
1169 Facebook friends

1169 Facebook friends

1:35 a.m.


B J..A C E… Kassin Hortsford…


It means that I have just taken back the supremacy of the Spirit of the Full Circle which Jace Horsford was representing…

I already had the JACE.. And the Kasim but I had to earn the H in the Hortsford code which means

Horsford Name Meaning English: habitational name from places so named, for example in East Worlington, Devon, Norfolk, and West Yorkshire. The two last are named from Old English hors ‘horse’ + ford ‘ford’, because they lay at fords that could only be crossed on horseback.

Which means that to cross this portal you must be able to be full circle a living spirit…..

Whch can travel in the astral plane while walking in the physical plane.

Living simultaneously in two univese at the same time.

But to become Harmony you must be able to not only bridge the two words into an H and cross people over through Expression.. Silence and Sound.. Reason Logical deduction…

Both Randall and Chace or Lawyers.. Randal cooperate and Jace Criminal.. And I.. The Devils Advocate Satan and Lucifer

S A L.. S O L…

That is what I played out with Jace today while Randall sat off to the Jaces Right and worked on his court papers but could hear everything we said…

He chose not t participate and Jace chose and manipulated engagement even after i had reminded him that I had called him out .. publicly for knowingly captilaizing on the Spirit realm using me meddling with me tapping on the waves of my expression using Voodoo

( waves and frequencis of the assumed past)

Then to HO.. RS.F.. O..R.D.

K A S IM.. /M I S A… K… E

J A CE / E C A J… A H…

H OR ….

11 10 8..

11 1O… 8… 21 .. H… 29.. U.. B I. 11.. K.. 2 B.. 1 A

11 O 8….

Sacred Portal 110.. Family of E…

Now tell me, is this noy an absud evil cruel way of transforing the Script…

Umeano.. The For Divine Breaths’

Transformed in the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse…

When Apocaylpse means ‘Revelations

The 4 four hoses men in one .. of eh Revelations…

41.. D.A…

Da Enlightens


1:58 a,m.

A E H…

15 8.. O H

Orgasm! E

1;59 a.m

O I…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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