
8/21/2018 10:08 – Facebook Post




H U.T R.


Many of you are unaware what I have been doing or expressing while doing. And in consequence, because you can not see from my point of view ( wether you see it as true or not is irrelevant just the ability to percieve from another point of view is enough to open up a portal to another dimension ),
but if you could, you would understand that I am have literally ben solving a riddle.
– A Riddle…
In a Game.

With an Unseen Force.
Which I had to Identify through Reason.

The only way to even access my posts and what I am saying, because it is so unbelievable is to start with the imagination.
Yes, that consciouness or way of percieving which is as a child.
Imagination Truth and Naturalness- are the anchors which are linked to children.

That is the only way into my World to see, and then you will see what I am seeing and experiencing.

And why I am saying this is not possible and all my other expressions of outrage and disbelif.

The way to the Kingdom of God is through the eyes of a child, is not simply a metaphor, its is a fact.
And being able to retain that “See’ way of perceiving reality ( which 95% of people on the planet do not sustain or give up to exist here in this idea of fear gone amok)
leads you to a place of seeing and experiencing which literally unveils a path way- and takes you on a wave which carries you to a destination point.
But what I have been expressin of it, is the way to get there and what you see when you get there… is not meant to have manifested to such a power.

To get to where i am percieving from requires solving riddles and doing that which most have no intention of doing- because to do that in this reality-to follow that Wave takes you to a place where you are unfortunately separated from the heard.
The path way is strewn with riddles and tests- and the tests and riddles get more and more intense. And the challenges more and more dangerous and yet they are really easy to solve if you can sustain the correct emotion frequency.

The path way eventualy leads you home and then you come back down and again you are solving your way through a Labyrinith of Human Cause and effect.
The first path way home is through solving you own person riddles and story of your life.
This should usually take place after the age of graduation of university or early 20’s.
Then you have to pass through a pathway which filled with the riddles of your Ancestral roots and Human roots…
It is crazy but it is literal.. it is like the way Home which you remember as being beautiful and clear has been transformed into a crazy impossible maze, web fiilled with all the cause and effects of Human expression. All that was True and Beautiful which have now become infected and distoretd by Human Fear and Anger and all those emotions which distort the meaning, the pictire and the vista.
It is as if the beautful garden has become a horrific horrible jungle… Of Fear. and lies and myths .. everything is turned upside down.
Everything is made an abomnination and to pass through is made so incrediblly difficult.
Very much as the metaphors in fairy tales.
But this is not a fairy tale- though one can understand why the greatest human minds were able to access this “Subconscious” world ( for lack of better term ) to describe the journey home.
From Harry Potter to the Wise men and women sharing knowledge through Fairy Tales.
They were literally onto something…
Remembering a path way home which had become shrouded in mists and forgetfulness.

It is crazy but the way home is literally through childhood and through that consciousness of the child- it is the Youth in you who is the Guide and there is no old man ( or woman)- he is the wizard or witch – the Alchemist in you who has to transform everytihing back.
The Youth has to fight all the demons and the child is the Guide.

It is Literal…

Dawn Piercy Isabelle Ilic Michaël Trahé Susanta Nayak Ikhlas Shah.. etc… whoever is listening or whose ever eternal self is “On Line”
I am being literal.

This is the dimension I have been reporting from…
and would catch myself looking outside of that inner world to observe where I was being led in the parrallel outer reality of this world and see how far off from the “norm” I was being taken and what in consequence it was manifesting and I would see the correlation in my inner world where could see outiside in this world the sign post of that inner world being present right here..
But the tests and the challenges .. and the horrors of rage and transformation… deformation.
Walking through Humanities expression backwards back back back through such a mess of ages to te cross roads.
And then the tests…trials ..all based on Human fear …

Just like the great fairy tales..and how the great story tellers sought to remind humanity about it.

Kyle no longer works in Dig In.. he told me today that he lost his job and the same day he got an offer for housing….
He sees through the child who lived in the Nightmare but could still read as a child.
He just gave me an Egyptain Pound. It is a coin with the head of Tutankhamun….

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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