
11/2/2018 13:43 – Facebook Post

1:21 p.m.

S.P 121…

This Is My Nightmare…

S.P 33…

You do not Listen or Hear Truth.
Not even the Beautiful Truth of YOUR
Existence; Ideas Dreams Actions Expressions Facts from your Youth

Eternal Fountain.

E.F .

5 6..

That is what Isabelle Ilic really sent me a text about a vision of hers real…
Will Hunnitpercent Real
Of She and A Man
Man Woman
Female Male
Being bathed in a Fountain of Youth.
In Extase Bliss..
My Expression.

S P 42

Stephen Filgueira
And Isabelle Illic.

Sensational Feelings.
Of I and I..
Doppelganger Twins.
420 USD
Cannabis Weed
S.P 34

La Font.
The Fountain Head. F H. 68.
@1168 Facebook Friends
THE Fountain… T F. 206… 26

S P 26

That was yesterday and yet still you forgot to link and connect the dots of Yesterday..
S P .100
Goat O

Yesterday Today and Tomorrow.

THESIS mine 1988
O.I…NRI. People and the Full Circle
And Cities of Yesterday Today and Tomorrow.

That was my University Thesis.
I recognized my life since leaving Nigeria as that story my thesis but my focus was now on the E Eternals.
My Family
E Family

Not the Old story of O the circle of O.N.E

You can not even link the dots of a day before.
You forget.
Because your focus your mind is focused on .. being out of your minds.
Having gone quietly insane..
Going around in circles always missing the point, even when it shows up at your door life posts…
You do not recognize and when I fight to figure out the Harmony riddle of why I am in your home world why we met. .
And solve it and fight to get you to rise from your secret garden, acknowledge then converse “Recall the Bliss?” Of those moments the love we shared.. the Beautiful True Connect..
You would find a way to sabotage it kick me out call me the lie.
When I am your truth.

1:42 a.m

I Scream
The Painting
By E M.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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