
5/8/2019 19:15 – Facebook Post

5:10 -11 p.m.


5-8- 2019.

E.H ..T S.


There is not much I wish post today,
I no longer have to navigate the thin line of posting people’s private and personal interactions with me and at the same time posts their I ntel and proof of their Harmony.

I.have great respect for people’s privacy, having bern denied that since my youth.

I am a very very private person, and exposing my self naked before the whole world was a nightmare for me, but if it meant that the world would transform even through such a play,
I did it, to Prove the Truth.

I met up with Esteban Miguel Filgueira today..
Back from Peru with Sarah Kaizer
On the date 5-6
And today is Ian Stewart’s return to Connecticut.

The relevance of this I.can not begin to explain

5:20 p.m.

Except to simply State that the last 29 years was about my finding my Eternal Family under cover in this world.

And then to Prove the Consciousness of Eternal Harmony.

That is what I had been linking through a spiral which has ended with these 2-3 letters
S J M -M J S.

And finally E D..

Here is the last of the Intel which I am beholden to write down for Historical Evidence of the True Divine Eternal Nature of Humanity and those around the world who rose to the E Harmony without even being aware that they were in a Script of which they were beings used as actors, proving the Truth of that which no one in this world remembered
The Consciousness of Infinity and Eternity already exists in this world.

5 8

Links to Stephen Esteban and John Ian .
Both the same person’s.
Name same meaning and embodiments

John Snow..

But it is through them that the in the Sacred Feminine has not risen as Masculine Feminine in completion
E. M.F.
Numeric 24
J S M. 42..

Esteban is the one who brought this End play together, hosting and sponsoring and holding the the Space which allowed me to complete the Script in relative comfort and safety.

The people he brought together which I then sewed into the fabric of the Weave I was weaving in the 4th Dimension which some call the Astral Plane but in Truth, it is the Heart Beat and it’s Resonance Wave.
E M F.

To sponsor so many people even after being betrayed and robbed.
To hold out and hold onto a plays process which he did not fully understand ( as I didn’t either, but because I could not conceive of such a Script possible and the overwhelming odds stacked up against me)
is a Miracle in itself of trusting ones sixth sense and reasoning…

He does not know yet, the supreme and incredible thing he has done.
Using his monies to actually manifest that which was not only his eternal mission but also his dream and vision for the world.

Which like me, he had come to the conclusion that the only way this world would transform is through a consciousness evolution
Yes to E 8.

To be able to do that, recognize it, put your money where your mouth and heart is…
Very very rare.

It is obvious that he recognized John and Mackayla.. The True J.M.

What he has done so that the Chosen people whom his 6th Sense saw..
Giving them, us, me a space to Breath.
Taking care of so many people’s bills so that they could rise to the place they were meant to be, and at the same time bring forth the Generation X who represent the E Harmony landed at last in this world.
Ending my life time of being alone.

It was not easy for anyone of us,
Tree Sage
Sosa who I saw outside twice today with Stephen
Christopher Filgueira
Johnny Newman

I wrote for years about my wish and desire of what I wished to build and manifest for people.
To end the stigma done to the idea of Homeless and transform it instead to The Elegant Nomads who require a time of from the grind of the system which gives one no time to.breath and figure out where you wish to go.or where you are now..

I had designed an entire blue print of how it would be self sustaining

But the one Vision and Plan closets to my heart was called The Sanctuary for An Artists”
Where people who have gifts to offer the world could be given sanctuary for a 5-6 month period where everything they required to exist here- Nourishing Necessities ..were provided as well as the most qualified people available made accessible, to talk advise and Exhange Intel and inspire these Artists Scientists and help them rise through that which they would contribute to.the Human race without having to be forced to compromise thier Art ( and if they did suffer the indignities as I did and all great contributors of human progress.. so many who had things to share not could not do so because they had to choose between their Art and what brings them.
No one should suffer as I did, which simply reflected what people had endured and why so.many gave up on their Dreams Visions.

6:58..9 p.m right now.

It was in 1990 in London, at a place called Grays Inn Buildings where I met a wonderful strange man, an artist and painter who gave me a wonderful space to create in his home loft which I paid rent.
A very little amount compared to the Space
When it was time to leave that space because of some crazy drama..
Nicky had called me aside as I was about to leave.
He told me that he would leave a key under the mat, and that no matter where I went in the World and what he knew he felt I had to do with my Art and Science to make the world hear, that there would always be this Space for me to come to, time escape this realities of this world.
This place, his Loft Studio he said was my Home.

I called that chapter on my Journals
The Sanctuary of an Artists.

And that is what Stephan has done and made true.

He gave Sanctuary to Artsist but beings moved by the Highest level of Existence and Consciousness.

He did it from beginning to End.



And so I am already aware, that his dream to build a loving self sustaining community has been done.
The Foundation the Building all have been laid out but first in.the 5th Dimension and then the horrendous hideous battle in.the 4th Dimension which had been polluted by Mind Expression Emotions in disarray and aligned back to the G olden Arch-Macdonald
And the Spectrum Rainbow all the way back from 0-O 1-7.. back to 8
E 8
Andrey Klebanov. E8
Alicia Klein

Alicia Norris
Patrick Okolo
Ian P Steward arrival date back from his Island back to 44 Brooke Lawn today .

I knew we had landed in the 3D world after a 29 yrs battle
43… 51 ..my entire life, in which despite all my.efforts I could not land in this world .
I was not allowed despite trying, each time I.was sent back up into space like the DA Vinci’s Vitruvian Man
Nothing I created was allowed to manifest here which lead people like Marina Burini
And so so.many to.believe that someone they felt who.was so talented must be cursed.

I have heard this even from Madame Susan Train at Vogue .

Esteban asked me how I was sure the play was done.
I.smiled, knowing full well that since 2004-2005 I had been saying the same thing over and over each time blindsided by it demanding more from me.

Until I saw what It wished of me.

The Truth…The Beautiful Truth and a Book an E-manual of such unimpeachable Clarity that anyone could read it, use it and use it to.activafe memory awareness and literal transformation

The Book, just my Journals, the way I Percieve reality was my Father Mothers gift to Humanity and that which I leave behind, and the condition by which my completing it to the E Lines satisfaction only then would I be freed.

Of course I knew all this but never believed it would go this far.
Refining my expression over and over for 29 years..

When I already knew it was Crystal Clear but people were not paying attention because of distraction and the way they each chose to view the World and their lives.. and how they chose to respond to it.

Stephen and I went out and a money code play cane up.
211. 22.

New Money

211 is 2 11. B.K. 22 is V.
B.K.E. 67. Christopher’s Wallet.

11 2 Kelsie Bissell
27 is A-A… Anastasia Ressurection
40 D.O… Doe a Dear
Jessica Doe
Jessica in the book.and movie Dune.
Dragons of Existence
Doe Deer Stag …

We returned and there was Sosa again
I had come down earlier and Stephen was in front of his Black Car and Sosa was standing.
On returning Stephen stopped to talk to Sosa who was leaving in his White Car.

Black and White..

Tree Sage had passed by earlier..

I.saw the full Circle and the Beauty in Stephen in Sosa in Johnny Newman, in all right to Scott and Troy.

Stephen and Sarah had bought me a gift from Peru..
When I opened it, I literally gasped .

For the past 2 weeks since I had last seen Stephen I had been watching the series Gotham
I could not figure out why I.kept watching it..
Though it is a brilliant take on the Batman Series myself my brother Nnamdi, and even my bio Father, Maurice used to watch in Canada when we were children.

It was about a most powerful elite of the oldest and grandest families who had founded Gotham
A Secret Council who comtrol everything and even determin when they city must.be destroyed and then from those ashes rebuilt.

They are called the Secret Council of the Owl.

The gift Stephen brought was a Pipe with an Owl and on the other side like a Bird.

The Script is about the True Sacred Feminine
Athena… Sarah.
Minerva Ritz Montes mother of Majestic Royal and Reign …Mayan Sabtana..

The Owl is the Symbol of the Goddess of Wisdom and war
Just as is Ares of the 4th Planet Mars
Though it links more to Aries Apollo in my.journey through this 29 yrs of documentation.

I also thought of all that was done to.me and the people seeking to rose in this world and the power of what the Secret Societies who had fought me and done things to me beyond belief.

As I stated many times over the years that what was done to.me in my life and Sacred Journey was me experiencing what had been done to my Family who walked through the Sum of Time in this world.

That is the main reason I do not forgive.
That this Evil so beyond imaginations was done to anyone who sought or fought for the Truth to.rise.

No it was not done to me, what was done to me was to seek to stop me from completing the Script.
But to.find the E Family I walked the Paths they had walked.

Disbelief and the actual depth of Cruelty
They suffered..

Do you recall.tje play of Donna O Sullivan and the Owl and then to Erik Ebright in Miami and again the Owl
And then John Mack and Johnny Newman again the Owl.. and our driving to New Britain again the Owl.

Owl see in the Dark.

Hoot.. and Screech.. Deadly Hunters
Heads turn 360 degrees
And Wolves H.O.W.L.

There are now Wolves images all over the Apartment.

Do you see the Harmony
We are all on the same Wave Length
Laura Walsh.

L.A W. E.

6:58 P.M

5- 6. 2019…
E F. Eternal Family
Esteban Filgueria rep.

5-8 of Eternal Harmony
John S Macdonald rep with Andrey Klebanov Alexander…

Brooke Lee Lemery Rep Sacred Portal 5
With Liberty C Liscomb

44 Brooke Lawn.
44 is 8.

5. 8

M ..

And Arya Stark Mikky line shall.be..

Minu Arya
That is on John and Mckayla Keys to their room here.

Note Dame.



7:04 p.m

G O.D.

I’m Stephen and John
Is Mother Father

The Eternal Truth
The Script
The Destination
And Mikki Maria…

7:06 – 7:07 p.m

There are special wonderful people doing amazing things in the World.
But there is only I Emeka and the E Family of 55 T.E.N deciphering and solving the Script of Terrible Death
Infection Disease
As The I.D of the Lie of the Human Race.

7:09 p.m

Blue Print of Existence

21 1. 22
U A. V. Arinze Umeano Victor..
B.A-A. B.

B K.. V

See Book 5.. Victory and Vengeance
Sacred Portal 12O
Reo Fritz Venneiq

7-11 p.m
7-12 p.m

Gavin Inti Pacha Kim
To Johnny Newman New Money

Geoff Lacour
Golden Dawn

7:13 p.m

G A M. E

7:14 p.m

My Book is on Facebook
7.5 Years

7:15 p.m
G O.

Man Go.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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