


Bags Field Barracks..

Being Field Body.

The E.M.Field..

Rep in the Reflection of Space as the True Mirror and Mira-Cle.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira

Bags are the load, LB. Pounds Beatings Hard Knocks..P..T.S D, Burdens, Emotional which we carry.

It’s a Laundry Bag.. L.B/B.L

Cleaned laundered restored to as good as new by washing.

Field is the World the Earth and perception


Electro Magnetic Field

What we attract and are the aligned as Busayo Alonge post yesterday Beat aligned to Universe and Nature

Aka Perfect Timing.

Barracks would be the Body..

The places were all individual parts of you live and play exist in of the Universal Body.

*I lived in only rooms in the Shelter at Delta Manor of E. And Ten.

4 1O.

SEX G OD Lord of Creation is then the Creator Source of Life and all things is Creation, and now aligned to Existence through B.F B full Circle to Best Friends Harmony

Body and Being in perfect alignment

Body Spirit links to Soul, Soil, Sol See Source

And that would link to Seamen Semen exploding from the Two in One


John Thomas

Rep John Mack

Thomas Lang

And travelling through Universal Being To Body

Universe to Planet Earth .


Physical Education

How to manifest a Body Solid Fact

That you exist and evolve it, transform it into a Supernatural..and even further to a H.U E MAN Being Eternal by travelling down into Creation

8 Harmony Magician Light Oh Orgasm, To Ultra Crown Chakra Vision to 1

A Earth where Sex is Creation


Sacred Portal 64

To Arouse and Awaken from Slumber

The Penis, Engorged with Red Blood

Red 1st Color really the last.

To always make rise..

To always make awaken and carry that up through acting out the fill Circle from 1 O to 2 O to 7O to 😯 H.

Where you started when you were Ejaculated as The Two from what the Two Men R M did not know where the emerged from..

At O.H..The Two as Paricle and wave rise from the Abyss of the idea of their not knowing and what the original Nothingness was

Extase then O Orgasm Goddess Bliss.

G is 7 .Grace Bliss..

And that is when the Two R.R.R

Reflection Response Readlction

Mirrored Manifested Mira-Cle

54 39


/I C. D E. E D

Mirrored Reflection

I Planet Earth.

My Wallet and Suitcase are both by Perry Ellis.


And so the Two Men merge back into one the Abyss Void transformed back its it’s Origins and Original Truth

And they see the point and the Truth that the Source of the Expression of the Two

N E is N+E= S

S 14 5= 19.



Supreme E.

He is J.B

The One Balance



A F /

F A. C.T S

Solid Fact

And that the Source of the Expression which activated the Expression of Frequency Vibration


Fritz Venneiq

That is was called Non Existent

Nothing Of E can exist there.

7:51 p.m

Body Body as Being

Inside and Outside at the Same time..

With the Physical body representing the Line.

Skin Form Solid and yet the Body Being the Clothing, Raiment of the Essential Expression to Exist to be.. it carrying the Blue Print just as the water then the blood do in their turn..)

Must Breathe which shows how all portals were open linking body contained in Time Solid to Energy Fluid

No Wall E.T

The Body has pores


It Breathes

That is Harmony to Infinity

Two in One.

And so,

See ERI Yeshua Osiris Bacchus Jesus John

Buddha Krishna Eros

E Y O. B



/ Mirror

B O Y. E

J O Y..E. Sacred Portal 1A Love Links JOY. U.S. Existence Divine.

Which shows what Rises out of the Cosmic Egg to the Understand of the Point of the conversation Between First the I.Source and E and N..Expression Echo Response Confirming it is I the Source which the point reached The Men men arise conversation transformed into Harmony and I Infinite.

8:04 p.m

Harmony Perfection and now The I

( 1 11 3 C) as Lady ECHO Dawn


Lords and Lady First Orgasm Organs


Splendor Dawn

Emerges Hatched


Easter Egg Hunt Enders Game..

8:06 p.m.


And then To Exist

Pass through the I.

Of Eye


3 33

Here in the Black Hole

But not for the Harmony Beings

8:09 p.m right now


The True Loyal to E

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