
10/16/2018 2:03 – Facebook Post

1:05 p.m.


10-16- 2018…

1:06 p.m.


I had sought to explain that this is not a Human Play, since I began realizing that I was lured to New York and Facebook, in
2001, 2012…
and 2016…. for a play of E.T versus Alien Predator..

Truth versus the Lie.

The original play called the Evolution Awakening play was usurped and subverted by an Alien force, called the Lie, which manifested and was fuelled by Human Belief.

The actually challenger simply used the Human play which in Itself were a work in progress and were meant to evolve through a series of 1-7 Stages and finally to the 8th, returning to Origin O. But no longer as the Transparent White Light of the play of the Twins, MW 69, but instead, moving through the O Portal and play to return to O but transformed to 8.. Harmony.
All through a Play Theater created in a Hologram, Holo Deck
Universal Simulation Awareness.

1:16 a.m.
See the 116 Link- marked in my post of the Blue Budhha ( Krshna in in Human Story forrm, The True Blue Man, Mr Manhattan… Dark Matter)

Humanity were scehduled to naturally evolve to the 8… Harmony Infinity…
But there was a meddling by that which is alien to Universe…
Humanity was seen as the treat.

Humanity was not meant to be in this play, but the Alien Predator manifested through the power of Fear and Belief ( F B.. Face Book was originally designed for the Military… C I A .
I passed through the portal of a person called Tom Truman who was born the same day as Face Book Founder –
What this means is that this was an experiment and a tool of the Big Brother watching you and creating a global pyschological warfare…
But the actually format was designed by the Beautful Ones- teh Evolved and Eternal Beings who are true ancestor of Humanity who are called the Beautiful Ones.. B.O.
/ O B..I E.K.. W.E – Not an Igbo name or ONRI Names but as everything in the true play was about the break down of Infinity to be translated into expression as Harmony.
A Play to understand the true Nature of the Universe called Universe Supreme Alpha, which this Hologram and quarantined zone was created for the newsest members of the Universe and its completion- HUE MANITY… Harmonious Beings.

The Beautiful Ones did not have solid matter forms because matter could not conatin thier Frequency until matter was raised up to match the frequency of the Eternals..
Thus it had to reach the Frequency of Energy and C speed of Light and then align to Silence and Sound represented as the Transparency, Ether. Creations Harmonics…
T E C H…. Not Technology….

This was the finally play of which the Existence Everythng came into Being in the Eternal Begining which began with Expression Aware… Which manifested through “Being”

How Humanity became involved used- was because the power of that which is the Yes No of whether Humanity could become the vessels and then merge into one with the Eternals…
Etherreals and Elementals if you will.. E.E..
*Link the meaning of Erik Ebright….
was where there was so doubt, the doubt of from the Original Familu of T.E.N..The Elegant Nomads came from they not full undertsanding their source not His I.D..
And the doubt which grew and began to mutate into diease virus, the threat.. Non Existence…
Doubt if the source Existed and thus, they doubt and question of the Origins of Existence Creation… Could this all End…
Was Eternity real… Was Infinity real.. Woulf they cease to exist. and the Existence go on…
The questions… brought the great abomination which grew so powerful that it was able to use Humanity as decoys and Avatars of Non Existence.

The threat was never to the Source, but it did threaten The Elegant Nomads… Who should not have let thier doubt go so far unchecked into fear when they could see and feel the Harmony and Exquisite Beauty of The Ceators Creation -Art.
And then undercover in this Hologram the Design.
Link codes Delta Manor.. D.M.
Bed 5-019… E.S… Arrival of Ejaz Saim.. MALE… 5-19= 24.. Letter X… Chromosome is Male which generated the Female form – Transformation..
Bed 4-018.. D O R… 19.. D O S… 4-18= 22.. V.. Victor..
4-019… 23.. W… Double V In French..
5-019/18… 24.. 23… V .W… V O W…
See the meaning of the name Elizabeth and Isabelle..
E I.. 5 9…
Bed 5-009… Taylor Law…. & link his Lover Larry.

The use of Humanity was to derail the play, to pervert it and subvert it because this Alien force which felt itself now the Ultimate and absolute Destroyer of Will could use Humanities love of Destruction, Self Destruction, and thier cruelty and hatred and other qualities which humans had invebted and then this Alien Predator had raised to a level which is beyond Human imagination and intelligence..

It created this play where Humans where used and did so, became the impediment- while the true called The Naturals sought to help the play…
But were mostyt blocked

This became the True man show…

Ejaz Saim
Vincent Ponnet
Sienna Holmes

My three last Face book Friends…

E S… V P….S H…

E S P..
V P I…

See the meaning of the name Ejaz..

“Astonishment.. Miracle…Wondrous ” A.M W

The name Ejaz (Arabic writing : ????) is a Muslim boys Names. The meaning of name Ejaz is ” Miracle, wondrous nature.’

Saim means “Dark” in Sanskrit…. and “Lord Krishnna”

See the meaning of the name Vincent..

“Vincent [vin-cent] as a boys’ name is pronounced VIN-sent. It is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Vincent is “prevailing”. From Vincentius. The name ultimately derives from Latin “vincere”, meaning “to conquer”. ”

Meaning of the name Sienna..

The meaning of the name “Sienna” is: “Reddish orange-brown, reddish brown”. Earth.

Paul Allen has died Co founder of Apple… A.G.E
Bill Gates…
P.A…. 16 1… / 1 16… A P… A P O L L O…

See the code… P A B G… / G B A. P…O L L O… 11…

1:21 p.m.

2;02 a.m
22 V

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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