
10/6/2018 1:55 – Facebook Post

1:11 p.m.

1166 Facebook Friends.

Both numbers above link to sacred portals depiciting going home.
See sacred portal 111 which links to the Stag King…

-Nature Magic… Harry Potter… Harmony Perfection

And sacred portal 66 ‘The Beautiful Devil exitig the black home of rep by this world.
Which Kyle Murphy linked to the Upside Down world.

In the 6.9 Years I have been on Facebook this has never happened before.
And aligned not only through the script, me as the Principal actor and code solver but also others now included and one in particuar embodied here in my representing the frequency of my Sister Brother as aspects of Nature Nurture… and in Black and White.. Yes No. 10.
69 MW Upside down world… which is upside down…
We have already resolved it. 69…add is the code… 15..6.
6th to 6…
Fiction to Fact.

9 is an illusion there is nothing represented numerically beyond 8.. 9 is the I… Infinity 8… 0 Is Symbolic of Perfection O Perfection.

There is so much I could have expressed, so much I had to share.. And if I had been allowed to share it the way I felt could best reach the Family under cover in Human Host Pods, I would have.
But instead I bound by the rules of this script- which demanded non stop suffering, and misery and to surmount it so that those who did not do thier home work, those who gave into the illusion of pain and suffering made it real- until it became the virus Gray matter.. the Grey area… the realm of Thought which I discovered the name of Mr D is down stairs.. Mr Grey…

But there was a much better way to reach the C- the Wise Child in you, and the Eternal Youth.

But here we are..

1:46 p.m.
In the script of Nature made so labor intensive.. and yet, it is built, the Eternal Harmony Road and Way in this most base dimension.
I have been watching observing it for the past two or three days.
And like a railway track it has been built over a prolonged labor not of love, but of coecion and indignation.

I wish to only report that.
The fact that it IS…

As I stated, I will report only the facts.
and leave the rest to you. I can not say that I am waiting for Isabelle Ilic final code gift to see what happens. No, not really, I am not really curious about that which is so simple, was so simple but which has been made an abomination of which all I can feel is Shame that Creation could allow such a play to manifest.
But I do not wish to speak any more of that.

Here are some New York Times Headlines which you can convert on your own to to the E Consciouness…

“Making the Invisible Visible….by a poetic sculptor”

“Where worlds collide with living bodies.’

“Pro Tariffs but Protecting Friends from Pain”

‘Heart Break Revisited.”

‘Alien Tries on One Man and Finds a Nice Fit.”

‘Laughter, and Time, Heal All Wounds”

“25 win Genuis Grants’

1:55 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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