
2/18/2019 21:40 – Facebook Post

4:08 p.m


Sacred Portal 48
“Beautiful Death as Transformation.. Evolution back to your Eternal Self but now here on Earth”.

B R T S.
– Being Reflects The Source
O R B. The Source

Code links to Tree Sage rep reflection of The Tree of Wisdom

All are moved by Dark Light or the Ethereal C.

@ 1237 Facebook Friends


24/7 Awareness of the full Circle and linking everything eventual manifests a Solid Fact, the Full Circle represented by the Planets

This is how planet Earth was created, from nothingness-
Expressions of Bliss and Extase.

Yesterday, I asked McKayla Rays if she could pick me up some beer as she and John Mack returned from their stay in New York.
I asked for an I.P…A beer.
She brought with John and Andrew 6 of them.
Holly has never met me- nor was she aware of the Black Horse placed on my Altar or the play in which in a Universal Simulation Awareness, set in the U.S.A ..
That I had to pass through a dwell in the ultimate and absolute darkness of the blackest pit- a simulation of a black hole where all light energy is drained from you.

She had no idea that I was sent there to recover the long forgotten truth of Origins of Everything.
And that I had to transform the “Idea” of the Black Hole, as Darkness, Blindness- Ignorance…
That it was and is a Man that was at the bottom of Everything.

A truth buried do deeply that to access it, in this play created by Death as the absolute end and the darkest mystery.

The Blackness really Matter, the Material building blocks of physical body had to be transformed into what it really is and means.
Transparency, water bodies.

She did not know that I had walked through darkness with full memory, and discovered that I was in a script, set up to prove this truth.
And the last portal was 29 months in a Shelter.
represented as Delta Manor D.M.
And to 3 months here at Hartford Connecticut hosted by Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Nor that each time I have moved in New York City- 58 times in 18 yrs,
20 times in Paris and 16 times in London approx
That I had no idea what was happening, blind each time I moved, fighting to understand what was happening to my life that I was always forced to move..
I suspected that I was in a Play Script. I knew this world was not the Real World but it was hard for me to accept that which was happening, but each time, I would link each circumstances, the people I met and why I was there and suddenly each time dark grew to light and I could see.

She did not know any of this, or that she is representing the proof of the Universe being an Elegant Equation not of time or age,
13.8 Billion year old planet
But I had proven that since we are not from Space as Time, but come from a space known as Eternal which exist outside of Time.
And thus, Physical Manifest nature and the Spirit World are naught but Mirror and Manifest Reflection of the Eternal so as a mirror reflects it creates the effect of 13.8 really being 8.13.

I knew and have been proving all this for years to what I can only describe as a Holo Deck.
( H.D. 8 4)
1984. Big Brother is watching you
Yes see my Facebook page
An Eye on you.

I was led to this forum by the wave I had been moved by, I had fought it too long to not know that I was in a script.
And that it was not my will or desire which was in control but rather that I was a Particle..”God’s Particle” moved by its Wave.

And that I was addressing and solving a riddle the way out of Pans Labyrinth.

Holly MacDonald works at A place called the Labyrinth.

Recall the play started with missing Pans..

* missing for 4-5 days when I noticed and did not really care to even mention it, despite knowing that it was a set up..
I did not mention until just the other day and then when this play was resolved yesterday by my texting E.M.F… and then it brought forth Erebus expression as he “Merged and Emerged ” from the absolute darkness of the deepest pit of bearing such a burden on my own- the Truth and Face, the Facts of the “Lost Truth”
( A lie, it wasn’t lost, it was thrown away- the same way that my family here and all my friends threw me away for following, made to follow an Invisible Script unti made Visible to all)
And so the Darkness, aloness of the last 37 years-a life time of isolation for refusing to settle down here and accept this reality as real
29 years since I began searching for my Family called The Eternals ..
Comes to an End, through this Satanic Script of my being labelled the Mark of the Beast, instead of my Truth, C-Light Energy
Proton Electron Neutron 666.
O P.E N.

Satan is not me,
The Devil is not I.
Check the portals I passed through since 2006.
Santana ..
Santana Dharm
Eternal Law.
Estaban Liberty

Check, you will see portals I passed through right E.M.F’s Mother’s home on Christmas Day where a picture of the musicians “Santana”
Lotus Santana-portal even on this Facebook Facebook play.

It being a portal I first notes while staying at A friend’s house called Davide Campillo in Barcelona Spain 1991.

She lives at number 138.
Her partner is born 8-13 H.M.
Name Elizabeth
Holly Elizabeth
8 5
Harmony E.

*It means that in this Hologram Holodeck Play, that I have reached the Particle represented in this Script as Individuals.

5:08 p.m

Pls see the Sacred Portals 58 85..
85 85
13 13
M M.
26 Z

One Harmony, Infinity Sign standing up.

* Tree was just here and literally quoted this..

S.P 147 “Father of Infinity” Emmy F.O.I.
Symbolized in Natures Expression of E as Rain Drops R D evolved to Snow Flake.

Holly gave Johnny and Mikki. before even they asked 6 with 2 out of 4 pack called Erebus.
Lord of the Darkest Night.
On my Altar I had placed Mikki’s Great Grandmother’s Black Horse toy.

How could Holly have known?
Dark Matter
Delta Manor
Harminy Matter
O E. O5
Full Circle in the U.S.A. 5th State
Connecticut C
Hartford Connecticut. H C.. C H C.

Sacred Portal 88.
And 49 ..

How did she who represents O.E.
That my reaching her portal through her brother J.M.and Mikki, represented on Facebook as R.M.
Jump Man.. -A Jumper, is one who can jump through dimensions of Time and Space.
*There is actually one such person in the new series I have recently began watching in the series called The Umbrella Academy ”
He is called number 5.


IP.A Beer.
I.P T P .. Day I moved into Delta Manor
Ip Address I P AD Dress

Mikki and I sat in my room a little later when she noticed my computer restart and reboot.
Some time later I my internet connection went off.
I trouble shooter only to discover that my internet connection
“One Eternal Family, no longer had a valid I.P Address configuration.

I just quietly groaned- for this is the play I have been fully conscious and aware of that I have been in for the last 18 yrs.

How could I explain this to the world, I had wondered- especially when it was all in a Language of Children, Imagination and Common Sense.
And not in the Script of this world Art and especially Science..
Here everything is quantified through the surface nature of the physical end point of Energy and not to Its depth and Energetic Ethereal invisible source
True Expression from Its source origins.

I had to devise a whole new language and way at looking at Reality.
And use the template of Nature and the language of this reality ( so corrupted ) clean it up and interface all.. Material Cellular Biological, Physical.Natural and Supernatul and align them all in to one line, wave and curve and full Circle to Energies actual frequency as light consciousness and then through Expression..as Sound to Sound of Silence and finally to the manifest portal of Eternity.
All though 18 years 666 sign of the beast given to me for daring to go against God and Human Beliefs.

H.O. M.E.
8O. 86. S.P 86 13 5. 14 18 N.R (I)
14. N E… North End.
* Christopher Filgueira was here today, he works here and lives in a place called The North End
18 9.
5 9 E I

H O M.E.. E.
H O M M E. ..E.

Which is why, I really do not know what to say to you anymore.

I haven’t called my mother in almost a year.
I did not wish to cause her anymore pain,
I wished to tell her news, that I have completed the mission, no more promises, no more words of ” I am coming”

I have not heard anything from the British Embassy or passport office, but rather than pursue them, focusing on a way out through the way of this world, I once more bet on the Truth and The Beautiful Truth rising so All can see for themselves .

30 years…
I wake up each day to madness anger insanity
29 years documenting writing working all kinds of jobs, living always on the move..
No security, 18 yrs no I.D, not even a bank account, do you know what it takes to live without any of those necessities of this world, no support system asked to leave each person’s home because they could not, would not retain what they were given evidence as Truth proofs facts.


And look how far it has gone,
See how much work was done.
All to explain and prove into existence the E
Solving riddles of Existence to the world linking weaving connecting everything, 24/7 Awarness not one moment of being allowed to rest..
Always Examinations Tests and battles while inside of a body painfully morphing creating constant extreme discomfort even when I want to sleep.
And the constant quiet torment of disbelief, that this Script can not be real, can not have manifested such a play of Satan and The Devil when they aren’t real.

But illusions Delusion done to the True Human Identy
“What is Hue Man Being ”
A Harmonious Being which is your original I.D.

I have alone in the Pit, with my I.D. E.A.

Having once more resolved the riddle of Pans Labyrinth.
16 12…
47. 11 28. 39. C.I
12 L.C
Liberty C L
444 444 28
Harmonious Being

Still, I am here alone, posting on my I.D.
even after presenting all the Facts and Empirical evidence and experience of Being in this Non Existence having fought bring to everyone’s attention that the Evolution and demise is imminent to an audience who can see me..

It has been too much for me, to even conceive that after all this work, all that has been aligned..

That there is still no support for the E,
( E steban was moved to host me, ) but this not my home..

Why do I still have no Home, Friends or Family here in this world.

And how is that there is no joyous response of
“I See!”
But this is not a question for you,
But to that which is invisible, the force of..
8:00 p.m
Infinity Sign standing up instead of laying down.at Rest and Asleep as people of this world..

By now Everything should be Visible..
I know this a Fact proven true

Stand Up for the Truth of the E.

Only the True Stand up,
And I am tired of it being only

8:06 p.m

8:07 p.m

The meaning of this?
Is that Evil Cruelty and Hatred expressed in this time line was so so beyond Belief

While True Love was made invisible by people because true sincere appreciation for the gift of Life ..and Death devolved into no such things Truth and Love.
The former became a subjective ego trip of constant distortion and Love Is regulated and attributed to a Chemical Equation and thus non existent making the meaning of Love
Respect to ones fellow man and woman
“I See you.
I Hear you
I know you
I feel you.. touched me..”

To the Pit of absolute darkness fighting to Rise from it as Eternal Memory
Unappreciated true gestures of
Amazing Grace…how sweet the Song

We sing of Memory and the way Home.

Ask nothing no more of me,
Enough of the humbling of me because of my Beautiful Pride in being Me.

I stand up!
I stand up to the Lie, to the Decievers the Deniers…
Because that is what the Natural Truth
The Eternal Truth does
It is in the Dna
Delta N.E

It’s time for all this to End.

I focused on The Beautiful Truth and solved Death Gods Truths Riddle

It’s enough

8:36 p.m.

Enough Hurt and Pain Betrayal to me and to my offering

Where is the Love?

Perhaps it is rising at Last from the Black Hole
Black Whole

8:40 pm.

From my phone

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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