
Facebook Post..

1.22 a.m.


Only Manifestation is Left..

I completed my part of the Bargain ..

I have proven the Mission Impossible in this set up and Labyrinth Maze Challenege.

I have have proven the supremacy of the Eternals and thier presence and Existence.

Have you been following the News?

The Humanity is Insane..

But the World, Nature.. Existence Universe.. the Hueman Being and the Human Body is in perfect Harmony…

Humanity is a Lie..

Hue Man Being.. Beautiful Truth…

H.U..Mann Body Solid Fact…

My coffee today at Starbucks was 59.

See sacred portal 59.. End of the Story…

Refelcted in the play of Anthony Malgren code ( C.V.. Chukwumeka Victor…Nnamdi) he was bed 5-009.. 59.

I had to defeat the E.K. V.C Represented by Kahl El and Vaïhéré Cardonnet without them being aware that they were being used to test and challenge me..

Despite me calling in out for 6.8 years.. that Humanity are being used in a play.

I did not realize that I had to answer yet another challenge to complete the A.M..C.V.. 5 9/ 9 5… E.I/I.E.

But then after the first few years, I gave up trying to seriously get your attention- it really did not matter or change the outcome, in fact it was and would have been better if you had not been given any knowledge of it at all rather than habing to deal with so many of your meddleing and ego’s not aligned or linked . or grounded.

And the Manifestation of the equations I have been prompted to solve publicly to prove my equation and truth that expression can move physical.

And forced to prove that Everything in Creation- even in this World is in Harmony, of a Higher Script; a play theater to prove Human Existence had a point.

And that Humanity were the chosen vesses of highest vibrations expressions of Eternity Infinity

Chosen because the Source of Hue-Manity ( Not Humanity) is a man.

Donald Trump beliitles a Feme Critic as That Dog

Oma Rosa M.N.

O M N…

A Catalogue of Horrors in Pennsylvania ( the 12 State 12.. L) more than 300 Priest in 70 years…

11 Months after storm, Puerto Rico Reconnects

To a fitful Power Grid….

Flash Floods all over New York and Heat Waves…

New York is the 11th state to join the union.

11= K…

Kyle means Narrow and Straight’ – An Arrow, a Route.. a Passage way.. a Channel//

Kolo means Circle Round.. A Dance.. and In OINri Igbo and Edo Princely Manly Warrior

There is nothing else but manifestation of the Beautiful Truth I have established.

Since I have responded and added to the challenge of Existence and Goddess Bliss…

The True Meaning of Existence is Harmony Eteranal.

1:59 a.m~[]~~~~https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10160736600070162&id=585225161&_ft_=mf_story_key.10160736600070162%3Atop_level_post_id.10160736600070162%3Atl_objid.10160736600070162%3Acontent_owner_id_new.585225161%3Athrowback_story_fbid.10160736600070162%3Astory_location.4%3Athid.585225161%3A306061129499414%3A2%3A1514793600%3A1546329599%3A-9137936290140539962&__tn__=%2As%2As-R

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