
P A W Patrol…

P A W Patrol…

I picked up a card on my way back with Victor Hudson today.

I got the 60 usd from Lawrence Avenue.

It went seamlessly, but I was aware that I had made it seamless having earned it by spending all day yesterday coding, encoding, linking and solving before I could even my page.

Linking Fritz Venneiq Roger Attaway and even Stephen Filgueira who said he would send a donation gift when he got back…

I knew that the 60 usd and the 6 which I gave Victor Kassien was the play of completing the 6th Sense play which I had purposed to use as a solution to how to manifest an awakening without fear.

7:54 p.m

60-6= 54…

6 Accessing the entire Human Population by accessing their subconsciousness, where their true natures – their Naturalness and thus activate through Expression Codes directly to them and by passing the layers upon layers of twisted version of themselves. To Awaken Memory and Evolve them from Dna to Dna…

David Nnamdi AH-Tom- Adam..e

Devi Narcissus Eric Emmy…

I spoke about this often enough, and the plan I proposed to the True Ancestors .. the A-Lien Council of Mankind..M..

The Children.

8:02 p.m.


8:16 p.m…

Just bought a coffee.. Chris who works here sold me one for 54 cents…

Yes, Link it to the post below…

60-6 usd= 54..

And Chris…

Christain Edwin Edwin C.E E…

And me representing the one Harmony Perfection as well as Dawn Piercy linked to Robert Kyle Murphy- who is back…

Yes, Enrique and Alexis as well as Bey who work here Case Manager, Night Director/ Supervisor and Director let him go out and stay after the 10:00 pm curfew.

My Starbucks Coffee is 204…

*Victors coffee at the Arab Bodega was 24.. Link Jace Horsford and young Ian here at the shelter, age 24.

24 = X man as the X Chromosome 4-5 points…

Y has 3.. V 2.. with a Tail.. Tale… Tall Tale which is true.

204.. T.D…

Terrible Death..



The Death of the Old Body and Completion of transformation of the BODY from Dna programming back to Dne…

Beautiful Death…

Beautiful Transformation…

But the old body must die.

8:29 p.m.

I let Robert Kyle Murphy back in because I have understood the play of the Terrible Deception which was done to me, and did not give into anger and rage but solved it.

Black Parade.

Everything now moves to Roger Attaway.

P A W…

W A P…

Wendy Anne Powers..


David Powers… D.P…

Pierre David …. P D

David Brewer D B…

I stated that while on my way to pick up the gift donations from both Fritz Venneiq and Roger Attaway with Victor Kasien Hudson, I found a card Q of Hearts with the image of a puppy dog..

I stared at it P.AW Patrol.. P P… 16 16..32… 5…

*My second coffee at the Arab Bodega, was number 5…

Finally we had reached 5…

5th Dimension and the Quantum Equation of physical Transformation of Nature represented as Physical Nature..

P N 16 14= 30..

*See the MTCN Code from Roger..

4 77..4 56…30 76…. Yes Dawn Piercy as well as R.K.Murphy..

who I gave 4 usd and gave Victor Kassim Hudson 16…

4 16… Dawn Piercy masculine aspect is R.K.M..

Made up of three -four men… Emeka as D O P…

then Lorenzo Widget as the the Delusion Illusion who refused to evolve transform.. face facts .. L- 12…

Then Robert Currin who came back afer leaving to Queens to his Lady Jessica- who Kyle had correctly seen that he would come back having already known that story.

While I knew that he was meant to be in his way home.

He came back last night, really late and when I saw him, I was disturbed.

Something had once again sought to usurp my words because he was back…

I did not sleep all night, knowing that once again my Say was being fucked with…

(You can see, feel perhaps how angry I am, and doing all I can to hold my temper.

Recall my body is in constant pain seeking to rise and is being held down, and recall that I am in a Mental Health shelter for now 24 months…

And that I have not had a moments peace or respite in 17.6 years- literally from 3-20-2001 when I arrived in New York and was suddenly made homeless the next day..

3-21-2001… 3 21 21… 3.. 42…

To manifest Dawn Piercy and David Powers …

represented by Robert Kyle Murphy as David Roman Nicholas but with me the Original Powering the Theater Play…

Which went too far and employed Evil and Deception to The Creator…

8:49 p.m.

So yes 30… Perfection of Nature achieved now allows the Transformation of the physical world Rep by Fritz Venneiq and the Body, both linked to Noni Promise… My sister aspect really me, because once again, it was powered by me in this challenge of the Titans Twins…

( a ruse to bring their Son Daughter to rise as Dawn but their own way – since this is their play..)

And so the body can also transform.

The Universal Body…

Through the Terrible Play- betrayal of Trust and Confidence…

All because they found a way to do something the Source I represent had not done…

Use Cruelty and Evil… Hatred and then make me transform it back from the Cause and Effect .. Extinction of Everything except I..E.

Using cruelty and coercion to make sure that I had no choice but to see their play and transform their mess of ages back into the beautiful truth, moving me from a rage beyond belief, to pause, hold myself through supreme self mastery to pause, instead of cutting them all out.

They held my body bound in their play – not considering or ignoring what it would feel like, and kept me undercover in a Mental Homeless Shelter for 24 months solving the riddles of Existence in this reality alone after 30 years of hell…

Since 1988 when I left Nigeria in Dec…

Extinction is the consequence, but they had bet that I would not let those they had used to be sent out…

And they had bet correctly… but at what cost.. and at such a risk…

Ant… Manino… Yes..I know, it would be his line who would dare- the Little People- Paul the Wise Children.

I already knew this- go back through my posts, I stated it over and over again- but I was met with Silence and the stubborn will of still insisting on their play…

That is how much they could see I love.. and they took advantage of it…

So, we are now back at Eternal Harmony…. and the line Robert Kyle Murphy represents is back in after being used to take the greatest risk ever….

9:04 p.m.


This is why we are at Roger Attaway.. and his Lady Line whom I had told him that she represented myself in feminine form rising ..

Peter Pan..

And Wendy… Williams…

P P … W W

Transformer code P W Q B…

Yes the Queens acting as though they were the Q…

See Star Trek the Q… Jump Man… Yes they were originally men but once they entered creation as 96 backwards 69..

Nnamdi.. they were already in the process of becoming they Feminine aspect of Eternal Existence…

Eternal Fact..

Fact Eternity… F E.. Fritz Venneiq.. F E… 6 5…

I told Roger Attaway to chill that I am the original aspect of Wendy in that Peter Pan story…

That once I completed the Equation of my Lady Desire… that everything would align..

That I am Abigail.. Abygale Moon… Father Moon.. Father Mother.. Future Matter… Niel Armstrong.. The Song and the Songe and its Source writer composer….

See Mtcn code from Fritz Venneiq

13 24 26 69 29….

132… 42 66 929…

29 Full Circle…

29 29… 58…

58 58… as 4 …29…

( 4 usd to R K M )

106… 106.. 16..



58 58… 13 13… M M… 26 8…

8 2 68… That is the correct way, instead I was made to go through 26 8…

Z.. and entertain a non existent possibility… of the End of Everyhing and then bringing forth resurrection of the Dead bac to Life when Everyone knows Energy does not die..

Can not be destroyed…

Let me stop and continue this post later…. a fury so quiet is rising in me…

9:18 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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