
11/21/2018 0:23 – Facebook Post

10:47.. 48 p.m.


11-2O- 11..
K B O K…

Link Kelsie Bissell… Representing the O.K.
And Victoria Jackson the Victory having been reached a a few true men of understanding the Feminine Point of View Mind.
And Body.. Arousal…Desire..
and merge them in to one to understand what she desires…
The Truth
Cecilia Nnoyelum..
C N.. 3.14.
Chukwuemeka Nnamdi
C.N. 3.14.
Canada 1972-1977.. Nigeria from 1977 – 1988.
Mother Daughter
Mother Sister..
Sister Sister.
To Perfection.
And To The Point.


That is in my own Personal Blue Print.
But it I discovered expanded to include all of yours.

They wanted to know the truth.
Don’t Lie…Tell us the Truth or how can we trust a word that you say.
Or the ground you.. me… made us walk upon
We are of the Clouds while you came through the Woods..
Except one.. A.N.. Alexander O’Neil Armstrong, our version of the True First Man on the Moon.
The Author of the Full Circle who drew the full Circle.
While he danced in the space of Nothingness and thus formed the Earth.
E ART Harmony.

“He we trust for he is the authors of Pi..
The Globe…
His Golden Globes” They sigh..

Ladies Do you mind…”

Exatasy of St Theresa of Avila.
St Cecilia of Music…
T C.. I..
E T C I..

11:01 p.m.

I knew they were linked with Stephen Filgueira
he took us to a place called the Rooster Yesterday..
Cock..A Doo Le Doo.. Doe…
Man did land first..we saw..we are the Watchers.. The Gods Harmonics Harmonies of Existence H Under cover as 7..
And our brother Unity – 7 G is the Titans Earth Shakers, Highest Peaks.. H P”

We Watched and Saw all..”

Then today we went to Fire and Spice..
A Vegan Reggae place…
and fought fast and furious in a communication which I knew there should by now be nothing wrong.

And then I was raised to Fury .. Fast and Furious… which I managed to contain and express it where it was meant to expressed but only by the sheer immensity of The Sum Total of the Gods and Titans Will to be Ummoved and refuse to Slow down..
Until finished expressing.. Once again manipulated and Used.
Responding to texts from Stephen, at last at 44% left in my phone battery and completing my expression at 10:43 p.m.

See S.P 43…

44 is opening to Sacred Portal Goddess Bliss…
Saving the line of Stephen by using me, because they had used his line as well as those of his sister the SHE…

11;11 p.m.

Manipulation Deception with Pure Intentions..
but look at the pain and confusion for 43 years of my life.. and in all life that has caused…
Lack of Trust…
Why would you need proof.. from another,,,
Can;t you the Gods Tutan Human Expression Read…
The Sign in the Times.
Sign of the Times…

Why would you go so far.. to casting a spell of Love to your children and send them of to the furnace of Hell- not because they can not endure it by why would you send them on a mission which was Hell?
Because you did not Trust..

And so you sought out, used the truly truly gifted and used the to search out the truth…
Who is the One who is the Truth…

It is me… undercover.. the one you saw walking on the nothingness and as I walked flowers manifested from out of the blue or slim Air… I danced if you recall and I smoked… and I used it to out line the Full Circle of Cloud 9.

You did not recognize me undercover these 43… years…?

Some one challenged the truth of my being source expression today by all the Typo mistakes in my posts..
I had explained the reason.

But now for the in-numerous time I will once more explain its meaning.

Perfection once attained is that no matter what you do, it manifests meaning and perfect reasoning logic, knowing everything in the End.

Which is why Imperfection ( I’m Perfect)
is mt Friend.


Date: 11 2 O 11
A-A B O A-A.

November 28th. 2011.

11:22 p.m right now..

I knew they were always present

Chris Franco
Berry Becky Berry Becky

C B.. 2 3.. F B… 6 2… 5 8.

11:23 pm
A A Double Vie

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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