
9/26/2018 9:20 – Facebook Post

From Dawn Piercy

Cat Lady Fairy…

Recall the Story of Pi…?
and Charlie Parker.. The Tiger…
And Tiger Woods recent Victory after 5 years…

And my mentioning my Grandmother Lucy who remembered the realm of Paradise how she looks like a Tigress…

And add titles ‘Mother of Dragons’
and ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo”
Nabakov’s ‘Lolita”
.. and “Le Femme Nikita”
“Nike’ messenger of Victory.

Nepthyts; the Vine of 8 types.

Nepthytis the Egptian Goddess and her twin self Isis.

Sacred Portal 20 Lady E.C.H.O.

Sacred Portal 37 “Sophia Oscar Lauren’

Sacred Portal 53..”One Day Has Come”

9:14 a.m. I.N… Isis Nepthytis…

My sister Beautiful Pride…
Dancing Blade… D.B…
The Spy who Loved…. The Beautiful Assassin…

and my poem ..’My name is Woman, Said She”

Well, you see this picture of Dawn and you get an idea,
to expect at the manifestation of my E.Q.

Beautiful, Dangerous… Fair…

9:19 a.m,


Isis Osiris..

IS IS Oh Sir Is…

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