
8/7/2018 2:30 – Facebook Post

2:17 a.m.

B Q…

2:18 a.m


H G B.R… O.E

One of the things I came to prove is that Humanity is Insane.
Yes, I am proving the Matrix,that this World you live in is not real…
That it a realm of Deluisons which created Illusion- A World of Illusion.
Where all these people livin in thier Heads, and Ideas of themselves are competing, warring with each other, killing each other to prove that thier Delusion is the one which is supreme.

All head cases, and you wonder why Mental Illiness is the condition affecting the entire world- as well as the decay of the body.
The more the mad scientists many poseing as Doctors.. Healers find some pharmaceutical cure ( which has so many side affect) another diesease comes up…

How insane people are I have witnessed here, on this face book page over and over again, as people refuse to believe the facts that I am not interested nor addressing them.
That I have been adressing their Eternal Selves.. Namase which this script is the non stop evidence of that presence within you is moving you all in a play non of you had any awareness of until you came to my page…
And yet the insanity of how so many of you would come here and then even compete and take credit for that which you had no idea you were streaming…
Despite your religions prophecy’s seers telling you about this eternal part of yourselves, which does not belong to you, not was it created by you.

You walk in delusion of grandeur without providing evidence of Facts…

Light is Truth..
Dark Matter created Facts..

TRUTH FACTS… T.F… 20 6… 2 O 6… B O F!
B OF.. E


Best Friend Harmony

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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