
12/21/2018 2:54 – Facebook Post

I am so sick of people excuses for not doing the Work.

12:31 p.m.

Those who did not acre that I was carrying enough, had done enough who use child like manipulation deception and control…
Arguments and words to excuse themselves…

Ego.. I am so sick of the Human Ego as the lie of what Ego means.

And the arrogance which infects peoples purity….

I am sick of people forgetting, after I have gone beyond my exhaustion to death, over and over again to focus on this rising rather than my own Well Being.

I never believed it would get go this far..

This Blame Game and refusal to take Responsibility or acknowledge Consequences.

C R…

I have no desire to teach the codes to anyone.
I have no desire to share anything with anyone because of a Script which negates my well being for others whom many of which I have no seen why they Merited or Earned to have my presence in their lifes,

I have no desire to be manipulated and controlled by acts of unparalleled Selfishness.

I do not give a rats ass about this Script of Play- it fills me with contempt and revulsion at how this world will go to any cost length, lie cheat deceive, bully, in order to not take Responsibility for their actions and Decisions and Dear LordI am sick of people thinking that I am stupid and can not see right through them.

12:42 p.m.

I have continued posting only because my last act of faith and trust in this play was to come with Stephen Filgueira to pass through his portal.

I did not expect to be doing the work, having to charm and seduce, convince prove to people that this is real.

I am sick, of having to rely on people, to link and depend on them for my sustenance and Breath Rest Food Water and Shelter…

Most of all I am so sick of the hypocrisy of the Worlds I have lived in.

I have been responding to the Script and play only because I have no choice.
I have no space, the place to Breath, Rest etc.. because there is no space, because I am too busy doing the work others should have done.
I am tired of picking up peoples slack and cleaning up their messes….

On the 21st through the 24th I will end the work I have been doing even the work of First Contact.

I actually felt that I had come here to rest as the activated script led me gracefully home. But from morning to night here I have worked, mostly a pleasure with many of the people I encounter here who are so like my E Family that I often overlook the Humanity…
That there was so much work left…

I can not do this alone anymore.

I have been alone disseminating this knowledge to the world and so few have even acknowledged the value of the work.
Alicia Siefred Klien ( who left Facebook) has given the response of the A S line…
A S.K…

I am satisfied and 19 year old Rays McKayla has done what was expected of the R M line…
Both gave Expression to that which others denied and refused to do.

I wish to end this work once and for all, but I have completed the play of this Script with A S… A S K… And R M/ M R…

I am aware that this is first contact and I am aware of what I have done, and proven but to make one man carry this alone even now…
All because of money ego power, envy jealousy…competition..insecurities.. whatever…

No… None of this was done with my Free Will and consent…

A play which puts me so much at a disadvantage .. even now…

Lord knows, I question the true nature of what is this…. what is this really all about…
Can the human ego be so vain so conceited that it would give itself airs, take credit, call themselves Gods when they have nothing to show as to how they came to that conclusion
And then the arrogance beyond belief of not only not being able to present their credentials but not fully appreciate or understanding the play or the codes before speaking about it to others..
Making claim and taking credit for that which they did not create merit and earn…
But that is the story of Humanity is it not…?

They take credit Creation, they exploit everything on Earth, now moving to space, staking claims to that which they did not create.
It was not always like this, there were Humans… Naturals who were of reverence, saw nature with Awe Respect…
They knew they did not create it…

But now, dear lord… you have people with the Balls to challenge confront and test the Creator even if he was right before them, the Source,..
Demanding Evidence, Facts, proofs tests… making demands over and over again to get their way…
People would literally enslave the Source if they had their way, to make him her do their bidding.
Even after the Source has presented his Curriculum Vitae…
C Vie..
Even after he had brought light clarity to thre deepest hurts and sadness of their souls..
Made them whole.
They will exploit the Source, The Creator and any man or woman of exceptional qualities who has contributed everything to the betterment of the World.

This is not only an historical fact but also my own personal experience.

1:11 a.m.

There is something sick. evil and twisted about this Script and the deviousness in some Human Beings Expression.

When I left the Shelter after 29 months… 29 months in a Shelter where I was forced to solve the Riddles of Existence, the last chapter…
I felt sure that there could be no more after subjecting someone to such a testing after 15 years of hell…

29 months to align to 1992 Paris…

No… after the 21st to 23-24th… I am done… forever with this…
I decided to trust the Eternal Truth one last time.
Oh the play is working, the equation everything is manifesting but I am still powering it alone and even after doing the work with people, I find that I am forced to reiterate to them over and over again, running after them ike some English Nanny to children spoilt rotten who believe it is okay to make someone proof to them, repeat to them over and over again that which I had to figure out on my own.

I am sick of being in peoples world after 29 of fighting for them to rise…

I am sick of this play in which all Humanity is set to evolve, in which the Entire Universe is depending and watching…
I am ashamed of this version of Humanity and the understanding that they are the true Source of All misery and suffering…

I have 7 years of evidence and Facts… recorded of the riddles of Existence and have only encountered even now that refusal to investigate and then listening to people Blame .. find blame in everyone, including me, rather than take Responsibility.

I am aware what I am walking away from…
a duplicitous and foul play in which Humans not aliens or Extra Terrestrials are the true Source of all that has made me so ashamed so shocked so stunned by the depth of the Selfishness even in the ones meant to be representing Beauty.

What is this abomination of a Script.

My responsibility…?
I do the Work even to fighting to keep you activated and awake even after presenting evidence.

It is time to End this…
Time to reach the point of accepting that no matter what I door say, nothing can change this experience – its horror and its abominable treatment of the messenger and the message…

What more do you want from me, or need?
I no longer have any desire to satisfy it…

I am aware that the codes and manifestation is working, but at what cost?
To make one person bear this alone…
To make a man at this stage Homeless, dependent, on others at this point…

No this is not even a rant, it is my dealing with the incredulity, the amazement, the absolute hatred returned to me, to True Men and Women over and over again for the gift of Love, Caring and seeing the Gap in your point of View,

This is the Evolution Awakening play…
But it is in truth nothing but a sick and twisted joke…

As I stated before, if this is the play and script required to bring Evolution of the Human Species back to Source..
I have a response to Humanity..speaknig as and for the Source…

I do not want you….

The Beauty in you I love so much comes from Source, you did not create it,
I wish to simply take back all that which is Sources that which you did not create and leave you with what you created…
Ego’s which have no basis in reality.

I am meeting the better versions of Humanity now.. the Naturals
Liberty who was sitting besides Bronwyn Julia Perisich Hodgkinson
Spoke about those requiring Evidence and Proof as Being Absurd.

Its true…

Existence does not need or require,
nor does it require a person running after people reminding them of that which they had no right to forget.

1:45 p.m.

7 years… And I am still being made to explain day in day out without my own space income respect, space to Exist so that if I choose not to share or exchange with certain people – non of whom pay me…

Then it does not matter what this is… even Dawn Event Horizon.

I have seen and understood enough…

Excuse my Language, “but Fuck Evolution Awakening… Fuck all the years and efforts.. to reach you…
Fuck that love I had have, for you all.. which was used against me …

But most of all Fuck This Story of Humanities Evolution Awakening….

All I have experienced is Cruelty … that is all I have experienced of Humanities Truth…


And anyone who has been my Facebook Friend long enough will understand how I came to this conclusion and point of View.


Truly… I have had enough.

I say No.

1:54 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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