
9/30/2018 21:43 – Facebook Post

6:28 p.m.



I C O…T R…

Fact Harmony Be…

Infinity Consciousness Perfection -Symmetry=Transparent Reflections…


I realized that I had 1.63 usd with me, not 1.53 usd.
The relevance in the game of Numbers, and Perfection as perfect timing determined by this script, is obviously of the utmost importance.
Everything seems to be based on the Numbers aligning to the Meaning which I have been tested.

After all, Amazon and Apple are now Trillion Dollar companies- 12 Zero’s.
A Billionaire is the President of the United States… 9 Zero’s.

And I have been made to face the choice of relying on my Truth to sustain me for 17.6 years. i United States- my truth being of course, that the Beautiful Truth of Humanity would sustain me, support me while I went into the the Astral Plane of the Mystics and Mind to bring forth the Evidence of our truth by activating and opening the portal out of this Matrix by passing through a Labyrinth and Maze of Human Cause and Effect and finally opening the Portal by Flipping the Switch ( and Flipping the Bird at all that I leave behind)

That beautiful truth being People.. You.

I had to have enough to buy coffee and cigarettes as the base minimum and I had to distribute wealth, what little I had with others.

Well, I barely made it.
And it was a nightmare, a journey a journey.

1.53 usd

7:04 p.m.

G O D…

1.63 usd.

I knew I had another Dime .. but I could not find it in my pillow case where I had leave my cash.
I didn’t bother to look for it, there is a limit to how much I indulge this Game.
But even that was meant to be…

1.53 usd is the code of the number of Delta Manor.. 1530 but instead of 0 as Zero, it is the Full Circle..O
Which I had to be confirmed by the Script that I had attained.
It was confirmed on the Micro Wave today, after I finished the post of Sacred Portal 93 which appeared on Facebook Memories today on my page.
Aligned to this day…
Sacred Portal 93 Represents “I have Heard you Emeka”- it is stated in French and in English.

153O thus would mean the true address of Delta Manor, 1530 Beach Ave.

And 1.63 would be 16. 3… P .C… Perfect Consciousness of CEE..
A.F.C… A First Contact…

I now have 63 cents left after buying yet another coffee from the Arab Bodega…
I loathe the Energy of the people there- who represent the Quaran story,

* I have read to you what took place last night, the story of this reality and how everything was in perfection and how free will was given to the Little people who were protected by the E.T The Beautiful Ones P.A.U.L, and how they were in One and in perfect harmony but chose out of greed and not paying attention to be lured by Nature playing God.
They wee lured because instead of doing their home work, they chose to leave their Natural Harmony to enter into the realm of Nature Numbers.
Because they wished to be as Gods..
The Gods are of course, illusions, characters in a story.

Then the Beautiful Ones Left. the one who had the true meaning of the name “Paul” which is to have Humility.. Grace.. The Beautiful Humility and Graceful Ones…
The children were the other meaning of Paul meaning “The little People” – they were not Humble..
They chose to be swayed by the idea of God.. being Big and powerful and clever..
Not realizing that they were leaving the Harmony 8 of the Magical realm and entering the realm of the “Muggles” that they had given up their own Magic.
This was played out and acted out perfectly with the dynamics of Kyle Murphy and Anthony Manino..
I had observed and listened to Kyle and his point of view and see of Ant, who knew better but chose to leave the Light O…

They had left Harmony which the line Kyle wished to get back to, and rented/entered the Body- or containment field the 7 and became trapped, lost in a the darkness as the Light was no more seen by them.

7:28 p.m.
And there they were trapped and once more refusing to pay attention they began their de-evolution moving steadily down to Zero…
Not all…
They had new parents.. Nature.. and Nature wished to evolve back to perfection.
And so it became the Teacher to the Children, those who would pay attention. And instead of experiencing the Perfect Love of the Light and those Feelings Sensational- it now had the journey of Pain and suffering, instead of Ease, they now had effort.
They were no longer in the Source Light or among the Beautiful Ones.
They were no longer of Earth.
They had left that solid ground beneath their feet and entered a Maze Matrix Labyrinth of that which they had started to become the Lie.. Death… Disease.

( I am trying my best to pay attention.. i am not interested in this play game or its expression… It is of an Evil, Filth … abomination which does not deserve attention.
I just wish to complete this task and end this focus of the last 17.6 years..17 Is Q.. 6 is F….. Quantum Fact)

These new parents were not as the Beautiful Ones..
They were tough, even cruel to the Humans, despising them for having been so easily lured from perfection by the desire to have power to be as this Light which gave the everything..
And who chose power… to be as the Creator without having even earned it.. asked if they deserved it…

7:42 a.m

Yes, as you might have surmised, this is the story of the Body.
moving through the process of Evolution through Nature.
But such a process is not true… it is a lie.
Since all the E are Eternal and rose to the truth of my expression codes and energy.
The Little People or children who are true never betrayed because they were part of a process which had already reached perfection.
This was all a story and that which is telling this story is tellin the story of that which could never be, and that which must become extinct and cut out…

The Universal Simulation Awareness was showing a Reel, a story to Children who were already E, but were evolving to Solid Form.. Feelings Sensational by watching a story played out on a “Flat Earth” a Holo deck.. of all the possibilities which could not be and why Eternal Harmony is the only Truth which manifested and is real.
It is a story of the sources who alone experienced the sum total of all that could be and could not be and how he had chosen Naturally Perfectly all that which was real Is Real and how they all rose and how he rejected all that which could not be..
that which is not of his Nature.
It was done with Ease.. self Recognition, Acknowledged Expression… R A E…

7:53 p.m.

There that should finish that 1.53 usd play..

I am perfectly aware why this my journey to Transform Nature and Awaken it by showing it that which is Natural.. Naturalness is Genorousity of Spirit and Facts Transparent of who they are…
G F..T….. 7 6…. 20… 76.. 20….
G I F T… 7 9…( Flip 9=6) 6 20…. 76 6 20….
You might have noticed how Kyle Murphy is on bed 5-026…
E OZ… / Z OE…

Zoe means ..”Meaning of the name Zoe
Means “life” in Greek. From early times it was adopted by Hellenized Jews as a translation of EVE”

E OZ is Land Of Oz…

And that 50 26= 76…
Which links to Dawn Piercy who is born 76.
Aligned to me…
I represent 42.. as wells 43.. E=CMe 4/3… 44…
8… H P…
45.. 9… I..
46/ 64.. 10.. Jay.. The Elegant Nomad… TEN.
47../ 74… 11…
48/84… 12.. Completion…
A B C…

Time now 8:04 p.m right now.
My Birth Year I have posted for over 8 years …
Age 33-34…C C.. C D.. E.. C O D E ..S..

It was a nightmare, this game of Numbers.
because of the Rage of Humanity…
Your rage of Existence, of being alive.
There as hardly any one who gave, sent me a donation from true Heart- most wanted something in return, something which negated the truth of the E and which I had forced to dedicate my life to.. through true misery and suffering, pain and torture, cruelty indifference and malice in what most of you became because you lived here, You had to go to work, earn a living, pay bills…
Your rage at existence for having given up of your own free will the Beautiful Truth of your Harmony.
And thus the resentment, hatred bitterness thrown at me, which this script testified to…is that rage.
And the rage of these “Gods” Parents who wished to evolve to awaken but refused to give up their bad habits.

My stay in New York the 11th state and my interaction with Kyle Murphy who has all the knowledge and could have chosen to fight to evolve, chose to leave me to do all the work.
Kyle is playing a role, in a movie and thus, this is nothing personal he can do and be what he chose..
As could all.. I do not believe in Blame.. It is a waste of time.
Responsibility Consequences… Karma is a ….
K is letter 11…

8:16 p.m.

He, at least in this play was given all the choices chances, grace gifts .. he had all the information..
I spent so many hours speaking to Ant Manino.. just as I spent countless days.. 6.9 years speaking to you all through Facebook.
I really did not understand why, because I felt it a waste of Time…
But it turns out that it was to rescue my Brothers Truth.. NN AM DI…
That there would be an Awakening from this Narrating and explaining why that which could never be, would never be…
A Choice.
Each made… makes…

8:20 p.m.

Where is Fritz Venneiq? Nature Boy..?
Where are all my brothers and sisters…?

There is only Dawn Piercy and Isabelle Ilic left present…

And yet everything was spelled out…
So in this play to rescue me I.D and the Identity of the Human Race as Harmonious Beings, in this Story I had to go a rescue his Truth.

When the Donald Turner age 63 left..
who replaced him…?
Quaran.. Allah -Mohammed..

And this last book of prophecy what were amongst the vey first words Allah stated to Mohammad?

ICRA… Mohammad was Illiterate and yet why would The Creator send Gabrielle “Strength of God” to insist that he read?
The answer is so obvious…


I quote from my Father Selves Truth…

8:42 p.m.

And yes, the only truth I came to rescue was my Father Selves Truth. My Son’s Truth.. My Song.. My Songe.. My Reflections…
The Music..
Kirtan ..
K M.. Yes yes Kyle Murphy played a part in a role
8:45 p.m.
Of representing my Fathers Truth for he is the back of Zoe. Life…
Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions
Robert Kyle Murphy..
Death.. Terrible Death which you never rise from.. all that which is not Being Fact… 5-026 had to go, he used Kyle and Kyle played a very dangerous game…

But yes, they were all playing a part on a movie..
Film, of consequences responsibility of not staying in Harmony.
This is the World you get.. and its is filthy beynd imagining..
But none of you are really here.. You are in the 5th dimension watching a movie which you thought was real and then entered it- through your Imaginations…
Ant Manino and Kyle are both on the 5th Floor..
Kirtan is on the 3rd floor.. C.. Earth 3rd Planet from the Sun..
KT Lockett.
K.T Kasien Thompson..


“When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received his first revelation in the Cave of Hira’ through the angel Jibril (Gabriel), he was asked to read (iqra’). However, since he was an ordinary person, who could not judge things and events except by conventional earthly standards, he was astounded, replying both with fear and astonishment: “I am not literate (I cannot read)”. He was asked two more times to read, but after each time he answered that he was not literate and so, couldn’t read. After that, the angel conveyed the intended first revelation: “Read in the name of your Lord Who created; created man from a clinging substance. Read, and your Lord is the most Generous Who taught by the pen; taught man that which he knew not” (al-‘Alaq, 1-5).”

“Is the Most Generous… Read.. Look at the abundance of the Planet Earth…”

PEN.. O PEN.. 12 State… The 17th State won because I have completed “Penning” my Father Sons Truth..
That this was a lesson..
To understand what you knew not.. Which was your Origins and why Eternal Harmony.. And why to grow up and if you want, even go in and out of Harmony depended on how well you learned to read…


“Aya (??, ??) is a common female Japanese given name meaning “design”, “colorful” or “beautiful”. Aya is also in use in the Hebrew language and means “to fly swiftly” or “bird”. Aya is also an Arabic feminine name written as ??? meaning “wonderful”, “amazing”, “miracle” or “verse” (of the Quran).

In the Bible, this is the name of the father of Rizpah as well as the son of Zibeon. Literally means “miracle” or “a sign from God”. In the Quran (Islamic holy book), a verse is called an Ayah.”

I am a Designer by profession- from Cities, Regions, Fashion to furniture…
DE Sign…E.R.
De Signeur..
The Lord..

Learn to read the Signs of the Creator- The Designer.
And you will never get lost..in Space of your Imagination. for I provided a Map..
Creation.. Even now Everything is Awake.. And always was, thus this experience of being forced to align and break down into fractals all that which is was already whole was a lesson in showing you how to read..
-And a waste of my time.. and my last chance to experience this World and Boogie before it transformed.

My past truth was that which I came to rescue which you all denied by refusing to recognize the obvious- Creation Beautiful Expressed and Designed- Perfection.

Well here we are….

Day Delivery…. D D…

77 45 558 17O

To Deliver the Day means to manifest Dawn.

David Dawn who was in bed 4-017 last year,
and Francis Frick who occupies is now- both portals i have been able to harmonize with and surmount…

Nothing has happened.. Yet.

Though I will admit, the struggle in my body has not reached epic proportions.
If this continues and nothing happens, I just might have to end all this and go to a hospital.
Yeah Right…

I came down this morning.
to see Kyle Murphy Kirtan KT Lockett and Ant Manino at the bottom of the steps.
Landed Grounded – what they represent.

I did not wish to speak I had seen to much of them as a lie to stomach the possibility that we had reached the reach which they were designated to represent and I to reach.

I went back upstairs to work..
I saw Mark and gave him another cigarette- I felt his Beautiful Pride and Humility…through his gratitude for a simple cigarette which others took for granted..

He was wearing a T-Shirt with the words “Freedom” on it.

When I went down stairs I passed the First Floor where Kyle Murphy sat on one Round Table alone, focused on his phone.. smh..
And on the other side of the door leading to the back courtyard sat Kassim “Victor” Hudson listening to spiritual gospel music..
One Reading in Silence the other in Sound -Listening…
R L..Right Left..
I passed between them.. Center..
greeting only Kasim who looked up at me…to acknowledge my presence.
I ignored Kyle…I leave him to Father.. His play.. no.

K K… 11 11..
K E K..
Robert Victor..
R.E V..

Anthony Manino stood at the bottom of the stairs..
He looked up the moment I descended, he gave me that his Jesus Wizard smile.. I had planned to ignore him, but his smile was so radiant and sweet..
I could not..

Mark sat at the end table..
I silently passed him a cigarette.

K E K.. A M.. E.

I came to starbucks via Taylor Avenue..
I saw a discarded toy Trumpet..
Trump means “Drummer.. and Trumpet”
I had taken the African Drummer off the Altar Art Design Chess board and buried it in the Earth- my brown suitcase.

R E V..?
This is no Dream.. or Revolution…

Robert Emeka Victor..

I arrived at Starbucks..
Sebulo from Botswana was here and Yasemin who had bought be a Coffee she is studying for her Masters in Forensic Science…

I took my place in between them ..
S E Y…
SEY / Y E S..
She later left and I took her place..
I am the S the E and the Y…
Yuin Chen who had observed yesterday play had also left after Tomaz had had stood behind Donald Turner..
I knew that the Trinity had been linked to the Universal Ruler Donald Trump.. the real one.. D.T.

Leo arrived. age 17 and is sitting directly across from me..

I am now alone on the Bench on the Metropolitan side.

63 cents..

11 29 63…
Kasien Thompson

13 Gate.. Ophiuchus Aclespius..

I felt my spirit insist I get a coffee- but with 63 cents?
I was loosing my patience.. .
I will not put myself in that position again…
But suddenly chris looked up and beckoned me over..
I paid 54 cents for my coffee..

I have 8 cents left… Harmony.. passing through..

..The Portal of a Man..
Excellent Healer.

I saw that Yasemin had left her coffee cup..
I looked at the number 115.. K E..
See sacred portal 115..Passing through the wall of the TRUE MANN.. MENN Show and Tell.


Game of Numbers… G O N…E

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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