
11/12/2018 3:29 – Facebook Post

2:08 pm.


So go ahead..
Deny me my existence, deny me my experience, deny my life story, deny me my right to have a fair hearing..

Deny my suffering, pain, humiliations, torments torturers you and your ghosts and P.T S.D experiments felt gave people the right to do things to me with their minds thoughts..
..the Last one they told me, the ECHO of Existence my best friend Harmony Perfect Timing told me, of what had been done to me for telling the Truth was that a torrential rain of Vomiit- like a fountain had been allowed to almost drown me in…
As well as excrement, piss and phelegm..

I knew all this ..
I knew this is what would be done to any one daring to stand up alone with such a truth as mine

But it is the Truth and nothing you can do to me which will or can move me from my stance that I told you the Truth.
That this was and has been my experience of being in this Existence.. your beliefs .. not mine

Here I am ..
I am standing tall.
I have a voice
It was not cowed or silenced .
I stand proud
I gave proof.

There is nothing you can do to me, hurt me do what ever you have done to me, yes it shook me and yes I stammered stuttered roared said within incredulity “No this is impossible it can not get or go this far.. ”
But it has, it did.
But it did not shake my Truth nor, it’s foundation.

It just gave me evidence of this power game allowed to go this far.

There was nothing I could but finish the equation in which all would hear the Eternal Roar of my Truth respond.

I stand firm in everything I have stated is true including the Terrible Dream and welcome created for the arrival of the Truth.

2:25 p.m.

And to this play I will forever say
A Lie made of my Truth.
And the True story of my life in the realm of liars usurping and tormenting the True.

I always respond once I get the evidence and facts which I always check myself.

No heresy or gossip or assumptions opinions..


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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