
6:15 p.m.

6:15 p.m.


At 1243 Face Book Friends…

6 15… F O…

3 15… C O… T S…

12 4 3…

L D C… Life and Death is C…


I got up vexed and irritated, when I realized I was still in the Script of Woman as the Creator versus Male.

Still… ?

After all this…

I was suspicious after the play on 3-12- 2019…with the British Embassy… How much further.. I could not take in of how once more this script of Woman as Creator ( acknowledged and defended by Men and Women in the Spirit realm as well as the 3 D world.)

First with Esteban Miguel Filgueira a play which I could not allow myself to be moved to rage or existential death by Frustration and Anger even after 29 years of giving evidence while walking the Script of Man Kind- Gentleman, in a script which Woman ( and Men ) demanded proof that no matter what I would not turn into a monster, destroyed by the non stop tests provocation to move to rage and ultimate despair by giving up this equation manifestation through such a terrible Evil Script of the Tester..

Satan Devil Kali Witches Supreme..

oAnd so after the Equation was resolved at 29, I yearned for only rest… EK EK O.. Xanadu…… G Inverted D E C O D E D..

There could not be more..?

But then I had to see that there was more and it was about Electrical Power versus Energy Ever Source E S P..’

I quoted the code numbers of the Bill at the Gates..

Xanadu 2.0

Now Bill Gates has an estimated net worth of $85 Billion and is the second richest man in the world, after Jeff Bezos,the founder of Amazon. The name of the house is Xanadu 2.0 .The 66,000-square-foot mansion is noted for its design and the technology it incorporates

John Mack linked to 4 generations of the name John.

His Father J A M..born 1966…

Code aligned to me in the past 65.. as the lie… 66 as 6/6=1..

And finally to 67…

Confirmed by the code in Christopher Filgueira’s wallet B K E..67..

Kelsie Bissell K B .. E… ( She is E line confirmed by she and Solierys Rosario at Tisanes on my way down to Stephens portal 29…

returning two days later 3:14 PI day with the Power Restored.

Generation X Y…

John 20:29..

Social Security England N Z 67 67 46 B

67 then flips when the Equation is resolved to 76.

That means the equation had tobe resolved through Esteban Miguel Filgueira to Christopher Filgueira

E M F…. E

C A F…. E.

Merge and see what emerges..

6:42 p.m.

E C M A F F… E E

F F A.M.. C E… ( Sacred Portal 35.. C E The Point) E E..

Sacred Portal 55…EMME Universal Sensie

55 World at Flora Restaurant…

F R E E… D O M..

F L.. Florida The Sunshine State

Forte Lauder dale 2012.

F F… Is 66 Johns Father..

F G…Father Guide to Christopher Filgueira..

Recall what the name Christopher means..

Follower of CHRIST ( 77 Double 7) 14 5.. N E

14+5=19..S.. Double S 38…and 23 JM W…5=E.

N E S W…E…N E W S… C H ..I E..

Fil Gueria means the war to keep the thread

* Rep Christian Thrower…C T…Alive flowing linking the same Truth 247 25 39… Tel No in Winnipeg Canada alive for 43 years

It is crazy, insane.. but that is what was expected and demaded of me, without my even being made aware and when this linking holding onto the thread of my Common Thread

Conscious Truth as Fact against an entire System and Reality in which people not paying attention or seeing the Facts were used unknowlibgly and some knowingly to tear me and that truth down.

Triping me, Tricking me, using all my vulnerabilites after such a journey- the lack of family, desire for rest peace, no more conflict, riddles solving plays, shelter Breath rest to tear me down or make me loose the thread..

Of a consistency of telling the Truth and keeping my Story straight.

And a body and being as if Alien to me, not allowing me in 17 yeas not one moment of Peace with only two people present who cared enough to support me on the ground-

Esteban Miguel Filgueria and Sarah Kaizer


Two in Mind Heart

And Christopher and John…

C J..

J C.. M e 4/3

And to find myself in yet one last challenge with Rays McKayla

rep African World Woman- used as I stated all have been all the people I was led to

7;11 p/m


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