
10/27/2018 11:23 – Facebook Post

From Andrew Cook

Here.. Naturalness…
now so undercover it is always encumbered by the weight of poverty, misery, suffering carrying wieght of a World on its back..
A World so selfish and greedy and self serving, that no one shares the load any more which is the Natural Way.
Making the weight, what it is, Nothing at All.

But in this place, and space where the Naturals are so rare
; many pretenders, Vampires Predators, pretending to be Naturals,
so they can feed on them and thier Natural Generosity of Spirt…
The Life Force…

Triliion Dollar companies
Everything is a Game…
Naturals deep undercover…
Carrying the weight of the world so heavy these burdens
which in truth weigh nothing at all..

What they are really carrying is a heavy heart…
And memories of how they came here to make merry. party and dance…

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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