
9:22 p.m.

9:22 p.m.


I Vie

I Victorious

Individuality Vincent.


Hello Just to be clear, I go Home when All go home.

That was the condition of being able to End this Story of this world forever.

No one is Awake. and even I the Awakened One, was given to full Circle is Total Amnesia to equal the equal the playing field

Recall during 911 when I was staying at a person’s place called Donald who had suffered Total Anensia twice.. forgetting even how to read.

I passed through his portal- meaning the portal which became two Gigantic Black Holes in One.

Mirroring and reflecting Ground Zero.

And at the same time all my I.D, Luggage, portfolio and address book, notes calculations were stolen.

Two massive black holes in One representing I see in Hindsight the Hole which became the bottomless pit of the question no one thought could ever be able answer much less prove

The Black Hole of Forgetting the of the origins of Being

The Eternal Realm

Paradise as Perfection.

Where everything and every adventure turns out not only perfectly, but adds something gained, adding to perfection.

The Black Hole of Futility and Despair . Extinction

F A D E. Away as a Species.

No I could have easily have turned my focus in another direction despite the binds and bondage to my being and body which no one could truly believe despite my awkward movements and my Being literal seemingly possessed…

But I knew the Truth..

I did know the way.

I could understand the Script and transform it back to the original Eternal Expression, and I knew that I would have to do it in the Void.

Meaning that no one would believe me, and that I would have to do it alone

And go into seclusion which I did after writing the story at Age 7-8, and the Two events which followed- seeing Christ’s Johns face on my bedroom wall.

And my astral projecting to the Invisible plane where the Ancient Kings of Queens of the World where having a Conference on how to bring back Pangea, or face what they thought was the end of Life.

Yes but..

Their world and way if life, but it’s evolution into something beautiful beyond their wildest imagunung..

No one here remembers what it is to live in Perfection.

In Pefefect Harmony.

You have no conception of how it works or was built manifested.

But you know it exists.

And can only recognize it when you are confronted with it..

You remember

This is your script..

That of this World which was evolving in Universal School

To Universe Supreme.

How could I walk away from the Truth.

Erica Ekayani as far back as 1992 and 3 revealed this to me.

And so many others even the Darkness I travelled to while I went into a comma, a pause..

How then could On wall away from the Truth?

That I knew and know how to read the Script even though it was your home work to read in between the lines.

It was not my role in this incarnation

I came to Boogie, to Play, to prepare the way for the Great Family reunion of The Elegant Nomads landing as E E.E. F S

Fact Solid

Feelings Sensational is what all True Exisrence Being is made of..

I am furious not only that I was bound and forced but that others could have at least supported me as their eyes began to see and memory begin to rise from my mom stop 24/7 expression.

…But also because I was put between a Rock and a Hard Place.

An unstoppable Force and an immovable force

The Truth.

That I did actually in Fact know the way to the Cosmic Egg

And Hatch it, knowing exactly what was inside

Joyous Dawn.

I know because I realized my own Individual story is Everyone’s Story.

I could not turn away from the Truth.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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