
9/9/2018 11:52 – Facebook Post

10:28 p.m.

I have no Doubt.

That is one of the reasons I went to the end of the Script.

I just finsihed reading a comment by Susan Otelia Nelson.
I found it condescending, but that may be unintentional or simply the Human Ego which refuses to acknowledge the truth of those before us, and prove that you are just like them.

I am not like you, because this is how far I went to prove a truth which I really did not have to prove.
A Truth of the Origins of all.

I am fully aware of how people in this reality would react and respond.
They will always make compasrism and seek to bring you down for daring to insinuate that you are better than they are.
I do not think any one sets up to do such a journey as I have done and face such mind boggling costs. to prove himself or Herself better…
They do it because it came about.. that they live in a world where jealousy, competition and envy is so deeply embded in people that eveything you do, not matter how heroic they will choose not to see that which they did not do could not do, would not do…
But in stead find ways to reduce what you have done, by associating themselves with it in some way.

I have been forced to spend most of my life, proving the truth of the Origins of the species…
I have been watching the response from people for over 6 years, I watch since each became a Face book friends and their repsonses or lack of responses from the begining to end.
The eye fixed in my page is not a metaphor.
I have been literally watching you.

Susan said that she sees me, I do not believe she sees me, but that is my opinion. I know here higher self and I recognize each other which my codes confirm but Susan I have never met nor has our interaction been that much since we become facebook friiends but I have a record of my going to her, as I did wth everyone at first with Joy of recognition only to find that there was a great wall between us.
That wall is the wall of the person who does not know, recognize of remember me.

That is the one who exist here, I never lived here with you, despite the expression of Susan telling me what I must be … “you must still be amongst us to feel us”.. I paused to take in what was the necessity of that coment, and then realized what it was really saying and coming from.

The reality is I have never lived with you or amongst you, I made it clear that my mission was given to me to stay awake and aware.. that I was given the role of the reminder.

I have given evidence of my memory of coming from a differnt dimension, a differnt world by the stance I have taken my entire life which refuses to negate that truth.
And I have been stripped of everything and reduced to living in a shelter asking people to send donations because they were meant to recognize thier truth and origins in this expression.

That after 17.5 years that I end up in a Homeless Shelter after sharing knowledge for free, which has been proven to have value to elevate and transform lives of pain and sorrow, to bring people back from forgetfulnness…
And to hear peoples condescending expression as if I were so stupid that I can not see and read the obvious, observing the person mental and psychological trajectory from the moment they became my face book friends.

How can you say you cee me, when you have given no evidence or expression of that publicly in all the years we have been facebook friends?

I am not even speaking to Susan Otelia Nelson personally, I find that she is just a stimuli used to address this issue which stuns me…
It is like people telling a person who has just come back from a war to defend the very people who created a mess, which he had to clean up, who has nothing to do with him, being told by these people what it is like to be in that war and that they fought side by side with you.

At some point you numb yourself from the insanity of the people who you realize, you are not speaking to their Eternal Self but to that insane non existent part of themselves which always has something to prove.

I have always wondered why people who do not believe or care for the truths I am expressing and proving, do not simply walk away, why they feel the need to challenge and try and break me.
Which makes no sense since someone who has endured and been through this much for his truth must be totally confident and have no iota of doubt in his truth.

Why can people not respect that?
Why must they aways seek to find a way to negate his or her experience and expression, to add themselves to the equations, why do they see everything as something to do with them?
This is someone elses expression… It will never cease to amaze the insanity of these people who believe thier wordd, even those words which are complimentary, should have any effect on a person who has already walked through eveything had it taken from him punished so brutally for telling the truth of his version of the Origins of the Species…

Anthnony means Flower…
Susan means Flower… Lily Rose… L R…
People had no idea of the script I have been speaking about until they came to my page. And yet for 6 years I have wached people white and black especially seek to impose their views opinions on an experince they know nothing about.

Speak of your experience but leave me mine.

Go to your page, space . create and tell your own creation story, prove it into existence, fighy for it, die for it, demonstrate and explain how it works… Bring forth the facts. Show us how all are included within it.
Go through torture and torments of hell created by Human Jealousy Fear and thier stories myths made real…
Do all that and stop raining on my parade where you have no say because it is my experience

The only Equals, I acknowledge are those who did and went through the same journey by thier own version.
All others who speak who believe they have auhority in my story my truth.. of one string enough to go through and endure that which people commit suicide for one fraction of…
I am always astonished and amused.
What makes these people feel that thier words have any impact whatsover, to one who has been passed through the blue flame searing his soul for His or her Truth.

In my post yesterday, I wrote the conclusion of a story of which had been unraveling for 6.9 years… 6.9.
You the people, where simply brought here to bear witness to the fire I was being put through the examination and testing … so severe..
We are Equals when you have been put through the same thing, teh same testing and examination.
Made to defend every word and expression you have ever made. Your entire life put under a microscope, your entire private life exposed to all…
Examined in miniute detail in fromt of all… naked Nue and with nothing but you Truth, your Self Respect. your self Confidence even after being beaten down every single day for holding on to this truth of the Origins of the species…

When you have put through what I have publicly been forced to prove to you that I was being put through to prove that there is no deception evil, lies in me and that I spoke the truth through this your terrible, terrible awful expressions of Fear…


F-E AR….

F E… A R.E…

E.R.A E.F….

When you have been put through a version of what I have and everyone was witness to it and to how you responded on a daily basis….
Only then can you call yourself my equal…
And if not, then you can only imagine what I really think of your expression, me in the front lines of the most visicous wat and you comfortable, tetherd to the lie speaking about how you are Equal to the Voice and Expression who is condifent enough in his truth and expression to sit 29 years later in a Shelter and say i am the Source and The Creator…
I have given you my evidence of Origins.
I have stayed to this very point in your Script of Fear which drove you to go so far…only for it to be revealed in the end as Jealousy, a jealously of you not being Good enough, of not being as my past concluded yesterday- worthy of the love of the Sourc who saw himself reflected in you in the beingining… and more.

I have proven that potential and that Love I possess which enables me to Cee you clearly.
I have demomstrated how you all have the Eternal in you…
i have proven that which part of you is True… and that part of you so needy that you destroy others expressions voices expresiences just so that you can be seen. And even go as far as the destory the most beautiful expression so that you can be safe in your deluded illusion of the idea of your selfyou have created who om seeing how far YOU AND YOUR FEAR pushed me… because the Evil Twin the Author of this Evil Cruel Hatred filled Script.. who else could it be but you the people seated in the ideas of yourself you have created but which you refuse to put yourself through the same testing you gave others…me
And then believe you can sit at the table and hold forth an opinion which you honestly and foolishly believe people who have walked the walk, will respect… or even consider your expression to be anything other.. than what it literally is…
A Fear base, Insecurity….
A Lie.

I have no doubt in my truth… that is why i went this far…
Suffered through this script for 17.5 years in the usa
6.9 on this Forum.. 6.9 Years… !!

And after all this… to see myself broke and then see the echo expression appear on a T-Shirt from you the public who went through what you believe is the Fire, respond almost mockingly to me “Broke?”
Is that not your rage, your hate and anger at having been made to go through what you felt you did not deserve and you rage and revenge is how you respond to others… you want then to suffer as you did.
Despite your own suffering being because you became egoistic self centered and even with good intentions, Blind…
Blinded by your own Vanity.

So when the law of cause and effect.. TRUTH… Kicked yoru butt, you wanted some one to suffer your rage and wrath…
And so that is what you hate so much true, the innocents, the ones who did not deserve the consequences so so so viscous you gave .. sich indiffernce…
This is why I am still in this Shelter.. Yes you Cee me alright… and you left me here and this great man…and said “Ha save your selves and climb down fron the Cross..”

You are a vile and evil cruel species who were created from such perfect love…

i am fully aware of who I am addressnig, why I am here and why I had to endure this….

You can never be my equal…never…
becausethe E which you gave up, left to proove all this is that part of you you left destroyed threw away so live in the temporary illusion of your safe world where you have those NEEDS… Fullfiled.

That which could have mad us equals, you threw away…
I represent that part you threw away.

11:52 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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