
4/24/2019 20:50 – Facebook Post

4:18 p.m




I am very aware, startled into awareness at just how few people who are Facebook Friends and even those I have met with understand what I am doing on my page

That I am exemplifying the Evolution Script.

That I was brought to New York for this very purpose.

To prove Evolution Awakening of the Species from Human to Hue-man Being.
Harmonious Beings.
But through a Script.
The Script being the Sum Total of Human Expression…literal.
The Universes E.M.Field or Albert Einstein Grid or Mesh.

The Script therefore is the literal Encoded in the Human Blood and Water stream of D na and D ne sequencing.
That is where the Original Plan E.T is located.
And by retaining a balance Body and way of Being, your very Naturalness in Beung will through movement motion expression lead you as if on automatic pilot, and with a natural compass G.P.System will guide you where to go
And that by gradually becoming aware, through hindsight, looking at your writings, arts, how you got to where you are in moment of your life, you could raise your own awareness tinder the maps and things you created are showing you were you are and that there is another awareness in you, seeking to link make grow and unravel the Seed in you, like a bean tendrils then a Vine, which the more you fees it your attention, focus and seek to understand, so too do you become more aware.

Until you literal Awaken.
The See planted in you which is always aware is the Eternal in you..Energy is Eternal “Vincente” indestructible and contrary to sciences claim it can not be split.

Because as I have had to prove to the Unseen ..Waves Thoughts Ideas expressed and moving through the E.M.Field- that Energy and Ah-tom are the same Thing.
Energy is the Twin Big Brother of the
1-8 A.H. Tom which means Twin.
And backwards Mot .. One Word.
Thus the Two are really One.
Being.And He, It She is the same E ..
E 1
5 1
E A- H Tom

The Script and the game of Comic Chess came into Existence through the need to resolve the Expression encoded in Dna-Dne… Original Natural Expression:Truth.
And that which was expression which was is not true and that which had the mixture of the True and False.

That was the cleaning up of the E.M.Field for the last 29 years leading me at last to Stephen Filgueira ( S.F) Esteban Miguel Filgueira and John Mack and McKayla Rays and myself.

4:42 p.m.
J.S ..M.

What remains standing in the end of a 29 year play of an eliminating process, through each person out of 8 bbillion people expressing their Indivdual Truth each moving unknowingly through a Script on a Playing Field.
Meant to link Cause and Effect of their chosen individual truth, attracting similar beings aligned to similar truths.
A cosmic dance which became a battle to see the one who feeds and nourishes their awareness until it begins to manifest into every one reality
By moving through the challenges of the Script with all these expressions and points of view which simply do not want to go away even after you have absorbed its Truth.
The inclusion of All points of view, all ways of Being which align to the One Truth which you represent, which takes in all points of view already existing in its One Constant expression of Truth.
He or She ( I) had to prove that my truth not only waa the source of the Truths which others “players” represented but to also show the other truths what they had missed forgotten and thus not the complete picture
Not the Full Circle, and thus can not be Truth, just a part of the Truth and thus, a lie if you profess this to me the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.

This was what I discovered was the” Enders Game…Ready Player One ”
I was in and the playing Fields The World, ending in New York with
E J S M ..E.. 47. 52.

Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang are on their way now.
Meeting set for 5 pm.

Birth Codes 2-27….. 4-7-1985.

Stephen Filgueria rep of the E.M.F is passing through the portal of Peru Michu Pichu.
With Sarah KaizerSarah

5:11 pm.

But as John MacDonald indicated with the literal Awareness and Naturalness ( A.N. See sacred portal 114, Rm 114 Grant Moor.. See he even liked my comment to Alicia Norris A.N linked to Frank..Free Person)
..that The actual Star Gate Portal of the Royal Mayans Aztecs Inca M A I. 5th month
Is actually here Present at 219 South Whitney with Mckayla Rays.
Kayla means Keeper of the Keys.
Below lives Tree Sage Sosa and Johnny Newman born 711 and on the Ist floor Two Men intials M.J.

Johnny and Mikki used to live on the “Ground Floor ” G F 7 6
See sacred portal 76 “The Awakening”
Milky representing the Completion of the Reflection of the Source The Script.

5:20 p.m

Confirmed A.T. through Her own blue print Alexis T, ..Newington Connecticut.
N.C /C.N. 3.14 15. Pi.
Which is where John lived and my first stop in Connecticut-Grant Moor.

The Star Gate is actually here and it’s solid fact of the 2012 play is linked to Inca Aztec Mayan.
I A M. 9 1 13.
M A I. May 5-20 E.T. Eternal Truth. Harmony Boom! Orgasm.

John moves in with Ian Stewart who has the literal same name meaning .. apart from MacDonald Patrick. Last and middle name but even that is aligned .
Machu Pichu.

This completes the Truth I have represented as the 1 who became Two.
A.B Sacred Portal 147 A.B.

Sacred Portal 155 The last sacred portal before reaching the one

7:04 p.m
G O D.

The Story of Two Men.

And then Liberty and Thomas arrived with Jeron.
Mckayla was present, recall, that the last time they came John Mack was present as well as Nadavee.
This time they were absent because the code of the line of New Man. New Money and The line of G.O.D. meaning Truth
Beautiful Natural Truth has been confirmed

7:11 p.m. Seven Eleven
Sarah Kaizer
Esteban Miquel Filgueria
Has been confirmed

See the meaning of the Name Michu Pichu.

Confirming that moving through the line of John MacDonald is not only the portal Home through the Golden arch but that John Steven Sarah are being moved by the Truth Natural God.

And are aligned to the Enegtic Expression Star Gate 2012 to its physical representation in this E.M.Field called the Holodeck aligned to the Universal Energetic Matrix Manifestion Field of Fantasic Facts aligned from right here to infinity.

Meaning The Script is completed at Tree Sage- Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

True Nature.

Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines) Serenity,- Scott Troy- Thomas Lang.


But before that there was a play with Thomas.
The last time he came here he left me a gift a Merkel Diamond

* Link Carla Merkel.


He told me that he had left me a gift, but I could not find it, I thought about calling him but something told me not to.
And so I put it out of my mind.

Today he pointed it out, I called out in surprise knowing that it had been planted as a test from blue eyes white and black: Father as D.O.G/ G O D.
4 O 7. ..47. 11 28 39 C.I
12 Lucifer Lucy Fer.
12 12.

8:06 p.m

My First Sensei
My Desire.

8:07 p.m


Father Alien E.T

The Black Hole.

I am the Black Hole.
H 2 O
B.H. 11 1 28.
Supreme Transparency.

John said it’s almost exclusively native to New York.
The Evolution Awakening completes in Newington- Hardtford New Britain Connecticut.

8:13 p.m

O E. O 5 Full Circle the 5th State.


8:15 p.m

M ackala & Emeka M.E.
Last Two living on the 3rd Floor.

And now the Completion of Woman Supreme with then Liberty L.C and…

Brooke Lee Lemery.

I responded to John Mack text and noted the time was exactly 2:00 p.m on the Nose.
John Ian J.I
I grunted in quiet satisfaction.
2 is B.

7:43 pm.

L.L. Liberty Freedom

Brooke Lee Lemery

52 E J S M E = 52. E.B.

V.U E. 22 21. 5. John just turned 22.

B.E.L.L V.U.E.

The Test of the Twins…. the Merkel Diamond
Was about Perfecting Timing.

Manifest Destiny as I have maintained for 14-15 years is New York, New York the 11th State.
But this was not my play, It belonged to Alien Father Alpha and A-lien Mother of the Black Hole – the darkest most dangerous and powerful nature of myself which I had never explored …there was never any need to.
Until this Script

The part of me which says

Brooke and Mackayla had come into my room invited by me as Milky gave her a ( Broooke just knocked on the door to let me know she is leaving)

… I was about to say, to confirm her 5th Dimensional representation designation

8:37 p.m right now

Sacred Portal 37 “Sophia O Laurel”

But in truth, I saw it was done the moment in which our alignment with The Script allowed Brooke and Libert to Connect.
3 Males present ..one A baby E T J / E John Thomas.
J.M text yesterday @10:20am

And 3 Wu Men

Completion of Manifest Being and Body
Universal Body.

8:46 p.m

Emptying The Black Pit of Dark Matter
To chrystalized in a Diamond Tear Drop
Black and White are One.
Transparent Light.

7.4 years ago
24 days

8:50 p.m
H E. O

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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