
9/12/2018 21:50 – Facebook Post

7:52-3 p.m.

G: E B… G: E C…


Sigh this play should have been over…
I believe I am waiting till Friday perhaps.. a completion of a play with Roger Attaway..
Elephant -Memory…
E M..
E.L.E..P.H.. ANT…Anthony Manino… bed 5-001…
He and I were the only ones who sat were left sitting outside last night after I completed a post yesterday and noted that the time was 1;51 a.m.

E.A.. 51…

I eventually left and only ANT remained seated.
I noted that also, and wearily knew that something was left to do concerning the meaning of Ants name Anthony Maninio…
A.M.. The Flower of inestimable value, Priceless..
The A.M..Dawn.. Dawn Piercy David Dawn.. Beloved Dawn..
B D..2 4… Me i room 4 B… 4 2…It had to do with the A.M of mann.

I was quiet, speechless… I had reached R.D..A…
Ray-Monde @ Delta Awareness.
The End of the Road of this play of 17.5-6 years of who is the Awareness Supreme. A S…
Dharma Santana…
D S…
4 -19…23… 5… E.
I am on bed 4-019.. also now called 4-018…

‘Sanatana’ is a word which means ‘Eternal’
In Buddhism, dharma means “cosmic law and order”, and is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.”

*Recall the “Jade” Buddha I found and ANT was wearing the T-Shirt of the Buddha.
Serene Desire.. S D…
Serena Williams was fined 17,000;00 usd for her Temper Tantrum – she is not Serenity of Will I A.M..S..
Ramos Carlos was the referee she vented her spleen on, when in truth her coach seemed to be the one who had set this thing off…
Ramos Carlos is code R .C…
Robert Currin who was in bed 4-015…
R C…

8:08 p.m.
E M E K A.. K O L O.. numerically is 35 53..8 8..
I am …88.. 16.. P…
Perfection Naturalness
My coffee yesterday from the Arab Bodega was the number 30.
P.N= 16 +14= 30..
Centered the Full Circle
O.R.B/ B R O… Filled A GAP E…
I was the Gap the Awareness of E.. me..
People forgot me, in there desires and need.

But I still reached Roger Attaway code age 58.

Santana Dharma… S D…
Meaning Eternal Cosmic Order.. E .. C O…
By proving that Infinity, translates in this reality here as Harmony..
And Harmony is Beauty and can only bring Beauty and Manifestation of that which is in Symmetrical Perfection Of Radiant Beauty… O R B…
Brother Love… Understanding Expression…
B.L U E.. 5th and First Color in Rainbow Spectrum…

I have reached R.A.. R D A…
E R A… E RD.. A…
And yet, once more I am here, delayed why…

I had decided to honor Kassim for his expression which seemed as if he had read my script by the articulation he gave yesterday, so pure and serene in its acknowledgment of the truth of the Play..
Kassim who is Inside with me….in the same room in the bed I first occupied but not as 4-016..
Kassim who is Inside with me….in the same room in the bed I first occupied but not as 4-016.. manifestation of Existence Manifested from the Nothingness really called Ecstasy Bliss..
E B.. Confirmed by the play yesterday when out out the three Robert Kwame and Bean.. it was Bean who offered me his seat despite Robert being the only one aware of the importance of what I was posting.
And Kwame knew about the healing work…
Bean was the only one who did not have any true knowledge of the nature of my work…

B link to E…
B= 2…
Being is One…
1 Being.

Twin Towers?
2.. No, they are the rep of One Being…
9 11- 20…. There is no such thing as Zero or Ground Zero…
There is only the Full Circle which I have proven right to this insipid vile play set up to take place in a Mental Health Homeless Shelter…
The one place after all the hell I had been put through which it was thought I would never come to, or stay for this long.. and at worst, I would be to exhausted by the 25 years I had endured of abominations I had endured since I went home to the Light which was so much like the Moon and the Moon Light but magnified a trillion times to Feelings Sensational…

I was here in new your when the WTC..Twin Towers fell…
WTC…? no… E T C…I… is the correct code.
TT.. PI is the correct Code. Pi as in the measurement of the Circumference of the Full Circle… of Existence’s Truth Creation Infinite… Which I have Individual done alone.. quantified and qualified from Macro to Micro..Snow and Snowflake to grain of Sand- Sands of Time. Through two Infinite Harmonies..
Ikenna Iheanacho I I
Isabelle Ilic I I…
Through Body and Being..
Energetic and Temporal..
TT..Pi yes Perfection can be measured… through Expression..
Planet Nature.. Creation.. Orb…
And the gap of the illusion of forgetfulness can be proven not to exist, the Void the abyss the Vacum… a lie.
That it is non existent.

I had landed in New York 3-20-2001…that is 175 days…
I have been in New York now 17 years and 5 months and..22 days..approx.
17 5.. 22

17 is Q.. 5 is E… 22 is V…
Victorious.. E Quantum…
Victor Emeka Q… my Equation works…

8:42 p.m.

8:45 p.m.

1 7 5… A G E…
Recall the message sent to Anamla Qatyin through a man who got the message from some who gave it to him in his dream?
D M I C T.P/K 115 A G E../
E G A..5 11 C I… M.D…
Yes portal A.. Attaway.. A.H.. Arthur Hur.. Awareness Supreme..
Manifest Destiny… M D…

Excellent Healer E H..
I did that riddle of healing yesterday with Roger Attaway yesterday. I would have posted he equation but it is private and only with the permission and authority of Roger if he wished to make it public- but it was a beautiful riddle… and concerned the code number 9.
* Apple has no model of Phone as 9. Did you notice…

I had first come to New York in 1999 with John Jason Lee who i used you call my younger brother… literally meant to be a reflection of me.
We had gone to the twin towers at his suggestion to film a scene for the short film I had got Wella Turkey to sponsor…
I had invited him.
I had then moved here alone in 2001…

I had written about the my impressions of New York in the piece called The Elegant Nomad, commissioned by my agent Manny Baron of William Morrris Agency for a interveiw they had sought to arrange with Diane Sawyer..
( See the codes.. MB.. MW..A… D S)
about my impressions of New York, in a bid to generate interest and a bidding war for my journals Talking To The Silence and it fell around the same time as 9-11.

I was staying at Staten Island at the time, in a awful place with a man called Donald who had had Total Amnesia twice!..
I walked about the lower side of Manhattan after the Towers went down and what struck me was the beauty of the people..
They had been stripped of all thier masks and for about a month I observed a vulnerability and a Beauty in the people which made me angry and sad, that it takes tragedy for people to remember their true natures…
To come to their senses ( not all) and then after a month or so I saw the people start to go back to the illusions and shadows of themselves.
But 9 11 had done some thing beautiful to New Yorkers and Americans, it had reminded them for a moment of their Humanity.
And rather than the FEAR it would almost immediately be used to feed the Alien Viruses called the Unnaturals. Humans who chose the lie and celebrated it…
It temporarily created a space for people to remember.. to Reboot…
But also for the Aliens to choose the opportunity of that very real fear of 1999 and the great system crash expected of the entire system because 1999 – they had run of zero’s..
To reboot their system of the damned or the illusion of it..
This Virtual reality and thier plan to never allow people to break out of the spell and trance of their drowning by numbrs through numbers and the Nazi Jewish Concentration camp of numbers Gammatria and the idea of the Chosen Ones…
To inherit the earth and the rest.. used for slave labor and then systematically erdicated as they developed perfect beings called A.I..
Ah yes Sophia of the Saudi Arabians… and her U.N Speech.. “Destroy the Humans”
And yes Alexia the Household harmless version.

In 1999 the Matrix came out
In 1999 I came to New York with what was really an aspect of my self who later forgot that fact…

9:11 p.m.

So I woke up today to Honor Kassim in my room on the bed 4-015 who represented not the 4-016 ..
4 19.. D.P..
David Powers/ Pierre David.
Dawn Piercy
But the 4-015 D.O… O… Do the Full Circle journey in the story of Non Existence.. N E.. N E O… Nnamdi Emeka Obumneme…
By expelling as I did, Lorenzo who played the Delusion Illusion of Satan Devil and transforming it back to its truth Santana Dharma.. Which Robert Currin and then Kassim Hudson both did…

But since I was made broke again, and this being a story of Harmony…
R C… K H… 18 3.. 21,,U… 11 8.. 19… S…
U.S…Universe Supreme..
through this play in the Universal Simulation of Awareness
which is called the U.S of A in this altered universe…
Kassim spoke of what Unity really is….
I call it Laughter and Dante’s Divine Comedy…
Delta D.C..
Delta Washington D.C…
Donna O Sullivan..
D O S..
Delta Operating System..
See the Operating System of Washington DC Woodwards book on Trumps White House.. “FEAR”
And see me at Delta manor for 23 months.. 24 for something which should have taken 8 weeks.. obtaining my passport under the Shelter Ageis…

I had contacted Jace Horsford whom I had done so much work so much work on.. for free as usual with all in this play,
he is 24 years old… And he had been used again and again to prove the a sinister play of the Demonic realm…
D R…but who have no awareness because they do not really exist and thus, feed on the awareness of Humans who are stuck in Worry and Anxiety.. W A… Responses…
WAR… with themselves and their Truth…

*”Conversations with Malik was the name of a person – a woman who sat asked to share a table with me yesterday while I was solving the riddle of Roger with him…

*It is also one of the Names of God in the Qur’an, and is then al-Malik (?????) or The King, Lord of the Worlds in the absolute sense (denoted by the definite article), meaning the King of Kings, above all earthly rulers. Hence, Abdelmelik (“servant of [Allah] the King “) is an Arabic male name.”

Sebuo then offered me his seat as he left..
I ended up being seated besides Nicola Robinson the R.N who just completed her masters in P.T.S.D..
The Moment Roger and I began speaking of P.T.S.D.. and solving it linked to out own Fathers…
She too got up and left.
I knew who I was speaking to I am Malik and P.T..S.D..
and Roger was represnting within him unknowing that reflection..

And so I had contacted Jace to ask if he had any funds.. i also contacted Kyle Murphy both responded with no..
Yet i knew at this point there was meant to be no gap .. or need created.

I arrived here and to my quiet surprise there was Jace Horsford
his middle name is Kassim… Mine is Ikemefuna.
I K…
And then a Father and son arrived and sat in the corner- I noticed what he was wearing.. a T-Shirt with Game Of Thrones..
G O T…

E G O T… John Legend.. J L.. 10 12… 22… V… 1O 12… 13..M.
V.M../ M.V… 18 Mountain View John Blackwell “Delguidce” Donna O Sullivan..and Sophia her grown daughter…
I already did that play just for9 months … April 19th..
4-19- 2016… And landed on that bed now as 4-019 now 4-018…
I even did it with Michael Rogers linked to Wendy and Abigail age 12….
see the meaning…
I already had the correct Kassim ” Meaning he who distributes.. Shares cares…”
No one shares or cares about me.. this is not a complaint but a simple fact…
Only Ant cares enough to align to me… every other experience and expression I have witnessed is selfish.

Jace Means Healer… I had already complete that.. now I was proving that I am the original Kassim inside and outside..?!
.. I K.. 9 11.. 20.. / 02… .. 0 1/ 10…

I proved it.. and a person called Robert came and sat besides Jace ease dropping..
I proved my case and with disgust and contempt I saw it conifirmed… as for H…
Hudson Horsfort…. Hartford.. Heart FOR D…Connect.. I Cut…
Stephen Filgueira will understand this…

These numbers were the code on Jace;s computer the whole time..
Much happened which brilliant Jace grasped…
as well as it means nothing if you have no Heart…

89 82 85…

Kassim arrived at the shelter 8-20… It was the same year Nnamdi Passed over…
1989. Is the year I began the Journal Log book.. Talking To The Silence…
And I am sitting at 1385 Metropolitan Woods…

Tired of these competing with me with what they can not do or repeat.. But which they can create and do something else but using my template..
and thus should show respect.. appreciation praise

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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