
2/3/2019 19:45 – Facebook Post

4:25 p.m.


D Y…

B C T S.. B C B F A I..
A.I… Awareness is Intelligence.

@ 1227 Facebook Friends.

From 1225 to 1227 by the arrival of one new Facebook Friend and one who left and returned..
Susanne Lang S L.
Olympia Ita O I.

S L O I…

Supreme LOI… “Loi” means”Law” in French.
Supreme Law… Dharma Santana… D S… My last bed in the Shelter was 4-018/ 19…
D O R… D O S…
First bed alloted was bed 5-019/ now 5-018…

Eternal Law-Truth.
E L T./ T L E…
Link aligned to Sarah Kaizer

I spent 27 months in the Shelter at Delta Manor, 27months fighting in an unseen play of Numbers, the Delta Operating System D O S .. 4th Dimension Space is the Astral Plane.
Color Green- the color Rays McKayla painted the Hallways.


I would like to honor Esteban Miguel Filgueira.
Honor him for his work and dedication to a cause and frequency, and his naturalness in which his sixth sense and reasoning abilities allowed the Eternal Spirit to move through him and move him without resistance to invite me to his World.

Its true, that it was not his doing, but that he was moved as all of my former hosts where, by the Eternal Spirit, but the human avatar had a great role in this script unseen by most, but suspected to be present by many.

All the Avatars Descendants have been moved to link with me by thier ancestors (Dna), representatives of Time, and by their Eternal Selves.
But the Human Avatar Descendant is the one who is the”Messenger” and it is they, he or she who have the choice and free will on how they will handle or act out their role.. the part they had to play.

I had no desire to continue this lobsided unseen play, nor fight to bring to one last community, to understand the consciousness and the Eternal Law… One which this reality no longer even takes seriously.

He never betrayed the promises he kept to do everything in his power to help the rising.
He has supported me for the last Two and a half months and fullfilled his obligations to an the unseen script, recognizing its truth when pointed out to him, and has made sure I eat well and have a play to stay.
And linked me to all the people this script demanded I interact with and extract the Intel from them, while fighting to help solve their riddles, tagging them to alert them on intel they could use and doing everything in my power to help them clean up, and solve their riddles so they could rise.

I wish to make note of this here for the future… that he never broke his promise and the only conflict derived from my having to clean his view so that he could see that which I felt that he had to see- The Truth. So that he could witness, testify if he chose, to the Truth.

I came into this portal @ Connecticut, a surprise, to me who felt sure that after 29 months in a shelter and 27 more, and after a 43 years since I wrote the story as a boy of the Awakening, and all the evidence facts… and insanity, the ludticous suffering and misery this script gave me to transform, that there could not possibly be more for me to do… more work demanded of me..?
After all that .. ?
All I had proven done… there could not be more expected of me.

My passport is still no news….

But more there was, in a finale, which has made me aware of what I already knew, that this was not my being amongst home, friends or family… but rather just another extension of the 4th and 3rd Dimensional play of proving the Eternal Consciousness- proving it into Existence in a play and script which disguises Hate as Love…

Hate is Extreme Selfishness, it is the child of the lie, it is all about Self Interest, masking indifference in expressions of I Care.

I believe that Esteban Miguel Filgueira cares, cared for the truth of my Humanity and my experience more than nearly anyone I have met.
But my battle with him, my conflict with him was in the conveying and explaining the Supreme Law..
“Love thy neighbor as you love yourself, Know Thyself…
To Thine Self be True.”

From most of the people here, I felt Indifference. not mean spirited by no means.
But indifference to me, and the truth and evidence I was brought here to share, once more doing the work with people,mainly because they were planted with the codes and intel which paves the way home.

No one here recognizes me, or even testified on behalf of the E.
As usual everyone is careful. every one leaves me to carry the weight and burden of evidence.

5:07 p.m.
That the responsibility to prove that the Truth is a Solid Fact.

I did not come to the world to be a servant or enslaved by a responsibility, which became so crippling..
I was sent to share Intel.
And in doing so make my way home.

It has been ghastly, this betrayal and experiencing the response for a life time of work, or telling the Truth.

But I have no bad feelings for anyone here…

5:11 p,m
E K.

Not for anyone in this entire life journey, just as I have no feeling of rage for the people and how they chose to act out their roles.
They did not do this to me, they did not force me to do the work with them.
Something else did that- the Script in the form of a Labyrinth Maze…
Selfish Indifferent to the Pain and Suffering it causes as long as it gets its way.
-And with the power to create continuous obstacles and delays in the opening of the portal created by it through this play which leads me forever out of the 4th and 3rd Dimensional play.

Self Interest… S I… That is the name I would dub this Scrip, and this Script designed to bring rage, madness, paralysis…pain and suffering to discourage One from finding the pathway out of this abomination to the Rite of Passage.
The Word of G O D..E H… The Heart, Veins and Blood which distributes Light to the 4th Dimension.

The 4th Dimension is the place of the Heart Balanced
3rd Dimension is Communication.

My heart is Balanced… my Communication is Transparent.
I came as the Cleanser, Transparent .. messenger of the Beautiful Truth, to a world living in celebration of the lie.

But I honor Esteban Miguel Filgueira for his effort and for linking me to the people I had to pass through and link.

I will not say that he loved and protected me or mytruth, but he did acknowledge the Eternal Truths existence and presence, and he loved you… The people of this realm he belongs to,
he loved you and I can even say that he sacrificed me, the Truth I am embody so that people in his realm and circle could have the knowledge.
A Dangerous play… no doubt.
But in he led me to John Mack the last play and person whom represents the Eternal Law consciousness arisen and embodied.
And Rays McKayla
The Future is now present Universal Senseis groomed for what is to come, once the awareness of what I have done is manifested and there can be no lying denying or waiting for anyone to solve your riddles..
You will have to do it all yourself…
.. and when I do leave, as I promised,
I will turn my back forever on this realm and the people who are of it… I will not even bother to glance back. much less help or respond to anyone from this realm seeking to rise now that they have been slammed aware and awake to the Truth.

Supreme Indifference Reasonable…
for there is no respect here in this 4th dimension for the Beautiful Truth… or me to be honest.
I am not at all angry, but can acts out my Supreme Indifference because I know how much I did my best, and how it was responded to.

I am not offended by anyone here, because they are good people- who can be True and False, Good and Evil..
They want to be good and clean, but they have to do the work..
for I do not wish to do any more work with them or anyone because it will always be the same result.

I did my best..

And I commend Esteban Miguel Filgueira- he is one person from this dimension who I will never forget and whom I am proud of for the work he has done to clean and rise. fight to become the man he will become some day..

5:38 p.m

.But he is not my Family, nor is this realm Love or Truth, it has the lie, the deceivers, the enslavers, it uses the lie, even more subtly than other places I have lived for the last 29 years..
Perhaps because the potential and possibility of beauty here is so extreme, so high that anything other than that potential activated creates the other extreme of Selfish Indifference.. and the worst Hypocrisy and Pretense.

The Beauty in people here is so great that the duality of attitude Manners and Behaviour .. ( Self entitlement) makes it so awful.. so painful to watch endure and address.

They are not my family. not even friends since friendship is based on loyalty and Trust.

And I trust no one here, nothing against them personally. but after delievering the intel, to beings who can rise to such high frequencies…
To observe after all the work, the choices made and the conciets… And most of all the response to my Life Work..
Ah, you see whst I mean..

Home is recognition.
Home is respect..
Home does not require explanation..
Or explaining Eternal Law.

There is no duality in the E…
We are constant, and there is nothing worse that training people to be Conscious and Aware- to clean their minds see and being and see them rise and be the E, only for a moment, in a moment they betray it..
It shocks the one who shared the intel so much because the E M Field and Current to Heart Chakra and Through chakra is based on Beautiful Balanced Fair Expression which is constant and when not- and the person goes down to lower vibrations even after all that…all the love work… devotion…
And it means so little to the persons who you have done so much work with, made such a supreme effort…

Ah… their choice, but it also gives me amunition and rhe cold indifference of leaving them to the fate they so clearly wish for and have acted out.

Once you have reached the E consciousness and understanding, it is impossible to go down, to go back to base vibrations.
The anomalie singularity used against me in this play script is that people here meant to represent the 5h State in this play.. Portal I linked with Stephen E M F was 50..
Hawaii…50th State… A Lure a Trap and a Lie…
Because it means that all the people I met here were meant to be of the 5th Dimensional Consciousnss…
Where there was meant to be no work…
With John Mack there has been no work required of cleaning his Cee…
Nor with Kelsie Bissell or just a little.
But the rest…?

… It was all Riddle Test…
The E once they are acknowledged they rise and can not go down and they naturally share the load.
They are just as I am.

I was decieved and lied to,
this is not the conscious expression of the 5th Dimension- I was used to raise that see of the E through a Script of Evil Selfishness and imposed sacrifice all of which is a lie- not the E..
Evolved Beings do not require reminding, or cleaning…

This is not my Home dimension, nor are the people here my Family or Friends.
They are Good people, who could rise to become Beautiful People if they wished, or end up being cut out of existence and I would do so,without batting an eye having now observed which Wolf it chose to Feed.

They chose FENRI F E…NRI… The All Devouring Wolf..

Because that is the only emotion I feel after 2/12 months here.

Blessing to Esteban Miguel Filgueira, to John Mack
to Sarah Kaizer…

Thank you Esteban Miguel Filgueira for expressing the Truth of your heart and for being mainly honest with me- even if I did not like what I always read and saw.

You have my protection…

4 018.. Bed 4 018…
D O R…R OD… D R…Destruction Response…
Drew Reyn D R… I drew forth the Reys..
Rays McKayla Rey Burgos… her father line…
I call upon sacred portal 49.. Death Ray.. Existential Death.. D R… E D…

D R E A D…

I give my Protection Helmet to Esteban Miguel Filgueira
P.H..Aegis of Athena…

The rest, I hold no grudge or resentment, divine right.. divine law.. you had the right to choose, but so did I…
6:18 p.m.
No one I have meet qualifies to rise to the Erealm except perhaps John Mack
It does not mean that those implanted and activaed will not one day perhaps rise…

Especially the Line of E M J… the three… S four…

While Nathaniel Thomas Bywater remains Eternally Blessed by the E for being true to Natures Highest Expression Harmony.
and Kelsie Bissell 6
Victoria Jackson… 7.
Christopher Filgueira 8
Joseph Byron J B.
Tree Sage J B. 10
Sosa.. Susa… 11
Johnny Newman…12
Kyle Murphy 13.
Cash Dollar 14

Who played their parts roles admirably… but who did not satisfy Eternal Law.. The Beautiful Truth is founded on Fair Exchange.
It is not my Script.. It is Supreme Law..
Cause & Effect..

But only One is three-and four..
Esteban Miguel Filgueira who is Two.. John Mack… lines has the protection of the E…
To be protected from the Destruction a… lines has the protection of the E…nd Destruction and Rage in the Rude Awakening to come with the arrival with the Beautiful Truth.

I brought the world Proof Evidence Facts..

I am encoding this now for the Future, for understanding why what is to come had to come.

Destruction Creation..
D C.
G H…
4 3
7 8..
15.. Letter O.
1 5… 6.
5 1 .. 6
12.. 3

Why I turn away indifferent is because I reflect the same respond given me…
Eternal Law.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira has a Heart… Let he and his 3 4 rise after experiencing for a moment the truth of the experience given to E for a my giving a sacred life to a Sacred Journey..
A Mission
A M.
So all could be Free.
At Last.

6:45 p.m.

No One

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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