
6:19 p.m

6:19 p.m


I was just explaining to John Mack who spoke to me with heart and sincerity, as a young man about his appreciation for me being in his life.

I realized that he did not understand why I was so Angry Hurt..

I told him that he is being Judged as an Eternal just as McKayla Rays, I reminded him that this is real and all that he had embodied naturally and his proof of Being of E Harminy line from Andrey Klebanov


Ian Stewart

That he was the Chosen one used to represent a line of E Harmony in youth.

That this is not my Script and that I was selected used to represent Dharma Santana

Eternal Law… A terrible role to play down here crucified over and over for calling people out.

So they can align.

6 :29 p.m.

That In was used to Judge Humanity because of my Love for Humanity…

That I would be fair and do all I could to alert them to the Invisible Truth.

My hurt from Rays Mackayla is so great that I can not even bear to look at her..

Because it meant that my efforts pointing out even in my utter state of Exhaustion made it appear that She as so many others were Indiferent to the price cost and value of the intelligence that we are indeed at the play of the End of this reality..

And that Freedom is Liberty and Equality and that includes Equality for me.

I was judged.

All are being Judged even God, Existence and even The Source, The Creator…

True Love means pausing to take in all points of view.

He hugged me…

Beautiful John.. naughty John and Mackayla but mischief has to be responsible too.

This was never about Love, it was about each person’s Truth investigated by the Holy Espirit

The very belief system which the Wesrwen World has used.

Just as Chi is the Eastern world

Sataya of the Hindu world who created The concept of Zero..

As well as the Afro Workd.

All points of View had to be included all belief systems in this world- and that is what all were judged on.

Me I was Judged on Truth Life Creation Consciousness Beautiful Expression and my Vision as an 7 8 yr old boy and my View that Harmony was always present in you and in the world.

John was wearing a Tiger T Shirt, and I had been staring at the Tiger Altar on the Table as well as the One on the Door.

Both Albino Tigers ..

The Rep of my Divine Fathers Best Friend his twin.

See sacred portal 79 Blue Print of Existence Being..

6:45 p.m.

In real life here my bio dad

there best friend was a person called John.

European and Nigerian Cameroon.

His wife was called Funke

Recall the book Ink Death. Ink Heart and Ink Spells by Cornelia Funke script

C F.

My bio fathers name was Maurice which means Moor…

Grant Moor.

114 rm.

Maurice John.

M.J./ J.M.

Two Men.


Pan on my 60,000 likes.

Mary Jane my Girlfriend when I was 20-21 yrs old.

Pan.. Double You.

Pan is my Doppelganger

I am the Original Source of Pans Labyrinth.

I am the White Tiger and my Son Line is The Orange Tiger.

Recall on my Altar before I came to this portal had two figures

A Knights Templar which I aligned to Christopher Filgueira. C.F

* right to his wallet And tatooed on his body and the Tiger Magician Wizard which aligned to J.M.

C A F.


C J. A S. F.M.

M F S. A J..C.

M. F S A J. C is the correct face link Finbi Senyawa F.S ..A.J. C…

I have 103 USD in my wallet

J C ..

And so I know that John is as the Mirror


Mirror of the Father not as me but as J.C C J.

Balance of 33.

And that he will be the S ensie for the world that is left behind to earn merit to rise to Harmony 8

6:58 p.m

But it will be hard without my presence or the Holy Espirit which means that nothing is set in concrete.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira


E M F is the sum total of 7 aligned Naturally instinctively intuitively to E..


7:00 p.m

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