
2/19/2019 20:28 – Facebook Post

I spent the last three hours solving and decoding a play with Adam Waldron formerly Adam Christopher, linked to Christopher Filgueira C F..P.T/ T P.. 20 16.. 36.. 9.. Then to 9= 1I.
It linked Qusharia Aallah to Anamla Qayin… D M I C TP/K 115 AGE..
The sacred portal 115 Showing a being called Samson-G passing through a brick wall to the Lions Gate.. L G… 115 is K E..
/ 511.. E.K..
I literally passed through that play before your Eyes from arrival from the 11th State to the Fifth State New York -Connecticut….
11 5… N C…
5 11.. C N.. 3.14.. PI.. P.I../ IP…
D.M.. Delta Manor… 9-16-2016…I P.. T P…
To P I.. P T… Pi or Perfection Infinity rep by the Circle..
TP.. True Point… Truth is the Point…
16 9… 25.. Y…to G.. Yellow to Gold.. Au..
Arinze Umeano..A U… Who also sent me a text along with Adam Qusharia…
A Q A…Full Circle… Concentric Circle…

I stated that there is only one Wall represented by myself- chosen ( without my knowledge or permission to represent the Eternals…)
The wall exists as passing through the Heart of the E,M.F of this this play…
Only your original self – Refined through the experience of Time can pass through.
I recollect them , you all and when you are not your original self, that you have Forgotten that you “Know Everything”
That becomes the Wall which you can not pass through…
And since we have passed sacred portal 383..
Through the play of
Chinedu Umeano My mothers name is Cecilia Umeano but everyone calls her C..
Henk VanVelsen
Charlotte Amanda Watters

C H C.. A V…W V U…

C H C.. 3 8 3..
*I have been in Hartford Connecticut for 3 months and I am on the 3rd Floor…
That play is complete and in the sacred portal the Crossing Giards literally take the Cross Road… ( Walden means “Raven.. Crow.. Forest Dwellers… There are alot of Crows here… Did you see the movie with Brandon Lee.. B .L.. Universal Existence…
Lord By Ron.. Poet…
Ronald MacDonald… R M..
Rays McKayla
John Mack
Holly MacDonald…
Golden Arches… Yellow=Y..Y=25 2 5= 7..G..

Arinze Umeano
Emeka and Arinze both mean the same thing…

At last we pass out of the story of Pangea and Africa .. World History World Stories.. World Expression…
Web All Love Lies..
W A L L..
E E…
W A L L E E…
Flora Restaraunt… F R… E E ..
The Word.. The People are the Word of G-Ode…
The Elegant Nomads…
Not the cat play of the Big Cats.. Little Cats .. But Cool Cats…
9 lives 6th Sense… 9 planets 6 sense.. Conscious Awareness=T
C AT.. E..

I knew we were Finally out of that story when Tree Sage brought me a that painting…
And now look at his expression…
It is no longer contained within the stories back stories of this world.. but rather the 2019.. Present.. E… Evolved to E…

No longer fighting the Tricksters… Loki Eshu…

There is no real wall… The Wall is for those who could not come back to their original selves- I cannot recognize them as being aligned to the Eternal Selves- by they not realizing that this world is not real and still being attached to it.
Those who have Natural Evolved..moving to Awareness through the journey through the Nothingness Space-Truth which connects and links us- there is no wall.. The are aligned Eto E
Expression Eternal to Embodiment…
E E E…
E F..
Eternal Family…

We are now at 12 39.. L C ..I…
Liberty C Liscomb L C L..A FullCircle…
L C K…E..
L O C K… E..
E K C .. O L
E K C O O L Cat…
Alien Wizards..Magicians of Infinity..
M O I..
See sacred portal 90…
F O I…
Father of Infinity…
I Know…I do not Believe.. because I know..
Facts do not require beliefs…

Ai Mee
Victoria Lind

A M..
V L…

A.V.. M .L..

The Awareness Victorious
Manifest Love.. L =12…

3 C…

7:27 p.m.

But on seeing this post, I see why It was taken away…
It really is no longer necessary…

7:28 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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