
9/20/2018 21:38 – Facebook Post

The Call…

That was the Movie which was playing Last Night when I went into the T.V. Room.

And the movie playing as I worked today was something with the initials S.D…

Link Satan Devil…

Santana Dharma… Eternal Divine Law… Cause Effect.
Which equates mathematically taking the first letters of each word C.E.. numerically 3 5.. = 8… H

Constant- Constancy, Consciousness Speed of Light Sol… 5th Note Solfeggio. Trinity as depicted by the symbol Y.

E= Eternal.. Expression ..Energy.. Euler’s Constant…

H= As 8 links to Harmony.. Harmonics .. Infinity which is what both C and E equate to….

THE CALL.. T.C… S.P 20…

Many are Called, but few are Chosen.
Because each have been given free will and choice as to what they chose, and choose to

Every living thing has an understanding of Universal Law..
Eternal Law.. Cause and Effect.. and Harmony…
That which creates Conflict and that which creates resolution.
Plants, Animals, Everything in Creation has the awareness of this, most of all Human Beings.
Babies learn this the moment they get hungry…

7:58 p.m.

They are feed, and if they are not feed they cry..
The eat and then they poop…
The see touch feel beauty, symmetry and smile.
They hear yelling and they cry.
They learn to manipulate and even learn about control and deception.
And they soon learn that they can not exist through manipulation because there is a consequence.. a reaction.
They learn that they can not use deception because that is seem through…
And they learn as all humans do- that they are not in Control…
Of anything but themselves.

( Though that has not stopped a majority of the species from trying to apply these illusion over and over again.
Case in point this reality.
Those refuse to let go of of the idea that they can manipulate, deceive and control are the definition of madness.. Insanity.
Repeating over and over again a lesson they learn as babies and children. Rebelling against that idea and the Universal Law which is a fixed Constant Expression.. Infinite and the basis of understanding the consciousness of Harmony.
A Balanced Family, A Balanced Society. A Balanced Reality… A Balanced Existence.

This comes from letting go of these ideas children figure out early on, and move to that wonderful harmony after having experimented with Rebellion, and testing that law…
And what they discover is Harmony… Pleasure…

Terence Stamp was on Kelly and Ryan Show while I was posting earlier in the Shelters T,V Room ( K R… Notice those initials again.. they do not belong personally to Robert Kyle Murphy.. They are an equation, a Mathematical Constant.. And Expression of Being manifested by C E H… 3 5 8…

8 8 8.. 3 5 8… Right Dawn Piercy..?

Terence was a 2 year old and a 3 year old and spoke of the battles and sibling rivalry between the two, but how saw to his amazement that by not inteferring all the time, that the toddlers end up playing together.
They went through their Conflict then moved to Resolution.
Solution was they wanted to be Happy and they wanted to play…And delight in each others company and no longer havig to be alone…
Cause Effect =Harmony..

That is Eternal Law…
And the Eternal Truth of it is understood by toddlers as young as that.
The Equation which took 29 years of my life, and 17.6 in New York.. 6.9 on this public forum to explain as I was solving the mess of ages of this law being disobeyed by the Insane.

8:16 p.m.
See that 8:16 a,m was the time I got up today. Now it is a full Circle.

To have to explain that, to be distracted by being forced to explain this fundamental expression of being in existence- while doing the one mission which I actually enjoyed ( even if that was not my responsibility) the equation of Evolution Awakening which was everyone who is in Creation and can Reason, Discern Deduce and Create, responsibility at the End of Time… C R.. D D C… A.T.. @ E O T… / TO E…
( Yes like that)
TO Evolve through the full circle of understanding Symmetry and the meaning of Existence…
C+E= H…Harmony…

So simple.. So Obvious…

8:22 p.m..
H V…/ Victor Hudson … Reflecting me…
He at Bed 4-015..
Me bed 4-018….

I did the full circle last year from Bed 4-016…. D.P..
Where the play Ended.. was meant to End… 2016 and then 2017 Jan when I met Rob Barr at the MET.

7:26 p.m.


89.35 u.s.d.

That is the amount sent by Isabelle Ilic…
It is a code.

H.I… C E….

H.. I C E….

Harmony Infinity… Consciousness Eternity.

Harmony I Consciousness Emeka.

Hi I’m Cause & Effect.

Link Sacred Portal 89… and 35…

89 is the 8th Ball of Destruction.
Chain Reaction… C.R… Link Currin Robert bed 4-015.

35 is C.E the Point…. Which was already attained with the Circumpunct Ball I found.

The play of numbers ends tomorrow with Roger Attaway.

This will determine the out come of this script which I have been decoding for the last 6.9 years publicly.

I am full aware that I have explained too many times to be be counted what is going on.
I still find its shocking when people who have not been paying attention or even able to read one post without reading it- but dismiss it.. and then later state that they do not understand when I tag them.
It is strange this notion that I owe people anything- I was not required to explain this to people.
I was brought here to publicly, solve the riddles of Existence.. which are not really riddles at all and simply lead the family home to Evolution Awakening Dawn.

I was not required to explain it to you- because all of you who became my facebook friends came out your own free will.
For whatever your personal reasons, you came here.
By the very same token, the very same force which moved me, also moved you.
I sought to bring this to your attention out of compassion, not out of a duty.

The play of end of Time, was and is an examination, you were each expected to be ready. I was not meant to Teach, Lecture, or fight for you to understand.
Either you were ready and recognized the play through having done your own homework and thus entered you

8:25 p.m..
8:28 p.m.

Victor Kassim Hudson had done his homework.
When I first met David Roman Nicholas, 2002/2003 he took me to a window in 17th street to Check and Test the level of my Consciousness Awareness Perception. C A P.
He asked me to read what the window display…
Tanya was there as the witness.. I read it and he reacted as if very dramatically.. and humorously, feigning falling and stumbling in shock and appreciation..

8:45 p.m.

I wanted to laugh…

I was amused and amazed,and happy, but I understood his response much more when I experienced the same with Victor Kassim Hudson yesterday when he read the contents of my locker.
Though I was suspicious that it was Father- David Roman Nicholas moving through him and had set this whole thing up.

I understood that which I understood that day on 17th Street 15 -16 years ago.
The amazement, and pride.. and the end of a solitude of finding someone who could read as he could read- I understood the existential solitude of being alone, but not lonely.
Of understanding that he was no longer alone.
I understood because the whole point was that so many pretenders had come before, that they failed his test from the first moment that he had to explain.

You were meant to have done your Homework. If you met him, met me it was because you had been called, summoned to the Examination Test by the Eternal Harmonious Wave of which perfect timing is the key.
Your number was up…
Time to answer the call..

I did not do any work with Victor Kassim Hudson…
He had done his homework. There was no explaining.
He was ready.. The Wave of Eternal Harmony had brought him to my be my room mate.
I had activated it and had summoned all the “Elu” the Elected to be examined and tested…
Not in the cruel evil spiteful way of this play and script, but elegantly in perfect timing.

He had done his homework.

And what he made me feel was pride, love.. and such relief.
The Eternal Harmonious wave had found the Human Avatar who reflected the true script and play which proved that Perfection had been established in the Eternal Beginning of Creation and now there was a matter bound being who had passed with flying colors that truth I represented- Bed 4-016…
He had done his homework by simply being clean having Humility and grace.


Recall that I gave him 15 usd from the monies from Isabelle Ilic I and I.. II…
and then added 1 more…
15 .. 16 years since I was tested by David Roman Nicholas.

And to confirm this @ 4:38 p.m Kasien Thompson K.T sent me a message out of the blue…
Recall his scene in the play?
Egypt and his being buried in a coffin and then in the darkness a door opening and Egyptian Gods- (Characters in a play, the family 55 EE undercover took him out and took his body away which was filled with toxins and then moved him to a stage where he aw his whole life pass before his eyes…)

Then at 8:59 Fritz Venneiq sent me a message after over a year of silence…
He was the one who was with me and saw not only the arrival of the Light Beings and Energy in Pelham Bay Park, but the clouds transform above us we swan in the in the ocean..
It transformed into a picture show of the Story of the Gods..
I told him that it was David.. Devi who was doing this.
He also saw the awakenng of Nature- the veil lifted.
My bio sister had accepted his facebook request which made me know that I was correct that they were linked.
We last saw each other in 2010.

8:59 p.m..

Link Anthony Malgren bed 5-009.. 59..
Link Anthony Manino bed 5-001…

Kassim told me that his daughter was born 4-15-1989… Age 29.

Not only is this the year that I began talking to the silence recording in my Journals but is also the bed he is on..
I asked him if he was aware…
He smiled “Yes”
He told me that his son was born 9-10-1986… Age 32

And his last child a girl was born 10-10-2010… Age 8

8 8888= 32… then 5. E..
29.. 11.. 2… B… 11 1…

I said to him that his lying on his that was aligned to him being a warrior for his daughters principle The Glory of Woman.
And it was also him.. he was he is his Daughter…
She is Him..

And that he was is the proof of the DO.O.. 4-015 of the Full Circle..

Dawn Piercy and the line of the ladies did not require the Checking the testing .. or examination..
All that was required of them was that the male aspect expressed the Knowledge of the Knowing which they she already had and she would recognize it ..
Played out to perfection by Dawn Piercy..before all your eyes..
To manifest Angela Marie Alexander.. A.M.A Full Circle..
And Esther Uzoma who recognized me A.M.A Calling me BABA…
Esther calling me “Nna”.. Father…
And then Nadee Nakandala “Author of Harmony..” He is feeding the world she recognized…

9:29 p.m.

I never was mourning Nnamdi… He is me… 13…M..
I was destroying that which was done to his Truth and Memory…
That which Dibia Witch Doctors, did to his Truth Memory…
T M.. M T…

They forced me to teach that which they were meant to have learnt themselves…
The assumed the role of the Full Circle- moving through you all and setting me up to teach lecture.. suffer when in truth they were the evil in all humanity.. that filth.. in which so many used as thier Truth. They took advantage of it…
And I had to extricate the true wave of I Nnamdi- your Natural Truth .. from that morass, forced to fight for you to recognize that which was evil in you.. selfish.. condoning such a Script and play in which I was so abused and tortured tormented on your behalf but most of you took adantage of it.. as long as you gained…
That then became the Examination Check Test of the species…

9:35 p.m..

I am 96…
But I have been on Facebook 6.9 years getting rid of the illusion of Nnamdi age 0-13 transformed into a lie…

My coffee at the Arab Bodega was 37…
My play was about the Evolution of the Ladies of E back to perfection.. D P…
My coffee here at Starbucks is 295…

And besides me sat two ladies with a big red gift box.. A Present filled with Perfumes..
800:00 USD it cost I overheard them say…

9:38 p.m


Pelham Bay is a middle class residential neighborhood in the borough of the Bronx, in New York City. It is named for Pelham Bay Park, New York City’s largest park, which lies on the neighborhood’s northeastern border; and for Pelham Bay, a body of water in that park.


Most of the neighborhood is land that was purchased by Thomas Pell in 1654, part of an original grant to the Dutch West India Company.

Despite the name, the area that is now the Pelham Bay neighborhood was not part of the historical Town of Pelham, which consisted of the modern-day town of Pelham in Westchester County as well as Pelham Bay Park and City Island in the Bronx. The latter two areas were annexed by the City of New York in 1895.[3]

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