
3/6/2019 16:27 – Facebook Post

Here is the Language of Evolution and how to read and link.

On my page is the Original Blue Print
which as People like L.C.B rise with their recollecting our language and how to Link Connect Being
People can C.f. compare and contrast with the Original on my page.

You will see that his coding and linking ( which requires research) is linked to the same numbers codes meanings on my page…
Right to the sacred portals.
The same with Mathew Heaths expression .

This is the E consciousness now present and understood by the World in this dimension..

White Raven ..

A White Raven
L C B..
12. 3 2…= 3 5..
C E.

British Passport office after 17 yrs of having living in New York with no I.D and a body which no one believes or really cares was evolving.

* Christopher Filgueira has starred to exhibit the same physical condition I have been speaking about and enduring.
I have watched and listened and today as he described it once more to me, I finally publicly recognize and acknowledge that it is literally the same symptoms..
No one can describe it that well, unless they are going through it themselves.

Yesterday 3 5 @11 am I had an interview set up
C E K..
See E.K
The interviewer was Marcus Manning
M M.

I did not see him nor did he see me because a meddling happened once again which forced me to reschedule the appointment
I know why the play created confusion it was because I had to complete more equations which had to do with Franck Charles Archibald and Alicia N.
C F A..
Christopher Andrew Filgueria.
C A F.
Both C.F. Circle Filled C 3. F 6.. 9…add A
T E N.


NA N A… Jaguar Nana. Ancient Mayans..

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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