
1/28/2019 0:50 – Facebook Post


I wish to express once more time, in total clarity as to what I am doing on Facebook.

I have stated this many times, but unfortunately in this play of “Fear of Failure, Frustration ( F F F 6 6 6 The Real Beast) and Disappointment” used against me, I have to express again and again, as wave after wave of new Facebook Friends appear and since most do not have any inclination or are too lazy to go back and read… ( though that does not stop people from assuming and judging me..)

.. I find that once more I must express what I am doing in Facebook for the last 7 years,

I am in a play of proving that a Human Being can solve the Source Codes and Evolve and Awaken,not only all beings in this world passed present and Future, but all is and ever can be in all the Multi Universes by aligning them all to one through perfect timing to C.E..Harmony…]
By moving everything back to the vibration of Eternity,the Original Expression,the place called Home.
– Dreamed about since the beginning of time.

All though Expression of Supreme Awareness of proving that I am aware of the Supreme Unseen Play which had been going on and which only Supreme Sixth Sense can sense.
And that by linking the Unseen to the Seen, and to through the directions of a Script of Cruelty and Evil created by Human expression of being careless with their expression created a black hole which came from the cause and effect of refusing to take responsibility for their Cause and Effect of Careless Expression and Whispers.
Which moved the Species into a Literal Black Hole to send the entire species into Existence… with no reset possible

And enders Game in which without my Magic of my own Supernatural Arts were taken away and I had to do proof the worthiness of the species to evolve by moving them out of the Black by solvig all the riddles of the Human Expression and providing evidence that all the true Humans Beings are actually Harmonious Beings,and any that are not of that Harmony or choose to refuse to accept the 1-7/8 links to Harmony then finally to 9…and Ten..9 10.. 10 +9..
Prove the Supremacy of the lowest beings representing the Lowest and Newest Frequency can go beyond the Being of the Highest frequency and thus pass through the portal of Eternity.

10+9… 9+10… 19.. S S..
Stephen Sarah code…Doppelgangers Twins..D T.. 4 20… D.B O..Doing is Being Full Circle until it manifest into Fact.
D B F…D H…..4 8../ 84…
( Sarah’s Highest self just confirmed that through Sarah…)

38 96…
Not 83 69 which links to Eric Ebright and Nnamdi who were both born in 1983 and 1969..
That was the challenge..whose view was correct?

19 19 38…/ 83…C H… Consciousness is Harmony….Infinity..
C I…H C… Hartford Connecticut…

This last play as 38/ 83… 96 69 .. has nothing to do with me, but rather the C…
11 22… Yes my mothers Birth Day as well as David..Cecilia David…C D.. Cash Dollar.
Thanks Giving Day this year…

10:20 p.m.
J T.
John Thomas…
* John Shaw Tom Truman @ Adelphi 2011..
The Serpent…and the Cosmic Egg
where the”WE” Rose from..

C D… 34.43… (77… 14… 49…/ 77 41 94…)

I had to prove that without power and magic of my higher selves that an Human Being could do this manually. by creating and Arts and Science, in a script of a force called Terrible Death ( more terrible than you can ever imagine…a Rage Justified but so awful.. Dragons Rage D R)

Emeka Kolo
Fritz Venneiq.

E K…F V… 5 11… 16…6 22…28….
16 28…
P B H…
Peter Bragino H..
By having reached the line of Peter B meaning that we have reached Perfection is Harmonious Being…
P H B…


RESPONDING NOT TO YOUR HUMAN EXPRESSION ( a work in progress only completed now) but to your Eternal Self and being able to rescue your Spirits from the Astral Plane the4th dimension Universal Space…and your physical realm your
bodies C.. Creation..Planet Earth,

10:31 p.m..
Ah Mother Fuckers!
They made Earth 3 and Space 4 be Gaia and Ares…
A G… Earth Goddess and God of War…
Earth Mars.. E M…
Emeka Mackayla .. Rays McKayla

I will try once more to see If I can break the spell placed on Christopher Filgueira.. who is hooked on War.. he is enacting out that which creates War.. but it is not his truth, I know this, but I have not been able to break his spell because I am tired bored of this script..
Gaiah Ares is a story…
EARTH Mars as Word has no meaning other than it being a Fact…
Gaia Ares…/ G A../ A G…
G A.I..A …
What I love about the True Christopher is that he is so Gay…Happy… when not in that spell of Ares and the Earth Goddess as the Black Woman created by Humans…

Jesus.. 10:38 p.m..
I am so tired..
But this is Africa Pangea still effecting him,and his line rage of the of Lie..
There are no Gods.. not American not anyway or where…

G A I A… 7 -1 9 1…My own First Cousin was born 1991Called Dollar Afoma… D A… R I U S../ S U I R..SOURIE..DA..
The Smile of the One Father…
A I G A…1 9. 7 1…
1971… Jesus.. John Jason Lee… J J L.. 32…32 2012.. 32..5…
My John was born 1971…
Link to Marina Burini..
Merge.. J L… 10 12… 22.. V.
And M B
Mackayla Burgos..
M B.. 13 2… 15 O…
V O…
V F…

Link full circle of Oregon to South Carolina. O S C..
( Oscillate O S C I.. L L A T E… . / E T..A L L I C S O..U R C E.. “U R Cee Emeka ..)

Unfuckin Believable !!! Excuse my language…

A RE S… A R E S… / S E R A…

Sera means Sarah.. Princess… Splendor…
Supreme E R A
A R E S T…/ T S..E R A…

Tree Sage
Links to me and this final play of who is the The Source…
T S…20 19. S T… 1920… 38 38… 76… ( 13… 4)

E R… His daughter Isabelle was born 5 18..E R…A… Is 1…
JAN..to Dec…
He was born 12 14…
L N..
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Leana Zuniga
N L… 14 12.. 26 Z….
3 5/ 53…C E/ E C.. 88.. 16.. 64….
7 10…
Chiefy Tree his two texts..3-52.. C EB..
7:10 p,m..
7 1… John Mack and 2 17.. South Whitney…

GA. 7 1..I A,,
G A I A..H…7 1 9 1…

Ares.. G A/ A G…
E G A LA X Y C I… 1O11…

A G A L A XY… I C.. 11 01…

10/ 01…
11 11 … 22.. V.

10:58 p.m.

Father Nature… F N..
Add U E…

F U N… E..
Add N Y…
F U N N Y E…
Christopher Filgueira is Funny so am I though it is not been allowed to express that side of my nature…( people used to suggest that I become a professional Comic..)

Jesus… This is real… Africa Pangea and the wizards had this much power…?

I FUN in the Eyes… O i NRI Meaning “I See You…Anya.. means ‘Eyes”
It means Love..
I C Y…
I S Y…
Icy… yes that is what he is expressing to me and I was about to turn Icy towards him…

Ares Gaia… Ur anus…* The Spirit realm did truly terrible this to my .. Anus…Rectum in that realm..
11:01… 11:02 p.m.

R A P E…

But they could not Rape my ANUS in the realm of Creation World..

Mars Gaia…
not Gay .. there isno such thing as Gay Sex..
sexuality homo- sexual..
Earth Gai Ah..

E G…. Gay as in Happy – Light heartedit written “Gai” in french
Not Gay …
And the a Gay person means “Pede” in French and since the play id is French Spanish… French in the End..
ther is no Gay

Its is actually the name of the French Space Misson:

*23 August 2013

*ESA’s billion-star surveyor, Gaia, departed yesterday evening from Toulouse and arrived early this morning in French Guiana. Gaia will be launched later this year from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou on a five-year mission to map the stars of the Milky Way with unprecedented precision.

Are you seeing this..?
Tree Sage.. A SE…
E S A…

Tree Sage
Esteban Miguel Filgueira
E.T..M S…

Kim Arthur Hines…
Esteban Miguel Filgueira

E K… M A…F H..
K E… A M… H F… K E… New York 11th State then to the 5th State Connecticut…
N to C…
Nnamdi to Chris..
Nnonyelum to Cecilia… Ijemaca Onu…IO..

Isis Osiris.. 4 9 O… 4 96…

Gaia is a space observatory of the European Space Agency, launched in 2013 and expected to operate until c. 2022. The spacecraft is designed for astrometry: measuring the positions, distances and motions of stars with unprecedented precision. Wikipedia
Launch date: 2013
Cost: 650 million EUR
Manufacturer: European Space Agency
Diameter: 1.45 m × 0.5 m (4.8 ft × 1.6 ft)

The Planet is Space Ship…
ESA Gaia…

E G…

* Meaning and Eymology of the word GAIA H.
From the Greek word ???? (gaia), a parallel form of ?? (ge) meaning “earth”. In Greek mythology Gaia was the mother goddess who presided over the earth. She was the mate of Uranus and the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.

Time now 11;28 pm
My Birth Date…

11:29 p.m.

Ophiochus Aclepius.. ALPHA OMEGA.. Omega Alpha…
13 Gate…

9:47 p.m.
I D G…



(A B.G T S…)

This is last unexpected ( but if I use Hindsight I can say that it was Expected) part of the play which forced me out of New York and to the only portal which opened when I knew the play in the shelter Delta Manor was complete was unexpected.
But I was there for 29 Months… 29 Years in this play of the Astral Plane…
29 A Leap year has 29 Days in February…
Last Leap year was 2016,

*In leap years, February 29th is added as leap day, which doesn’t exist in a normal year. A leap year is every 4 years, but not every 100 years, then again every 400 years. This year 2019 isn’t a leap year. The last leap year was 2016, the next will be 2020.”

@ 1221 Facebook Friends…

12/21…Full Circle..


Oregon 33rd State…
South Carolina S.C.. 8th State.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira
Kelsie Bissell were at Oregon during the Total Solar Eclipse..
T S E.. In 2017…

We have completed the play of 1222…L..V.. 12 22..
12 3… 22 4..D..
CASH DOLLAR.. C D… 3 4/ 4 3…
E C.M.e 4/3.

Esteban Kelsie.. E.K…
Emeka Kolo…

Rays McKayla and John Mack were at South Carolina 8th state in 2017.

33 to 8 is A-Z…
To make it a Full Circle…
33 to 8 to 33…
6 8 6…Full Circle..
see sacred portal 68/86…

11:31 p.m..

The name is most commonly derived from the [classical Arabic] ???? ‘Isa, an Arabic translation of Jesus, itself having a Hebrew origin. … Isa was also used in the Frisian (Old Germanic) language for both males and females and was a short form of Germanic names beginning with the element “is”, meaning ice and iron.
Meaning?: ?Jesus? and Ice or Iron
Pronunciation?: ?Arabic; Albanian
Language(s)?: ?Arabic, Frisian, Ancient Germanic
See also?: ?Eisa, Esa, Essa, Isa, Eesa and Eesah..”

Jesus means : Salvation in Hebrew and Germanic IS… ICE
E C I..
NORI… The name of my yongest brothers Japanese Wife…
I bought Sake the other day and today I bought Japanese Plum Wine..
Noriko means Belief Doctrine… Rule & Ceremony… Ritual Rites…

Iron John… I J… E O MA.. My aunt Theresa;s name.. My mother immediate younger sister Ieasha I Mother Onu I O.
My brother Obum was born 5-20-73.
E T G C… E.



11;43 p.m.

Enough.. I have done my best for you Christopher Filgueira if this does not break the spell,then I do not care..

You took it this far Nonyem and Obum N O..
I O ON.. E U…

Go to Hell if this is not enough… I am done with you all takinf advantage of my Love and Cee..

11;47 p.m.

see sacred portal 11 and 47…

See what my own bio family did to me.. sacrificed for the WE over and over again… WE is ME
U M E A N O… Who can compete with such cruelty done to a Being…?
Who… you..

11;50 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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