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A P A….

1:39 a.m.

M.I… A M I….

A.. C.I….



/ R T….

Rajiya Talib R.T….

The meaning of the name Rajiya is Hopeful

Chinecherem Hope.. C H…


Chinecherem Hope… C H..

Chika Promise Enendu.. C.P.E…

C C . H ..P E… What was missing was the full circle… O..

T.R.. 2018.. 38…

R T 1820… 38..

76… Sacred Portal Awakening Memory.. Dawn.. Pierces the Dark Matter of the illusion of Forgetting,.

Talib means:

The name Talib is a boy’s name of Arabic origin meaning seeker of knowledge.

I recieved a message from Rajiya Talib .. August 18th 12;25 p.m.

Can you tell me what it means to you..


I went down stairs to the back court yard and there was Ant…

Yuin was there and then Paul both further back…

He was sitting at the table I normaly sit.

He gave me some Cannabis Weed I had asked to get me for 5 usd worth.

He bought some excellent one as usual.

It helps so much with the pain of my evolving expanding body being supressed by binds – as say not yet… not yet.. you can not reveal the secret of your body…

I rose in dimensions and left the place of the court yard setting.

Yuin Chen my room mate was playing some celestial chines music, alive with sharp notes…

My being rose and I could not sit still, it felt as though I were dancing or excercising..

I was relieving the pain and stress of the muscles and bones.

Then I sat down and saw two straws laid out and my E-spirit rose and spoke, asking me to pay attention to the riddle of the two parallel universes…side by side…

It asked me what unites them..

It was the space in between I said.

It transforms the Original one, and the reflected one in the mirror called Space… Into one..

By merging the two into One which contains both the Original and the reflected…

I rose when my boy E-Spirit rose in jubilation ( I am dying to get back the comtrol of my body…smh)

I picked up one straw and threw it away, leaving only 1..


When I looked up there were more people… and if formed a code.. Aturo.. Derrick.. Paul… Yuin Anthony… Emeka.. A.H…

A D.P… Y A E AH….

See Isabelle Ilic comment.

2:01 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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