
4:15 p.m

4:15 p.m


DO. I N. G. Grace. Bring The Vision from the Crown Chakra Gracefull through the Maze Matrix to land as Star Ship Serenity Snow Flakes (Sensational Feekings Sol-I.D

FA.C.T.S. E. F. A.M..I L…Y

Grounds and Lands in Humane People Present.


D Y..T S

D A Y. T S.. B F ..S J A O-F.

E Family.


Troy was just here with his wife Jill.

Yes T.J…Thomas John.

John Thomas.

P.H. A.L.L. U S

See sacred portal 55.

Le Cue

Welcome John Thomas

To My World.

Yes raised by Younger brother Twins Doppelgangees to I

There Infinite I.D

J B. T I D. (A) E S

Tides of Change.

T O C. Tic Tock…

C O T Trone Of Ages.


So as you saw from yesterday play completing with the Merkel Diamond native of New York placed on the Paw of the Snow White baby blued eyed Tiger on the Table Altar bought by John Mack, which represents the Door Mantle of the House of the Universal Sensei..

Yes Sacred Portal 55..

Of the The Whole Sum Pool of Reflections of The Source Creator called the Mirror Reflections of Being it the big Oragasm of Light of which souls emanate from and begin the journey of becoming what was always their Manifest Destiny, Designation, Design, Destination which was to become Individuals, linked now not by Need, but by Choice to their Source.

Universal Sensies of Individuality

A Universal School of how to become an Individual.

Academy of Snow Flakes

4:56 p.m

Had to pause because John Mack just walked in, wearing the Tiger T-shirt and proceed to speak of an enactment and expression in perfect harmony of what I just posted

right down to the play of Two Men and the One.

Man Woman 11:1.

A. Man=A,Woman

Andrey Klebanov

McKayla Rays.

Marie.. her Mother

M.M.M.D. Daughter

Link Angela Marie Alexander

Angela Dawn

And the Angel Statue on the table I call Mary Martha Marie

Marie comes from the word Myrrh the gift of the Youth Balthazar of the 3 Magie who came from Arabia Africa.

Margaret is the last M

It means Mother of Pearl the Orb

The BRO. There’s

Donna Margaret

And finally Elizabeth.

I had two very close Girl friends ( G F) in High School named Uche and Elizabeth Mgbi.

E M .

She I knew was energy Nnamdi

And Model Beautiful..

Intelligent Clarity..

5;08 p.m

E O. 8.

The conversation with Troy who was asking how I was able to eat, support myself by doing all this for free, and his noting how people would take advantage and contribute nothing

5:11 p.m


To his wife Jill moving the trash can, only for me to find a button with Cinderella on it.

To Mackayla and her Beauty Intelligence class and sense of humor so resplendid in her, to her liking sacred portal 55 First of the 33 Vertebra

And her cousin Thalia here..

To Johns expression..

Even to his just coming from doing energy work of a person called Brooke on a lawn outside

Yes his portal now is 44 Brooke Lawn.

Yes, I am moving everything into Harmony

But only those clean and true who did their own homework of keeping them selves natural could be moved because they had chosen without even knowing the Truth of they desire for an Existence, a life of Peace and Harmony.



After investigating Lifes play.

I am not God

Not Existence

The Source, The Creator, The Prophet The Awakened One..

Neo… All These names and titles you placed upon me as chains of bondage for my simoly Being and Doing..

Being Me..


I create

I explore

I discover

I recall an Existence of Harmony

You forgot

I did not

I am Loyal to only the Beautiful Truth

I am a Man

I already have my Idenity and Passport.

I.P. Address Add Rest.

I am an Indivual

And after being cast in every role from Satan to the Beast.

I take the last role as Lucifer the closest linked to my Nature Twin Mot


The Graciousnesss of The Creator of Life and Everything, was to share everything I am and pave the way for anyone who chose to be as Me.

An Individual

5:28 p.m.

528 Hertz

* John told me that he got his Green Motorcycle on Earth Day.

E.D 54

D E. 45

D E ED of Landing


Door Of Life- Sacred Portal


Sacred Heart.

I am simply Me.

My NA M E is

Emeka Kolo.

That is who


Awakened Everyone by cleaning your See Consciousness of the E.M.F.

By simply being me.

Even when forced in this play cast in this unnatural role.

5:33 p.m

Mikki just sent me a message

7 Atlas.

Crown Chakra color Violet Purple, note To.

P.T/ T P

He carries the world on his shoulders..

Sigh another Lie.

He is The World at carries it in his Being Naturally as Lighteness and Light and Laughter, Luminousity…

A. .T L ..A. S.T.


E T S . A E L T. = E. A.


Thomas Lang

Thank you Tom.

So you see

It was not my Script

It’s was Stephen/Sophia Olivier/Olympia Oscar

Lucifer Lucy Lady Liberty’s Scriot.

Lucifer John.



And the One C C. Christopher Filgueira

Supreme Serine Highneess


And I obeyed his own version of Creation Story which I resolved to E and Truth




25 Y.

G O Y..

Why it’s

G U Y. Pearce Pierces Through

The Veil.


5:47 p.m

Thomas Lang



The Script of 2012.

In Harmony E.


Age Code 34…C D

Me? 34. E.M.F to

43 Sacred Portal 43.

Dante s Divine Consciousness


5:50 p.m right now

5.55.50 U sd

Sacred Portal 55 O and 5 51.

5:51 p.m

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