
2:45 p.m

2:45 p.m

B Divine Expression Planet Earth


E A T.S.


I started out the day, with a silly play of miscommunication which created in me a quiet fury.

When will I be shown the proper respect..

Have I not solved your greatest riddles, did I not bring the Truth.


2:51 p.m.

Evidence of our being in a Holodeck on a Hologram?

Of our being in a Script of which there are rules just like a Game, in which like a Maze Labrynith we can find our way out.

Have I not shown the True Nature of the Beautiful Truth of Humanity.

Have I not acknowledged and pointed out each person’s who I linked and connected with.

Made rise consciousness to the 5th Dimension and trained people for the last 18 years who have gone on to rise from whatever pit they are in.

And most of all proven the name of God is Truth and Harmony.

And that people who thought they were mad or going insane were actually evolving.

Have I not helped save so many Lifes, healed so many people..?

I suddenly became quiet, calm when I realized who should I be raging at?

That perhaps the reasons I am still alone, is that stand even now alone because no one else understands what has been done and achieved.

And that even that at this point, after 7.5 months today, that the lack of respect for what I have done as a Man, is not seen or understood by you.. yet.

That it is not you, or any person’s who did this to me, only the Truth.

The Truth did this to me.

The Truth of following this Script.

And it hit me like a Thunder Clap today, that there is no Respect for Truth, especially a Truth such as I have been representing, demonstrating so tirelessly, without it being completely manifest because it is not understood!

Which is literally meant to be impossible since I have proven through this Script to Completion of Everyone everyline.. represented full circle with myself the last.

The E line proven right to the 5th Dimension represented through People Places and things.

That every thing is moved by 6th Sense and it’s source is Energy.

Not even my dedication is worthy of True Respect.

And is this what has happened to all those who came into this world to convey truth.


Harmony is Communication, wisdom is the knowing of how to communicate.

And that those who drop the ball- failure to communicate, who create a gap in expression even simply forgetting the Common Thread of a conversation, the forgetting of an appointment, or a promise made, what had been discussed and agreed, change of plans can cause such damage by not remembering that down here and really everywhere that Harmony is Communication.

And with out symmetrical communication..

Without impeccability, it creates contusion.

4:17 p.m right now

4-17. 4:33 p.m post by Esteban Miguel Filgueira of Donald Trump and the Black Hole has been replaced by an image of Stephen wearing a purple lavender raincoat.

I realized that I really have been talking to the Silence,

There are some like Tree Sage, Gabriel Binky Signar Isabelle Ilic who constantly and consistently like my posts and one or two people who tag me and give appreciation publicly but no one else.

It often feels as if I am intentionally made to appear as if I do not exist.

That I am addressing the Void, the Judgment of Humans whose power lies in their ability to acknowledge you or not, choose to see you or not.

That I am held bond by their mood swings and the power to give attention or not.

That power to give or take away, silently.

And yet I then look at my page 12 49 Facebook Friends yesterday portal Existential Death and the play which took place last night and today in a play of J.S.M. E J M.

( 42.. 28)

And my new Facebook Friend

Alan Blakey 1250th Facebook Friend.

That once again, it was all a set up.

A part of the Script, the play of Ego Oge

Sacred Portal 50.

Ego is the I, the Individual who I have been proving came before the All or the O and before the Community.

That the Individual, and not the collective is the Source of the All.

And that with out the Indivudal the Whole or the Collective simply would not exist.

There are times I have noted by how people get offended when I ask them to be impeccable, who get offended when I ask them to get me coffee, or something, I can not do myself for whatever reason.

I am not rude, I am always polite, they are aware of my impediments, what I am doing, how long…. and the incredible pressure I am under night and day and who I am doing this for and yet at some point they get angry and resentful..

Lashing out..

It confused me.


People who are directors, owners of companies, director.. people who in some cultures who have people who want to serve them, do things for them.

Men and women who dedicate themselves to a cause of the greater cause Individually but for the benefit of all.

Deserve the support of the tasks most can do, to relieve the one doing the task only few can do.

But in Truth, as this play of Truth,linked to Love has demonstrated, which is to be Conscious, does not require the permission of those It is demonstrating the Way of Truth and how it paves the way back to yourselves.

I am going to stop now

I just had the most amazing conversation with John and Mackayla, And then Stephen called and his Expression brought me tears of Joy and Happiness.

Perfect Communication Conversation

In Perfect Harmony

J S M. . 42..

J S M E. 47

J S M E.K 58.

Add Kim Arthur Hines as K.

8:42 p.m right now

H. J.S.M.

Good night.


8:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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