
8:25 p.m

8:25 p.m

3-12- 2019.

Harmony Y Chromsome Created.




Liberty C Liscomb. L.C.L

T Thomas Lang

The Twins

Language Tongue.

12 20 32/ 2012. 32/32. 1..5/5 1


E E in 1.Awareness

Freedom Liberty

True Love = Equality.

Transparency is Supreme ..

Truth Shades

You from the Dangerous Rays Glare of the Sun.

It manifests physically as Day Evening or Night all is Transparent including Shade

Transparency comes in all forms and hues, it is just lightened up bit still See Through.

I See U.

Today’s events have made me Quiet, a quiet sadness.

I was Mikki’s ( Mackayla’s Age) 19, when I began speaking out publicly in my University Campus in Nigeria

I spoke about a way home through the dark by feeling your way through along your path of light, not allowing one to be frustrated distracted by others who had stopped along the way having either given up or been too lazy to walk to the end.

I spoke of how feeling ones way through, which is like using ones fingers as probes. You could move forwards at first in the Dark blindly.

And then as you got used to it, you get lighter and more confident.i spoke about all tjisenwhonstopped along the way to teach and preach to others who are still behind, to preach teach and profit of the little journey they took and the knowledge gained and how they would speak as though they had completed the whole path ..trail.

The A-Z.

I spoke of how will.focus and use of determination, just as I am using now even after what happened with the interview for my.passport and what was expressed after that.

Revealing a play of which the point was to get all those sitting on the fence indecisive refusing to acknowledge if this was real..or not.


Judgment Day.

J D. 104. 1 O 4..

I told my fellow students at the campus Hangout Oga Mpo

Meaning Lord of the Summoning or Call

…that at the end of the trail you would eventually reach a Wall…

I told them that they should feel.around for a light switch and that the Light would reveal everything in Clarity.

And that the Light also manifested outside from.within because by feeling your way through the great room you eventually find out it to be, your hands hand feeling a Touch and organized defined and understood the objects you had to feel your way through and the Light being turned on, is the confirmation and yet surprise at the details in the objects you instantly recognize.

I was 19. S

At John Mack.age 21-22 U.. V

I had returned to London England left my sister’s apartment, got a Job at the West End..( W.E…not West On) met Jon Jason Lee

Had my own apartment rented shared, was going to.Central St.Martins College for a post degree in Advanced Pattern Cutting and Design

And had started my Journals Talking To The Silence and had consciously begun looking for my. Family .

The ones I wrote about when.my 4th.grade substitute teacher had asked to write an essay on any subject we liked.

I found myself writing about my vision which was a memory..then Total Recollection.

At Age 25 I had moved to Paris, worked as a cocktail bar man, while guided the Editors in.Chief of both Elle and Vogue who took me under their wing.

I.lived with my flare mate Stephan and Manu who would come up from Marsielle

I worked as a Model part time, Danced worked for the Opera met Roman Polanski.on.set, .met Christy Turlington, Naomi. Cambell, Andre Leon Tally, Karl Lagerfeld and I.had completed my 3 volumes Talking To The Silence ..and had become gravely weak..

Died pass through the very darkness dark.halls not even feeling my.way through to the Light ..Switched on.already from inside and now outside..

Heard the voice stop.me just as I was about to.enter the Feelings Sensational

Bliss Ecstasy Orgasmic..

As Solierys Rosario testified.

It stopped me from.passing through which It.He knew as well as I did, once I passed through I would never come back into this world.

I had left an explanation as to.where I.had gone in my.apart one letter to my.mother explain that I had been summoned by Death my brother, and a Poem to.the world And So I Sought Deaths Door

( A S. I S. DD…44)

And I.had told Stephen Manu and Ekayani (Erika) that my.body was giving out.despite my knowing that nothing is wrong with me.

I.recignized it, it was a summons which I grumpily obeyed.

I.was ok with going and when I felt the Light becoming beyond bliss.

I.remembered this is the Energy of Home, all thoughts of this world vanished all that was left was this Truth..Recalled without codes or even awareness.. I knew the way home was simply a frequency sustained and painted naturally

The Constant.

But at that threshold I was stopped by a voice asking me to.help others ..by what turned out to leave a trail, markers milestones, signs, paving roads

My.first degree is in Urban Regiinal.Planning minor in.Architecture and before that I was lecturing in.tje university of technology-Design.

I was building ..

Used to build…

And then for the next 25.26…27 yrs been

doing that In Spiral full Circle over and over again.

See my.last bed number and room number in the shelter Delta Manor..

I.recently posted it. It showed the letter Y.

I am code age 51 52 .Time Age

And 34 35 E code..

I came to.New York code age 32 first time with Jon.Jason Lee and then 33-34.

Age I met Esteban Miguel Filgueira first on Facebook age 33 and in.real life age 34.

At 10-11, we moved to Nigeria where I.met Patrick Okolo middle name and last name we shared. Ikemefuna Okolo. Who sent me 510:00 U sd. 51 E A O.

* See ‘EmekaAnozie. comment today E.A


And Dean Dunkwu.DD ( 44) who sent me 800.usd


I.met only Ikem all recorded on my.page 28 yrs since we had seen.each other .

Dean and I spoke on the phone it had been 34 yrs, since 1982 High School.

Patrick Ikem Okolo reminded me of our first conversation in boarding school.we were all in.Peace House ( P.H H.P)

He recalled I spoke about Beauty Energy.and E.S.P

Extraordinary Sensory Perception

Earth Saturn Pluto


3 6 9

Since 1992

27 years

John Mack

McKayla Rays

Christopher Filgueria – Nnamdi Eri

Esteban Filgueria – Davide Ignatio

Fritz Venneiq

All of you represent mile stone, Magic Markers, Signals Signs…writing on the wall ..

To reach within yourselves for the Light Switch

Or not..

But the Light comes on.no matter what you do or say because it was already switched on you are the ones sleeping eyes wide shut

Did you not note when we reached milestone, cross roads signal.arriving with Travis Michael Pace

Ti! Mobile Police.

Who was the cause of the Traffic Jam


And Hold Up.


The Indecisive Insecure?

Or the Manipulative Controllers

The Controlled.. who like being controlled and Dominated

An excuse to always find someone else to blame..and string up.

Judas with 30 pieces of silver planted on him

Hanging from a tree.

Strange Fruit.


That is what You as lazy turned

Feelings Sensational into

On this world E.M.Field.

Eke K.O

Judas L ion of Judah.

John Jesus Joseph Jupiter Jay


10:10 p.m

See what was done who bears the meaning of my.name.

Judas means Praise

Emeka means Praise.

10:12 p.m.

J L.

Judas Lucifer The Two who are 1

10 12. 22.



Victoria Jackson. Stayed Away.

So you see why I am posting still with quiet will and determination.to turn the lights off to the Sick and voluntarily voluntarily Insane.

Almost there, a few more posts perhaps

I.wish to complete the manifestation of the END

Only the E line Original line rise all else cease to Exist.

10:20 p.m





Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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