
From Sarah Kaizer.

From Sarah Kaizer.


Through the code I identify her by her middle name Athena.

Sarah means Princes ..Splendor…

Athena Minerva.


To Exist is to Be,

Humanity has been in the process of becoming .

The Code:





Peter Bragino

Tree Sage.



2 19.

That is the number and address of the Portal Stephen Filgueira, organized for myself ( representing him in this play of S.E. .Self Expression, Soul Eternity, Source E…

Spirit E first of the Family of T.E.N.

The Elegant Nomads of the True Mind, Heart Milky Way M.W 69… 15.. 6… F.

Fil Gueria…Thread of the Battle of retain sustain and maintain the truth of the Common Thread- link Kelsie Bissell.


E C T.

E.T C..I…Infinity.

Spirit E represents Awareness Supreme

A S. In the Original True Creation Story which I Recalled Recollected Remembered

I wrote it in 2004, as I have already mentioned on many occasions as I found myself moving through the growing awareness of how I found myself in this Play Theater on arrival in New York 3-20-2001?

My growing awareness as to what they devil was happening to me, to my life and my existence.

Only by passing through the experiences of which I had to choose time and time again, each time I found myself being led off the beaten path, and from the life and intentions, goals I had orginally created for how I wished to live my life in this reality, even though I was aware that it was not real.

To find myself, walking into an arena- so obviously a set up and play to me, by the cues and actors sent to me..

Such as Shaman Durek Verrett. Being sent to Istanbul Turkey to signal to me that it was time to come to New York for that last scene if the Great Play…

The play, which I had long since recognized I had been in by the Anomaly Singularities

( A.S.) of my own life…


I was not free… to do as I pleased

Because I was on A Mission.

Literally A Mission … Undercover in this world with a crilucial role, a role I had been cast in, to Star in which no one in their right man would play.

( I know this last part because it was literally explained to me by these beings of Higher Frequencies who would come out from undercover of their Human Hosts to give me I ntel.. no one wanted the role…


Mission Impossible V. I I I …)

Thus, I played a Character I had once already played called Spirit of Existence.

Awareness Supreme. A.S..

Manifest Expression .. M.E.

Speak Link Code the Truth meaning of Existence through simply Being

so others seeing your Example of Being can understand through this play how Being manifests Awareness.


Busayo Alonge.

See meaning of the name.

Anthony Bienke.


And through that dance

2 1… 3… C.

Being Aware Creates Conscious because it enables you to See, Cee Full Circle.

B A C…C.C.. Through 2 C’s:

M.W. 69

And realize that They are one.

3:20 p.m.


Common Thread.

B.A… Being is Awareness Of Being in Harmony through the Cee of Light and Dark, Life and Death, Love and Desire.


L.A D. Y

LL..12 12. 24..




Seven Chakras.

Seven colors in a Rain Bow

Sound and Sight

Darkness we See through Sound Bats

Sight we see through our third Eye.

Touch and Perception

T.A.P. Dance. Action Movement A.M.

*Happy Birthday Allen Murray.


P.A.T….. Patrician

Patrick Okolo

Chibuzo Okolo

P.O. Post Office. My posts

C.O. Consciousness Organizes (Comments )


P.C. Personal Computer…Mind E.M.F.

O.O. Two expression of perfection

Touch and Sound.


*Silence is a Sound.

There is no duality in Life and Death, light and Dark..

S A. M.E..

T. H.I N G E

Same thing, the Hinge which opens the door is the realization that They are the same thing originating from the same Source.


Which creates Clarity.

3:33 a.m.

For everything which Is was called Summoned Seduced into Existence, to understand the perfection as

1-7 Colors..Colorful Sensation

1-7..Sound Expressions… brought feelings Sensational into View as Color Vibrations Vines forming a picture which links perfectly to the Original Sensation of what it is to be in Existence.

Was Is, as I have proven by reaching Stephen Filgueria.. Kelsie Sara.. Kemi Sara Dawn Piercy …is S.F/ F.S.

Feelings Sensational.

That is what the Orginal Silence felt like in the so called Void of Nothingness, there was something yet unnamed which I can name now as Joy…

Joy Jane.. J.J. 1010…2. B…

Being ( which now people call Life) is Joy.



James Bond.

Joseph Byron


Unified Verse.

A Song.

Of Extase and Bliss.

O.E. A. B

B A.. Busayo Allonge

E.O. 5O.. 50 state Hawaii..

E O. 5 15…56.


11. 1.

B A.

21 U…

All One.

But only through Being and then being Aware of something that you have been creating as you move through Be to Being and realize that you are also at the same time in the process of Becoming


But had to learn to See Cee-Perceive through this temporary idea of Duality to See that Light and Dark, Life and Death all are the same thing.


For Clarity ..

True Being

Through Transparency (Self Honesty)

Consciousness then rises in the two seemingly separate existences..

Like being Undercover Deep Cover and the Character you are playing and why we are playing that character in a Theater Play.

Is to convey that which we could not find the words expressions, gestures which through playing these characters we can resolve that illusion we are allowed to apply of Ting Yang until realizing that Light moves to Dark and vice versa.

Death leads to Life and vice versa and what is gathered, understood at C completion of the C ..Cc..is that they are really one.




. O.

AND that everything is Sensation ..E-Mitions

Gestures Expression of our transforming Silence into Sound.

To Convey, to Communicate, To Clarity ..that which we see.


What we creates.

And once we see what we have Created we ask ourselves truly honestly, *Is that what I really wished to Create? And is it aligned to that which I know is the Truth of Me, rather than the Trauma of the illusion of me.

And that is where the Beautiful Truth of you is presented to you as well as the Illusion and you get to Choose now, looking in hindsight

B A C.. Cc 33 are Doppelganger..thus 11. K.

B A C K… Expressions of what has passed, even if it was 15 minutes ago, it is already they passed but Being Aware which comes natural as Consciousness C grows from that play of moving forwards and then pausing to look backwards to Cee..Full Circle O. ( to C’s form a circle..

As well As 33=6..

Letter F.

6th sense in one

Six Senses in one

6 1…7..

Crown Chakra CC.. 6 -7… to See Harmony.

That which you see through the Magic Mirror looking glass what you see

4-07 -4:08 p.m

47. 48

Victoria Jackson

Emeka Kolo.. 44 8. 5 44 8..

*Stephen and I literally passed through that portal today at FedEx number 544.

*Red Roof. RR..Royal Reign

( Albert and Ritz -Maritza. sons)

4:11 p.m.

11- 4

Chiefy Tree Sage …Kim.

7 see clearly from 1-7.

B egining to End of that which is contained in the body.. The Individuals Body; Solfegfio- Sound ..

And in the Universal Body…Sight .Colors

But all is perceived through you- The Body aligned to Being who through awareness consciousness a c…experiening alt current,

Understand that They were never in the body and thus never really in the Universal Body but rather an Awareness now at O full circle, existing outside of Time- Observing and Acting out in a play the resolution of the very frequency of where you are actually really existing which will be outside the Body and this Creation as Earth Universe.

You are Light moving through and at the same time still, moving through the Universe as Creation Space ..Harmonies Sound..

While in a State of Stillness at the place Beyond Creation- at its Source called



Thus, recall what Joseph asked me..?

Where are we really..?

My response is we are both Particle and Wave Stillness and Movement.

Silence and Sound

Life and Death

Returning full Circle to our Senses and Sensei’s sacred portal 87 (Link Chris Filgueira)

Not 1-7 but from O1-8.

A-A. Not A-Z


Doe to Doe.. DD…44..8. (5 44 8.. 5 8 E.H.

Eternal Harmonies Energies Harmonious Frequency… Sound

Silence transformed into Sound..not Noise.

But sound which created and creates music the literal way we move through the E.M.Field of the Heart.

Which is why H-A R.T.. F.O…Rd. Connect..or believe me, I Cut you put of Existence with A Look A.L.


No One Years 1-12?


1-13…12 started as 1

1 is 13.


I A.M.

M aritza M…that is the Portal out of womb in the play.

For we were never really inside of her Womb as Creation Nor in our bodies until we completed the Play Theater .PT.

The Point

The Perfect Timing of understanding another point of view which is not opposite nor does it bring duality..but rather completes to clarify how all is One Fact


4:40 p.m.

How to Express Eternity in Creation

E C.

That is was Time was created for to understand how two speak with a Forked Tongue, meaning the Tunning Fork

The True Test of the Role, Rope, called the Serpent …


Tasting the Vibration and Frequency you send out, radiate by its simply tasting your Words- your Energy signature you are emitting from your core.

To Exist is to live.


Eternal Life.

L.E. Door to Life, Sacred Portal 43.

Is the understanding that this Is not true Life

And that True Existence and True Life.

Is Expression Harmonizes..

E .H.. 5 8.. 13. M.. Man. Manifest Man I Festival.

E.L. 5 12.. 17. -Q. Quantum 7-1 8.

Solfeggio Doe to Doe. 44 to Harmony through Silence Art Sound Craftsmanship Ark -Science

Of Breaking down that which is the one Constant E, which can not be broken down except through a play theater set in the realm of imagination supreme.


And from that place and play of Imagination Fantasy.


The what ifs but not of fear but unfettered imagining possibilities I.P.

We find the I.P address of True Man and Evolved Wu Man ( E W.M..MW 69..O E..

Eternal Realm

Hawaii 50th State Stephen Shaggy Aron M aritza …)

Of our Home.

Now resolved not through conflict but Will Desire Protector


To awaken back to perfection from inception


IP Address. . ADD. (Joseph..Poetry Verse to Existence life..) R.E..S S..

Then you can Rest on your laurels triumphantly returning home but now here in Creation

Now that 77 7-1,7-1…88.

8 16.

Stephen Filgueria

Emeka Kolo.

ES.5 19…24.

8 16 24..


Is is understood

24 One Day..

Justice Demands

Jessica Doe. J.D.



F A C T.. S…E.

F A .C. Total Solar Eclipse.

Life is Joy.Bliss Extase Adventurer


To reach The Treasures


Beautiful Truth

5:28 p.m

528 Hertz

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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