
2/26/2019 23:47 – Facebook Post

8:45 p.m.



My day started with Christopher Filgueira
( C A F. E)

Then with Leonardo “Da Vinci” taking from my altar, on the last and end of the story on my Altar
( yes like the Copper bejewelled Ank on Esteban Miguel Filgueira Altar with the Unicorn running on the ” very edge of Known Existence ” linked to my Sacred Portal 58 E.H
And consequently reflecting me my exoression my E-Spirit)

It was in the Plaque representing the Corner Stone Susan- the Great Witch- line of my mother stated that I must find-
The Beautiful Ones who walked the Earth before man.
I found it, recorded in almost real time on this page, on E Street in Alpha Bet City in 2015.

Yes Bruce Springsteen ( B.S. 2 19 South Whitney)
And the E Street Band.

I thought at the time that I was done – and resisted mightily when I read that I had to pass through the Shelter once again as I had done in 2001 when I went there undercover of the Eternals to investigate a question as why people in the richest country in the world had people sleeping in the streets in winter..
And for a mission which I had no idea would last 14 years despite only staying there for 4-6 weeks in 2001..
I was still there all this time, underground investigating the System.

I had gone undercover to ingeniously write an article for Diane Sawyer ( D.S.. Donna Stephen.. Donna E steban D.S. D E. 4 19. 4 5 billion yr old planet
Nnamdi born 4-5-1969.

I wrote The Elegant N omad.
Which concluded with that there was a cry for true Freedom and Liberty..
A Time to Evolve
How would I have guessed that after having had to prove that conclusion on the playing fields of New York moving 58 times to present and to spend a further 2 months in total
( 2 months at first then a 9 month release to Woodstock via Poughkeepsie chez Donna O Sullivan D S. D.O S.. and John Blackwell Delguidce J.B. J.D. returning 9 months later to spend 2 more months and 27 months at Delta Manor before reaching Estebans portal at number 29
That is 29 months in one stretch and a grand total of 31 months..
29. From Donna O Sullivans..
One stretch of Hellish darkness of passing through the Black Hole of Human Existence in the West- to be treated as less than No One..
Worse because you are sucked on by vampires, used by the government as experiemnent and despised by anyone above you- everyone because you are treated not only as the lowest of the low but the mental health issues allowed drugs to be ordered to be pumped into you.

I never realized that I never left despite my knowing that I was in a loop of the 4th Dimension I did not have all the evidence and facts to prove it.

That “Corner Stone” is in dark green- the same color of Stephen a Lighter
Dark Green
4 7.
Thomas Lang
T L. 2012..
47 is Ag.. it is the Atomic Number of Silver

C.u.. Chinedu Umeano Copper has the A.N of 29.

Au.. Arinze Umeano is Gold ( Kim means Gold)
Tree Sage facebook friends with Au..is real name is K..A.H!
Talking To The Silence TTTS. My Journals spanning 29 years makes T=20 20 20 19
79 is the Atomic Number of Gold.
31st State..
“The Golden State ” .
Silence is Gold.

Silver Tongue.

Al is Aluminum
Al Satana..
A-L. 1-12. J.D. Jan to Dec.
1+12.. 13
13 is the Periodic number of Al.
13 is the number 42 in Binary

What is the meaning of Existence
Thomas Franklin Lang is my 1242 Facebook Friend
12 L.. Liberty Freedom ( see meaning of Frank and the Steet name of the Assessment Shelter Franklin McGuiness.. The latter means Chosen One”)

L F.. F L. Forte Lauderdale I left Al Santana place with R S on July 4th Indepence Day.
7 4 I.D.
Thomas F Lang was born 4-7..
All was born 74 his mother like my mother was born 47.

Florida is the 27th State we arrived at Ravindra Singhs place he was moving out with Billy Hung ( R S. B H. ), the addess was 511
E.K. 2012 is the code Al used for E verythinh.
He is Taino- Puerto Rican same ancestry as Mackayla.. M 13
Minerva Marissa ( Ritz ) Majestic MMM 39

Liberty and Thomas are depicted in Sacred Portal 39. GATEWAY

27 months in the Dark The Ultimare experience of the Black Hole to move it to the 27th State.
The Sunshine State

Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis

29 months of being used as the Cheap Conductor
Al and Cu
By 13 and 29
See sacred portals.

Au.. Umeano the 4 Divine Breaths
Cu the Leader and Head of the 4 Divine Breaths

Ag.. Link message and Intel from Anamla Qayin
D.M I C. T.P/K 115 A.G..E
That she saw I had to pass through Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter
D.M.. M.H ( Mckayla Haily/ Holley McDonald Shelter S..19.. Mikki is 19
In Am rep B S. The Play led Stephen to two portals North End but the keys got lost..
To 219 .217 -219 South Whitney St. ) Universe M.H.
Source Expression of The Universe
8 13. H.M

I am Silver and Gold..
The 2 who is 1.

Used to bring the Truth through bringing light to the deepest place of Human Despair and Hurt a light of the “Fil Gueria” common thread linked by me Awakened Memory
Total Recall.
RT.R Full Circle up to 2018 Dec.

Al Cu
A C. 1 3
C A. 31
31 months grand Total from portal Al Santana not 29 from Donna and John portal

To go down into.the darkest nature Matrix
Delta Oprerating System
See meaning of the name Sullivan
Hawk Eye.
See Horus “All Seeing Eye”
Ancient Egypt ” The Book of the Dead”

I represented the past as The Tibetans ( Ti- B.E.T) Book of Living and Dying ( TT.B O ..L A D )
Not the play of T E B O T D.
See Billy Hung ancestry Chinese
Hung means “Rainbow Spectrum R.S
Ravindra Singh “Lion lord” ”
But still I aligned the Story to even awaken the Grateful Dead. G D. 7 4
Using the 4 day O.I.Nri week.
Eke Orue Afor Nkwo.
E O A.N..NA. O E
Anna means “Grace Favor ” G F
God Father
Grand Father ..
It is not represented y Grand Father D.N Umeano
No the Great Father the Sheltering Sky and just as the arrival of the son of the Twin
Liberty and Truths son as the rep of the Soild Fact represented by the 5th child of her Womb a Boy..
By Jove!
Jupiter ..Zeus Her a

See meaning of Jupiter
“Down headed boy Youth ”
John Mack representing my Truth.

Earth and Sky.
And the Personification
E S P.. A M.A.N

Is Not D.N U
It is David Nnamdi Eri/ Alexander
Chukwuemeka Emeka HE.N.R.I
Christ nailed to the Cross..
In your story perverted mayhap and as Mikki testified what she saw when she massaged me.
But really it is me as

E O. 5O 50th State where I connected with Stephen
And in the 5th State Connecticut Newington Grant Moor Motel room 114 A.N.

John means the same as Anna.
Yeshua Eric..
J A Y. E.

10-20 p.m.
John Thomas…
John M
Johnny Newnan.

So when Leonardo DA Vinci the Cat Kitten took the Candy given to me by Stephens Mother
Donna on Christmas Day ( C.D… 3 4 =7. 12.
Yellow Golden
Green corridors Heart.
Indigo Purple Violet.

Took the Candy Coil.
See sacred portal 64.
See time Mckayla sent me her Flight ticket
Hagar means Flight
The day after the massage at 29
Cu.. Copper..

8 16. 8+8. 8 16 H.P
Mother Board
Marina BuriniMARINA,
Mckayla Burgos
McKayla RaysRays

And Holly MacDonald and her/ their Mother
Linked to Ringling Bros.
“The Greatest Show on Earth”
Barnum & B.

The very last piece on my Altar in Dark Green with the Word Grace.. Amazing Grace.
Ag Silver .. 47
“How Sweet The Song ”

E Harmony Supreme
E The Source

Fact Solid.

Anna. “Grace Favors The Child”


12:37 a.m

Its A Boy ! Blue
B.L. U.E. S O L

B S. @ 219 South Whitney

This is the third time I sought to post
Twice my computer crashed at the last possible moment
10:40 pm

I wasn’t too bothered by the second time
I knew it was proof of sacred portal 40
Africa Pangea interfering meddling

The posts where meant to be a gift to Emf
But see it is the 3rd day at 1240..
Its transformed insread into the code
C.U. E

I cue people
at the point of a pool stick.


The Cure
True Clarity

10:47 p.m

P.S.. So I posted this from my phone while sitting at Tisane “Tea.. Master ” A Drink with Jam and Bread?
J B.
J. A.M. initials of John Macks father
B ..READ.. my Body
Dough Do…
That works too..
True Mastery
Tom Marina
MM 26. B F. 8 H
TT. Pi in the Sky.. 2020 vision
10 10
20 T
2 B. F
2 F =8
Harmony Henri

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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