
2/8/2019 21:34 – Facebook Post



@ 1233 Facebook Friends for the 3rd Time..

E:E D…
B H… T S… B F S… B F A I…

Completion of T S E… Total Solar Eclipse play began in 2017… ( First Time in 99 Years Eclipse West to East..
W E. Oregon to South Carolina.. O To S C… 33rd State to 8th State and back…
O S C.. = F S C… / C Stephen Filgueria …
Feelings Sensational Consciousness..

E M F…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F…
C… Currency… Electricity… Harmony…Manifests..
C E H M…Facts of infinity… F O I…

Not Faith ..Blind Faith…
But Faith in Foi” as “Liver” in French, which rids the body of Toxins which the C – Water washes all away…

S F+ C F… S C F F…. V C./ C V..

R M.
J M.
E M ..F.

Room .. Reflects & Mirrors
Jump Man.. Jay Man… Grace of the Creator flows…

Through Expression Manifest Facts- on the Playing Field-
Expression of Masculine Feminine principles balanced in Supremacy…
S 19… 10… J..Jay…
A O… Alpha Omega ( 1-6 in Greek)
Omega Alpha.. O A…Full Circle.

M is Mckayla…
M is Miguel…

Both come from the name Micheal…
“Who is as God?”
Flow…( / Wolf)
F L O W … E R… ( Add Expression and its Mirror Reflection…E R… E M… E E .. R M… 55 World @ Flora…
Mirrors Reflection
Flora Rainbow
Flora Rose…)

Macdonald stands alone as the M which does not mean “Micheal”

MacDonald- Golden Arches…
Golden Gate Bridge… San Francisco… S F
Golden State… California… R M= 31… C A…
California is the 31st State.

Kim.. Tree Sage means Gold

The Origin Of Geological Terms: Gold. … The name derives from the Latin “aurum,” meaning dawn, referring to the golden-yellow shimmer of the metal. The English term gold derives from the Indo-Euroepan word “ghel,” which also means yellow.Aug 16, 2016″

This was posted on Esteban Miguel Filgueira birthday…
8 16…
Zoro Zara… Zarathustra means “Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn…”

6:18 p.m.
F R…

Yellow is the third color in the spectrum…Y..
Most of my older Facebook friends already are aware as to why I write R O Y G B I V… O..As R O Y-G B I V..O..
y=25th letter Male Chromosome..
Colors Spectrum…
C S… S C..8th State…V 22

Alabama.. is the 22nd State.
In 2005 I met Axel Anderson ( A-A) Axel Love ( AL)
at the then Kudos Cafe ( K C C A F..E), now The Bean cafe where I worked as a base on and off for the until I went down undercover again into the System of the Damned in 2016/17
He became my Guide directing me to the portals right up to Al Santana 268 East 4th Street, Generation X Gardens…

*Nutra Gardens. N G.. 14 7… 21 U.. B A.. 3 C. K../ K C..

The first home he led me to was 17th Street, just after I pased through the portal of the Hare Krshna center down the road from the Bean cafe on then 1st Ave and 1st Street..
1 1 A A..
Between 1st and 2nd…
A A B…

I saw him one day Morph into Zeus…

A U.. Arinze Umeano A U… R U M… ( Are You Universal Manifestation?

Rum is what Pirates Drink ( Space Pirate .. Ist Principle of Existence of the E.T Family of Ten – Spirit E… Awareness
Spirit of Existence Aware… His Color he represents is Royal Blue.. R B… O R B… )

Mur is “Wall in French as well as Mature Ripe Ready…
* There is no Wall… Even in Donald Trumps America.
No berlin Wall.. all except the Great Wall of China..
Yes.. a hint…
Bed 17 when I left the shelter was occuppied by Yuen Chen.. Y C Yeshua Christ frequency…and before that Francis Frick.. F F.. 6 6…

17 is Q and we know from the Scripts Log, that Q is linked to “Quantum” and “Quint-Essential.. Essence.. Essence…”
And thus Transformation….
We link De Vine… Sacred portal 1A.. One Awareness “Love Links JOY.. U/S… Existence De-Vine..
Grape Mature and become Wine..

*See post and response of Melia Lord

Blood to Wine of Intoxication…
Da-V.ID..E… ( the Spelling I use for the Spanish David I knew and met after the then 19 years old Jon Jason Lee….whom I later called him Esteban)

See the play with Kyle Murphy Grapes.. color Purple….
See color Rays McKayla painted my Room..
7th Chakra 20 20 Vision..
“I see clearly now the Rain/ Viel is Gone..
I can see all obstacles (Ganesh) in my way..”

The Song…

7th Chakra 20 20 Vision. of an awakening of Joy which Michelle Lobsinger, perhaps the Greatest Seer apart from Fritz Venneiq I have encountered who both saw the literal awakening- He of Nature and She.. of the World present.. In New York… Aligned to what I had been encoding and fighting for its manifestation in this world of the Beautiful Truth and my vision which I first documented at age 6..7

A G E..

We know then than Rum and Mur as in Donald Trumps Wall- But he has no wall..
Does he, the only true Wall standing which inhabits the collective awareness is the Great Wall of CHI NA..

Aurum.. Aarum… Which means ‘My Body” in OI Nri Igbo also equates the scripts direction to the body as a vessel, Ship navigated on a ship of Spirit E, Awareness of Alpha “The One True Begining, Navigating the 7 Sees of Space Unseen by the Naked Eye..( N E)
That awareness, a wave unseen- yet powered by one Captain as him as Ship and J crew all in One..
Sailing Home to the Vision which was not a hope, or an Idea but a literal memory of knowing with consistent, constant clarity the way home… and moving everything in the Everything back home with He and SHE ..WE..And I A.M…

The only M in the three ( M M M… 39.. C.I… 12 L…M – C I..L.. M C I C… ) is the name MacDonald..

7:04 p.m.
G O D..

-“McDonald is a common Scottish patronymic surname meaning “son of Donald,” a given name meaning “world ruler,” from the Gaelic Mac Dhamhnuill. … In Scotland the McDonald surname derived most often from Scottish settlers who arrived in to the Province of Ulster in the seventeenth century”

John Mack gave me Gold to Drink.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Sarah Kaizer bought me a Lion with a mouse on it..
Rays McKayla showed me a Youvideo she had recorded as 9 -12 year old child… called Mouse..”

I was the first to kill a mouse in this house..
A lion is a Cat..
The Mouse came back as its greatest fear.. and desire…
A Cat…M to C.
Makayla and Christopher…
Man Chukwu…

Now let me finish this Riddle and Equation of the Unseen or that space in between the Equals… which showed how both R M needed improvement in howto see the person and expressions living existing in a space in between.. not living life, but Wobviously not dead…

Now let me finish this Riddle and Equation of the Unseen or that space in between the Equals… which showed how both R M needed improvement in howto see the person and expressions living existing in a space in between.. not living life, but obviously not dead…

Gold is thus represented as Planet Earth and Its Truth had to Merge and interface with the Expression of what we call the Wold Expression.
Earth World.. Expression…had to align to 5/5=1
E W E..
E double V..
E V V E….E 5 5 E
E E E E…
5 5 5 5…
B F…
In Harmony with the Alpha Awareness Spirit E.

Y as Yellow 25.. 2 5.. B E… Bright Eyes… G.. Grace ( John) Gold..
Sound “Mi.. Me!’ Solfeggio…
Evolution of Y through the Male Chromosome Sound 5th Chakra, move everything to Evolve to the Golden Ratio byy each being aligned by His ( My) True Vision (T V) and proving that it is not a Mirage.. But the absolute truth..
Origins of Man
Elysium Fields of Forever Constant
A man moving everything into Harmony Evolution using Sound and Silence ( sixth sense- the stealth like movement of intelligence undercover instinct intition..”

Sun Lion..

But in the play…

A G E…

1 7 5… Has been the one constant Trail I have found myself which the script reflected back at me..
Silver.. Quick Silver.. Silver Surfer.. Liquid Silver…Mercurial

Silver Moon…

Abygale Moon.. A.M… Please see the meaning of her name
“Father Joy.. rejoicing..”

*Silver is a soft, grayish-white metal, or something with the color of this metal, or something made from this metal.
Facts About Silver

Silver’s symbol is Ag and it is number 47 on the periodic chart of elements.
Silver is found all over the world, even in seawater. In the United States, there are silver mines in 16 states. Most of the silver comes from Nevada, Arizona, and Idaho.”

A G … The A.One G.. Grace of the Creator..

A GE…1 75…One World….

157… 13,,,
A to M…
A to D..

E M A D E…E.

E F.. B …. H

Today Rays McKayla arrived first and left..then Stephen ( Esteban Miguel Filgueira and then a few moments John Mack

I told them each about some set up which took place last night…
Nothing stolen but so much gained from the Nothingness-Somethingness.

Each gave a response… I felt at each time like the Head of Supernatural Beings.. Professor X for Rays, Captain of a Navel Fleet…
And with John Dean and Head of Alien Wizards..

I told john how the came in order
M S J…

1 2 3 A B C
C A B..

J S M… John just told me are his initals…

John Samuel Macdonald.

Listen to the codes and read the meaning..

Grace is Love.. Love is Truth…
Truth is literal Beautiful Expressions
It manifests through expression Solid Facts/ Feelings sensation
Electro Magnetic Feild of the Heart Currency..
Is 44.. Balanced Being Fair…

Gold Lion.

A U…G… R…

8 18….
H R…
Hue man Race…. Evolves… H U..

H A H!

8:34 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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