
5:31 p.m.

5:31 p.m.


E 31. Sacred Portal M87.


I just had a pleasant conversation with Tree Sage and Serenity.

It was a beautiful play in which fboth father and daughter were in the Natural Instinctive and Intutive wave of the E .S P.

His daughter 3 yr old Serenity suggested coming up in Harmony with me, and Kim who contacted me.

* Both of us .. looking or Johnny Newman

For different reason but nevertheless in Perfect Harmony.


I instinctively guided them to the room..

Serenity was wearing a crown swan ( symbol of Harmony Crowned )

She as her father where wearing Burgundy a darker wine red, as John Mack and McKayla Rays had worn in perfect harmony of Clean The E.M.F..Force Field. Organite in the Statue of the Angel of Cast Iron.

( Dante’ s In Fer! No! Fer is Iron)

Cleans the Windows of how you see play.

Messengers came from the line of the D.V.

Devine Vincent Invisible.

I had taken Mikky to my room so she could witnesses for herself that I had placed on my Altar about 5 days before they wore the exact same colors as the candle for the first time.

I had done that and they being in Harmony had naturally aligned to the Intel.

Wear the Color Burgundy Royal House of France. Free people intoxicated by the door of true life opening.

I.had placed the objects which represented M.J right besides each other joined and linked by the Burgundy Wine Red Purfumed Candle.

6:06 p.p.m edit.

5:58 p.m

So I realized when they came into my room, and it was Serenity his 3 year old daughter who after delightedly chortling as she bounced up and down on the bed, letting out joyous yelps as Kim and I checked confirmed Intel.

It was she who promptly got up and her lined to the Altar.

She was carrying the same kind of Ringling brothers candy Spiral or coil which Donna, Esteban Miguel Filgueira mother had distributed on Christmas Day.

And linked to Johns Macdonalds Mother and sister who love Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) Greatest Show on Earth portal of The Ringling Brothers

T.R. 2018.

T O R B ..Ti is the Orb.


B.R.O. T. H E R.S.

I took my cue, I knew that I was meant to ask him if he could identify himself on the Altar. In a blink of an eye, he had produced a picture of a Cheetah standing up.

Which linked to the Cheetah on my Altar behind the Dark Green plaque, representing the corner stone I was instructed to find, which I eventually did on E Street Alpha Bet City in the lower East Side ( East) with the word’s Amazing Grace How Sweet The Song

( A G..-H. S T S.. T S. 2019 full circle)

On it a Golden Toddlers Golden Baby shoe found when Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang 5th Child Jeron Holy Sacred.. He Sings!

was born.

5th Dimensional Conscious, Babies now rising in this world

It is the first line.

I had been battling Voodun Voodoo High Priests and Priestesses for as long as I can remember but was made aware of it in 1982-83. O Pi boys High School


He Sings!

6:18 p.m

F R E E D O M.S. S O N G E


Elysian Fields of Forever.

Feelings Sensational

6:19 p.m right now


I had been fighting on the E.M.Field they who were affecting the Waves Frequencies..

The Mesh.

And what would rise from within, what they perceived as a Black Hole

But is the Black O Whole .

I had placed for the last two weeks Trees painting of me emerging from the Darkness of a photograph of me by Kerem Sanliman.


Kim Serenity.


I had placed it at the base of the Altar cabinet door.

Grounded ..

And then in front of the Black Television screen when I did not use it.

I understood in Hindsight what I had really done.

And how the last challenge was who was moving everything, cleaning everything’s Cee and See, who was moving dark matter and place the Entire Universes Sum in a tiny cubic box.

Smaller than its symbol on Mecca.

Pan Door Ah’ S Box.

The Voice Box

T.V B.

96% Dark Matter..4 Squared

96 +4 not only Originally a Box or Square 4 4

But as two side

2 4 ….B D .. 6..but really 5.

The Square originated from a point, which became a line, then a two sided wall and then

A pyramid base with an apex, peak point.

Then a Cube.

6 is sum total of the Expression of the 1 point called Expression

E came before F. Solid Facts.

And so I realized I had shown three witnesse


M T S.

That which is first Expression through the Altar Science of Silence as Sixth Sense


E 6

Eternal Family

56. 11. 1. 3O. 3 6 O.

1 O 9

1 9


Gavin Inti Pacha came through Esteban and Kim ( Tree Chiefy )



E C.

6:42 p.m right now

Gavin Esteban. G.E 7 5. The World-circle in a Hollow Deck-walking upon a Black Hole and the Cosmic Egg rising, ending the Space of which it now rises- once thought to be the Unknown.

4 7. 11. Two Sides of one Line W-ALL E.T.

28 A-Z-B .H. H 2 O.

29 A-Z-Cee


A-Z-S is 26+19 = 45

Dead End…D.E. to quote Stephen when he came yesterday with Acknowledgment Praise Respect Peace and Harmony on Easter Sunday with me returning the same to him.

4.5 Billion Years Planet Earth

Easter 1969.

N N A.M. Alexander Miquel


Davide Ignatcio ( Barcelona Spain)

Gavin Kim. G.K. 7 11.

Always Open

See the Intel on the Pavement Kim photographed

G.K with Window Frame .

Always Open to the



K E ..A.H.

Line of E.K.

Inner Strength

Inner Engineering PHD.

And I was just told that Johnny Newman is born 7-11. G.K.

18 is R. Rays

9 is I.

Do you see where we now are in the micro rep of the script ?

John Nelson


Johnny Newman.


The Awakened Child.

Yes John is a Beautiful Reflection and my last portal already completed the day Mackayla and I first came here late 2018.

And that Child is Serene… because it rises as The Truth.

S T S. P… Perfect Patician Noble And Courages

Land of The Brave

L.O.T B.

7:06 p.m.


My Mother till this day claims that I was the perfect child.

But did notbtake her that seriously but wondered what she was really saying-my mother always speaks meaning exactly what she says.


And yes, I knew or Discovered that I was am the Awakened Child a long while ago.

7:11 p.m

That is why I stayed in this Hideous transformed Script and endured so much Hate Sorrow Suffering and Pain ( none of which was mine)

It was because even through this enforced play it was the only way to get the ALL of you of True home.

I already knew the way home, found it using the same Immortal Techniques used by Esteban and now the line Kim ( Not Stephen King)

The Individual and the ALL.. O. W E.D


101 Poems J.N

96% Dark Matter Dark Energy D M D E

4 5 4 is E

100.. 101% 5 is 1. 97…

11…2 1

9 7 Pluto Uranus- Dark Matter Pluto Mass Putonium


P.U…. R E


U P.

Eternal Reflections Embodied Reflections


Universal Perfection

True Naturalness.


K N. Kim Arthur Hines Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

Merge Initials

T N. A.T. H.B.

16 P. Perfection

63 Full Circle. First Contact

16 +63

79 /97

See Sacred Portals 97 and 79

16 16 32. 5.

I had to bring lead and Guide you home,

Not myself, In already knew the way which I did in 1992

Stephens portal is 29

Steven is S =19.

My flat mate in Paris 1992 was named Stephan.


1919..1 38..138.

38 C H/ 83 H.C Harford Connecticut.

My computer code by Erik Ebright 83 69


Universe 13.8 Billion years



Holly MacDonald

138 address.

Completion full Circle of All Universes Existent.

8 31..

H 87


Designated by NASA as a Black Hole

Christopher Andrew Filgueria

Kim. Arthur. Hines

C.K. A-A. F H. 6 8 Foresight Hindsight

*Chiefy is 6’8.


11 11. (4)

22. V.. John is 22.

V is 22= 4. V in Roman Numerals is 5 .which is E.

E V..

Victor Vincent

That is why I stayed Ikenna Iheanacho

Because I am the Awakened One

And I alone who has Eternal Memory Remembers always the way Home and who understands the Invisible and Visible world’s play of Cosmic Chess.

7:28 p.m

But if you all had paid attention and read the sign post aling the way, you would have easily begun to awaken by reading the trail I Originally left behind.


Fli gueria.

Spoke to Christopher Filgueira today

Karma is a Bitch only if you are a Bitch

I saw and liked earlier today.

Chris told me he is watching a program called 911 ( I.K)

Episode Karma Bitch..

K.B E. 67.

B K E. C.E 8

7:35 p.m ..7:36 pm


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