
Always look on the Bright Side of Life

Always look on the Bright Side of Life

while being aware of the force of the illusion and how it had been used to deny the True Beautiful View of Life.

And how it became that powerful in this world

My entire life journey has been a story of surrounding Pain and Suffering.

I do not believe in Pain and Suffering as a learning tool, but unfortunately, this reality does and so in order for people to See E

This world demanded such Pain and Suffering to share the knowledge of Knowing.

The Knowing of Everything

I had to go into a play in which something I did not believe in, because the basis of the Script, mission… the essence of my life on Earth

Pain and Suffering…

What people call necessary and which I call absurd.

Effort to Effortlesness

Will to Flow

Determination to Devotion -De- Vine.

Cause Effective- Harmony

E A S Y..

Easy as Sunday Morning

Everything has been made so complicated for no other reason than a distorted sense of Self.

3:43 p.m

Hey McKayla Rays..

When everything is easy..

Even solving the riddles of Existence is easy.

Was easy but this mentality which believed in Effort Suffering Pain Loss, made it so difficult.

Created in their minds and placed a spell on Humanity saying this is Impossible.

My Suffering and Physical Pain and this God awful Scripts is because of this entrenched belief has taken over the Human Mind and Being.

That people have determined what is possible and what is impossible.

Yes, one might recall my saying over and over again that Humanity had no say in this Universal Simulated play.

But I was betrayed by that which sent me, by it moving all the Equations to be represented by People, whom I had to reach, activate their Awareness of the Eternal moving through them, receive the I ntel and ads it to the Weave of which I am proving the supremacy of Human Potential made Kinetic Energy

T P / K -115 A G E..

It is this idea of what is Impossible and Possible which has made the mission I was given so difficult when it was meant to be so easy.

The fight and battle to get the Human Avatars off from that point of View, which required an exhausting excavation of their Lifes and from which view they perceived it..

One of which is constant fear and futility

The Impossible.

The simple made so Impossibly Difficult simply by the adopting the literal incorrect point of view and the consciousness of 0.

No solutions

Humanity had given up on solutions instead by adopting the Impossible point of view.


Forgetting the Beautiful Moments and miraculous events of their Lifes to adopt and sustain it, instead they would embrace the lie that life is pain.

The only reason it became the lingua franca of this world is that it is easy to give up,

It is easier to say something is Impossible than to say Its is Possible.

I have solved a Script, in which my Pain and Suffering was demanded, it was not allowed to be what my story here was meant to be, that of Ease.

For that would make others feel Dumb,

But even the most brilliant and beautiful beings can become Stupid and Ugly when they focus on a Dumb and Ugly point of View.

Sure there is Pain and Suffering in this realm, but where did it come from?

Does it not come from a point of View?

And is not the true meaning of pain and suffering a temporary state of Being – a riddle which you must solve, a state which is transitional .. momentary.. not meant to go on forever.. because even the Human body rep of Time and Truth, has a time limit to how much imposed suffering it can endure

Life is not Suffering, Pain and Misery.

People made it that way, creating false summation and answers to questions instead of having the Humility to say I don’t Know

Or I do not know How to apply the Truths I recognise through all the Information and Data now available at the touch of a button

It never occurred to most people that when they have Humilty and ask questions with respect and reverence for the universe that It always responds and placed the answer on your way.

4:19 p.m


Dharma Santana

And yet if you are not paying attention, if you have adopted the incorrect point of view..

That everything Must be difficult, that everything worth while, can only be gained through Effort Suffering and pain, complicatinh everything, creating problems when there are none, how can you see the Love of the Universe reply?

How can you read the Simplicity of the Riddle is as easy as A B C?

You can’t can you if you are so deep in that spell.

This is what I’m have literally experienced in this script..

The uneccessary difficulties, the non stop road blocks and obstacles which line the way.

Everything, every day- even the most simple things have been made complicated, each moment made into a problem..

The Script I went through reflected Humanities State of Mind..

And constant expectation of Disappointments, Betrayal.. Abandonment Hurt of never being good enough.

The result ..?

This Script and my constantly fighting this wave and movement manifested by this Human Mentality of Anger Violence and Pain.

Earth Venus.

Venus is Goddess of Beauty Love Fertlity ..

And besides her is her messenger Mercury

Meaning from the Sun comes The Messenger of Love to the Earth .

I was at 18 Mountain View

M V.


E M I 5

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