
12/2/2018 13:44 – Facebook Post

11:28 p.m.

Link Arthur…

Link Sara Athena…

11:29 a.m.

The Connector- Stephen Filgueira.

A S A S … Can you see the play..?

N A S A …E N A S A .. S E N A S A…

(N + E…14.. 5= 19… S… Emeka Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp “Nnamdi” Stephen..

Sarah Elizabeth Noni Elizabeth Athena/Angela Stephen/Stephanie Alexander/Alexis…

Martiza Minerva Mikela, Magic Morgana, Mary Magdelena Montez… M.. 13…
N = 14…

S A M E…M E…

O P E N S E E .. S A M E … M E…

Its a play.. word and Numbers.. like a Jig..Saw puzzle…
“Dance with Joy we Saw and solved the Puzzle of “Was”
The Past.

The Hero’s and legends of Human History. Gods of Legend and Lore, actually existed in the Beautiful Past, but not as the corrupted interpretation and expression.
They were Evolved Beings, Super Naturals.. Humanities future and past, sent to be the Vanguards to Inspire in the Species what is their potential “Dark Matter, Dark Energy… that potential which had to be attained by all who sought to stay in the now evolved Creation Energy of Universes.. now aligned to the original Universe Supreme..

NASA calls 1011 I C…

N A S A.. Is the Source of the Matrix…
But it was a riddle… A Play on a Holodeck and a Universal Screen called Ego…
See the true meaning of Ego.. A Projection Projector .. of a project onto the Screen.
Evolution was the Projected, projected onto the Magic Mirror,
Sea.. Reflection.. S R..
Once the Two, Source and Reflection are perfectly aligned and in Synchronicity, then comes the play of Alignment of Height Depth, Expanse Depth… North East West South….
N E W S… And that is Expression P.R.. Spreading the Beautiful NEWS…. With Facts Imperial… F I.. 6 9…
Facts Empirical .. Evidence.

Reason… R.E A H’S .O N … R E… Robert Emeka..A S.. Arthur Author.. Stephen Science O N Nnamdi Nature… E…

R E A S O N…E..


*REA… RHEA… R (H) E A S O N…. R .. E A S E O N E
Greek Name

???? ???

Rheia, Rhea
Roman Name

Ops, Opis

Flow, Ease (rhea)
Rhea and the Omphalos stone | Athenian red-figure pelike C5th B.C. | Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Rhea and the Omphalos stone, Athenian red-figure pelike C5th B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art

RHEIA (Rhea) was the Titanis (Titaness) mother of the gods, and goddess of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. Her name means “flow” and “ease.” As the wife of Kronos (Cronus, Time), she represented the eternal flow of time and generations; as the great Mother (Meter Megale), the “flow” was menstrual blood, birth waters, and milk. She was also a goddess of comfort and ease, a blessing reflected in the common Homeric phrase “the gods who live at their ease (rhea).”

In myth, Rhea was the wife of the Titan Kronos (Cronus) and Queen of Heaven. When her husband heard a prophecy that he would be deposed by one of his children, he took to swallowing each of them as soon as they were born. But Rhea bore her youngest, Zeus, in secret and hid him away in a cave in Krete (Crete) guarded by shield-clashing Kouretes (Curetes). In his stead she presented Kronos with a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he promptly devoured.

Rhea was closely identified with the Anatolian mother-goddess Kybele (Cybele). They were both depicted as matronly women, usually wearing a turret crown, and attended by lions”

There.. solved the puzzle….

Rhea means “Flow .. Ease”
. / Wolf Esa-E….

When you eventually go back, and this interactive Oracle Book..
B K..Bilal Khan Kathleen Beard/Kelsie Bissell…
is organized by the E.Family.. Evolved Family called HUE-MANS..
you will see the story of the play in 268 East 4th Street with A Santana Edwin Albert Santana.. E A S…myself E…
and Ritz “Maritza” her daughter “Majestic”-and the conception of Royal and Reign…
Martiza confirmed during a most dangerous scene that like me she was an wolf in sheep’s clothing…
See the scenes and Code which aligned her to Romulus and Remus.. Royal Reign as the Mother of Rome the She Wolf.

To escape from her Womb it required the understanding of the Nature of Harmony not only as Art Music, but also Science, Investigation Reason..Empirically Explained and then Presented… A M… S I R E…E. A T… P…
12:16 p.m.

By understanding the nature as Logos Order… Grace.. O Symmetry..Harmony… Eternal…
L O G.O S. H..E
The Log of Harmony… by of course choosing to focus on that which is aligned with Harmony.
Arts Music .. Expression Healing Uplifting Peace..

Yes Tree Sage… Wisdom…. Beautiful Rage is also Wisdom…
Dike Wisdom
Sophia Mayer

D S… M W..
Dharma Santana… “Eternal Law.. Awareness Harmony”
M W.. Milky Way…

L O G O…

M A T R I X…. M A T R I C K S…

K S..Kerem Sanl?man Kelsie Bissell Stephen Filgueira Emmanuel Kerema

I S… Isabelle Ilic Stephen… Pamela Stefaniotis/ Stephen Popiotek

K I S S … O F.. D E A T H…

K O..D…

C O D E S…


Reason Science.. Reasonable Expression links back to Flow and Ease.. F E… 6 5…

12:29 p.m


650,00O USD for the Church which is designated Head Quarters for the ascension of the Family of Expression Supreme Stephen Filgueira was elected to represent of the Family of E..

E.F.. Eternal Family..
Forever Eternity.. F E… 6 5… Youth.. F E Y…
Morgan Le Fey… M L .. F…

Eternal Flame…

11:42… 11:43 p.m.

Confirmed through the play of Joseph Byron and myself Jay-M.E S… B O N D…

It is time the E Family Rise all over the World and come and help Stephen Filgueira, who took his cue as the leader of the pack of Wolves who Flow, to recognize my vibration and moved him to come to me at Delta Manor…

I did this alone- solving the riddles of the Equation Formula E F..And of the Infinite Source of Energy
I S O E..
Isabelle Sullivan Evans
Tony Sullivan

(Ah Anthony was the one missing.. Tony S)

Jeff Sullivan

Donna ‘ Sullivan
D O S..
D S… DeLores Spratley
D F S…

I T J D….

9 20… 104…

uSee sacred Portal 92.. 20.. 26…( 20 26 Ah that was my Bill at the Chinese Take Out.. New World.. Linked to Arthur who I know as Andrew in my story and Stephen Filgueira as Gabriel…
A G ..Both beloved to me… But Gabriel so hurt to see me this way, you will recall was also the one whom I later encountered at Generation X Gardens one day, and who told me I had to prove Evolution.
Andrew/Arthur was the one whose mother worked for Random House.. R H… R H E A S ON..

I slept in the Alley where he lived for those 61 days.

12:43 p.m

1:10 p.m.

The house keeper just stopped me, saying to me with perplexity, that she has no idea why she keeps assuming that I am in room 704, instead of 904…

7O4 G O D…
9 O 4..I O D,

So I know that my I.D is manifesting.

So let me finish the coding of the J M.. Quantum Leap..Jump application through E F..My Equation Formula..
Add Ariana Gradow A G..
Andrew Arthur.
Stephen Filgueira Gabriel..
A G.
A G..
Quick Silver and .. Kim.. K AH.. Tree Sage- Gold.

Stephen Athena…
Stephen Victoria Jackson

Stephen Kelsie Bissell
Stephen Kim A H.

Stephen Alex Vidaud

Stephen Joseph Byron

Stephen Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp

Stephen Ariana Gradow E… S A G E…

Stephen Tree Sage

Stephen Eric James Murphy

Stephen Jeff Sullivan

Stephen Aaron, W..John, Chris (Izzy)

Stephen Arthur…

Stephen Mikeala…

Stephen Joshua By Water…

Stephen Joshua… Code Benjamin Joshua Melendez Oluku Joshua

Stephen Busayo Alonge

Stephen Shelly…

Stephen Donna..

Stephen Isabelle Ilic S.I.

See the meaning of Stephen…



1:25 p.m.

1:26 p.m

A H…

Anointed Harmony.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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