paris, Istanbul, London.. New York…

I had no choice but to go on with my body writing….
I did not know what next to do, I knew the last play was with Edward Eceinco E E…. 5 5…
But I did not think it was Bit Coins… B C… I knew that the full Circle of the past was the play he represented and it began when we became Face book Friends in 2013-2014…
I knew that I had passed through Full crcle from going down 4 5 years ago, instead of as I had been so sure of, afer arrival of Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones.. that I was done…
E E.. See sacred portal 55 It show the universal Sensie
U S… and the Family of E who had been undercover in this World
They Lived Before Adam.. By the Late Professor Catherine Acholonu.. C A…
The Beautiful Ones.
I had to go down back in Time to prove they existed and retrieve my family and all teh aspects of E…
4.5 Years later, after a battle made public and horrific to the point that I truly have no idea why Existence even with its Beautiful Truth should contine to exist since such a play was allowed.
It means Existence is Not Safe… and that it is not perfect even if this play is outside of Existence…
This was not meant to be possible… too Evil, too Evil.. is all I mumble to myself quietly day and night…
Can anything be too Evil..? But those are the only words which can convey what I have experienced witnessed and understood with my eyes wide open… not shut…

And so when finally the play took place with Ant and Jacqui…
I was stunned that this was still going on… that it could go this far… there is no despair in me, I solved the riddles…
The play was all rigged, cheating lying, this foul thing created by Humanity refusing to taking responsibility for expression actions and this Script created to make it be proven, this fiasco of a court case in which I had to prove humans out of existence and worthy of Extinction, this farce, this Divine Comedy, in which anything goes, everything is allowed that is Evil but nothing Beautiful is allowed..’ for truly I have seen no Beauty in this play or script. Each actions which starts of as beautful generous turns fould and cruel…
did not you not see Klien Alicia’s play?
It has been like that with each and every one of you from begining to end…
only Dawn Piercy and even she I had to fight for before she aligned to her own point of view.

I spent most of the day trying to get a Bit coin wallet, but a simple process was suddenly made complicated.
I was already running out of money, My phone computers everythng was breaking down, as if they very system I came to destroy was collapsing around me, and yet I still had not found the portal out.
I knew that it was not the Bit Coins.. that was a play I already had competed with Billy Hung.. Virtual Money…
His Cruelty and Kindness.. all lies…
No this was about the B C E… The past bringing back the beautiful ones trapped in the Lies of Historical Past.. portals which I had to open while I lived with terrible Death, in my body all around me each time I could feel death as viloence, murder all around me and each momnet I had to dispell it call it out before it manifested…
It was not meant to be real.. but it was imbued with so much truth that when they rape and ravage me as the ultimate insult… I bleed…
When they strike me, the blows appear, the welts, the …

Listen… I do not require Demons Humans to believe I just required the code…
And there is was when I sent Edward Eceinco a message and was suddenly moved to ask him his age… and then saw that the time was 8:40 …
48/ 84… I am listed as being born 1984… It is my age code.. 33.. the age I incarnate as and transform to…
But I had to pass through the portal of the full Circle of 48/ 84…
4 88 4..
Tejumola Raheem Osazee… 88 likes…. T R O… 20 18.. O.. The portal of E E… 5 5….
And as I was writitng this at 12:48 am Edward Eceinco sent me a message….
and at 12:55 a.m our dialogue was complete…

He had posted the comment Osumare Kundalini under comments…
Its O.K.

Recall the play with Billy Hung… Where I led him the the Hung Chinese Restaraunt… Hung means Rainbow…
Recall the portals and the play of 1-7…
And how I stated that it always emboded by a Energetic Being rather than a Building of Physical Symbol..
Racall the 7-1.. play… 7-1.. Zero had to be used as the Toilet to flush the bad ideas of Human Expression throughout time, then converted to the O by proving the circle of Life.
And O moving to 8…
5… E… G – A…O H… A B C….
5 1 8 1 2 3…. 4 5…6..

See the Code Edward Eceinco posted in perfect harmony of the play which he had no idea ( as all of you did not including Isabelle Ilic with her Ohm Om Home code …but the differnce between they and others was they they had done the work. open mind… and read the posts and evolved which happened naturally when you simply link knowledge instead of judging and condeming it especially when you are not even qualified.

1:48 p.m.

Here is the correct code…
And please reall the Edwards present here … Elfin who aligned to Aturo… and Black Edward Selish linked to Randall Michael Tony the Tiger motif.. but a Cartoon… not real…

R M.. Is the code… in this decietful riddle and maze of Death… Terrible Death as the lie..

Rainbowbluelove Skyheartangel

” The Spirit of the Rainbow.


African Spiritual Tradition teaches that all aspects of nature have consciousness or spiritual energy. This energy can be found in a blade of grass, a stone or a bird. Consequently, even the Rainbow possesses consciousness.

The spirit of the rainbow is referred to as Orisha Osumare. In this episode of Foundational Friday, Chief Jegna Yuya provides listeners with an overstanding of what Osumare represents.

Osumare or Osunmare, as it is sometimes spelled, is a very special Orisha. For it is very rare to find an Orisha with the suffix “mare”. Typically one only finds the suffix “mare” in the title Oludumare. Oludumare is the supreme energy of the universe i.e. God.

One may also notice that Orisha Osun’s name is present in the title. Chief breaks down the name as follows. The letter O represents the ownership or spirit of something. Osu means the source, the moon, or the spirit of the source. Osun is also related to the menstrual cycle.

“Mare” has several meanings attached to it including serpent, deepness, the essence and the immensity of power. Great feminine energy is represented in the term Osumare.

Osumare, the rainbow serpent is only possible when 2 elements are present. These elements are water and sunlight. When the sun’s rays hit water at an angle of 42 degrees a rainbow is manifest. The colors of the rainbow actually represent the colors of the chakras.

In essence, Osumare or the rainbow is an external archetypal representation of kundalini energy. Kundalini is the unobstructed flow of energy through the chakras, from the root to the crown. We are not meant to linger in any one chakra house, they are stepping stones and should be viewed as such.

Osumare is the roadway to unleashing divine consciousness. The divine rainbow serpent provides us with the opportunity to connect with our destiny by traveling through the inner self. This powerful Orisha provides an infinite gateway of immense power.

How does one connect with this Orisha? How does one encourage the rising of the serpent? Chief instructs listeners that kundalini is raised through the divine breath of life. Breathing exercises are the key to raising chakra energy and to connecting with Osumare.

Our destiny is a journey and it is the bridge within that we must travel.

*David Ghrol… D G…
He is on right now on Jimmy Kimmel…
He is wearing and AB BA T-Shirt…
Roberto pointed him out to me, that he is worth 200 million dollars

You do recall the play yesterday.. Q A.. Sat on one side of the banch AND myself E across from Ant who sat besides Quanma’e Lewis.
And the people who G and D who arrived a few moment later and sat on the line I sat at the head of.
E G D was formed….

I had a coffee 51 and then 18 yesterday….
Anamla Qayins post appeared in my Face Book Memories of the Day…
E A… R…
E A R… which Hear…
E A R T H….E
H-E A R. TH..E Source Perfection Sensational Facts…
H E A R T H E S P…. S F…

And here is Robert Munoz.. 62… is the one who was moved to alert me…
R M.. 6 2.. F B. R M F B..
This is a code means that Face Book is the represenation of the Room.. The Room is this World.
Thus Face book is representing the World and my being led to Post all these codes on Facebook- through a message delivered by Nnamdi Emmanual ( Call him Father Brother ..God Father Brother… G F B…Music) which began with him comming in my sleep confirming the venue of the play of the Evolution Awakening ( E A) As being Facebook.
It is all documented here, so you can go back to 2012 Janauary when it was all taking place.

E D G… ABBA…. Robert Munoz a 62 Year old Musician…

Beautiful Assassin
Portal Anthony Bienke I passed through.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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