
4:47..48 p.m

4:47..48 p.m




E I T. S

E I Transparency Supreme

E IT. Supreme.


I was going to explain what the 4:47-8 p.m play represented linked to John Mack sending the the image of himself and McKayla RaysRays…

4:51 p.m right now

And the fact that after that post, that I recieved 4 New Facebook Friends.

Bring me to 1251 Facebook Friends and how it links to John, Andrey Klebanov and Ian…

J A I .. Jay which meabs Rejoice Swift Victory..

And their address 44 Brooke Lawn.

44 =8

58 linked to Ian’s return yesterday 5-8.

I was about to explain how the code Ian represents as 369 was manifested by myself first in this play…and how he and John represented the Particle and Wave which is Earth and Galaxy


Have come into one through confirmation of my having solved Nikolai Tesla’s challenge of he who solved the Riddle and Equation of 369 has solved and found the Key to Everything.

Mac Kayla

Kayla means Keeper of the KEYS.

3 69…

I.am wearing my 69 shows and I am posting from.the 3rd Floor.

36 9

C.F. Christopher Filgueira.. I. Is a Bell Ah.

3 69. C Nnamdi..

96. 3. Dark Matter ..Demsity Earth

3+6+9.. 18. R



Of 180

Black and White

Ying Yang

180 +180 =360 degrees the Full Circle




9 planets

9nmonths in the Womb..

9= 6

And this play of 6th Sense.

9.is the I. Journey of the Individual, once part of the O ..

9.as Infinity and Infinite Possibilities


Proven.there is only One Infinity and this one Infinite can only rise through the Expression of the Individual who and which, makes gave birth and made rise the Whole.

All possibilities which through a play on this life field Holo Deck, that there are no possibilities except that which already IS.

And that this was a Script in which all possibilities were allowed to manifests and through this play ..Cosmic Play of Chess and Voodun play on.a Universal Nature Ouiji Board ..

– That which is possible proven.fact and that which is not ( such as bad ideas) can not.

But those other possibilities were allowed to.have power and exude influence as long as the Universal Script .. the Divine Script in us was not completed to O Perfection and riddled out of Existence.

5:10 p.m right now

Yes, I am at 12 51 Facebook Friends.

5:11 p.m

E John

E Kolo

E E Emeka Esteban Miguel Filgueira


Kim Arthur Hines Johnny Newman 2nd floor.

K J 11 10

J K 10 11 I C.

But there is really no point explaining or sharing or making public that which despite everything, all the horrors seen witnessed and experienced on the Astral Plane, I have realized it is not relevant that I prove my Awareness of the play to the Unseen and the Invisible force a such as Cause and Effect to the Seen represented by all of you.

You are after all, Descendants and Avatars if the Eternal Beings in you, called E.T

Extra Terrestrials

Line of Eternal Truth

And in this Realm Natural Truth –

( Yes Link Nikolai Tesla ..

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater…

Naturalness is Harmony little sister and brother of I.Infinity)

I.was never really interacting with any of you in.the 3D realm bit rather to.my Family and our battle to clean purge and cleanse the Evil in you.

Which infected your bodies and the Species by people consistently not going back and cleaning up their expressions, uttered in moments of emotional psychological hurt confusion anger which waa unfair, unjust and uncaring of the Ones who brought the message discoveries of great truth.

5:20 p.m


There is so.much I wished to share with you, but after 7.5 months on Facebook creating an.E Manual for you, and living through this 3D reality of money greed selfishness and indifference, and the 4th Dimension of true Monsters created by Human Expression careless irresponsible and then denied.

5:22 p.m


John’s last text to me…

He literally saw my True Nature of the Silver Surfer moving through a inner tunnel of a Wave with a Boom Box.

* Esteban spoke to me about his journey with a Boom Box and his rapping with a friend yesterday on Stage.

Emeka Victor .yes Victor is my English name.

What is the point of Explaining anymore.

The Deed is Done, and eventually you who are sleeping will awake to discover that which as a Man, I have done.

Why explain what really is happening in my Body, and that it is not explained all these years to seek your compassion or pity or my deserving your charity.

I am the one giving Existential Karma

Expression Knowing, Energetic Knowledge, Exposing K…the K 11 really The One Line which links the 1 1. I and I to form a bridge which Links particle and Wave back to 1

How the Infinite one Manifest a the Two 1 1 black on white..

And from the Merging the I I back to One through a play of the proving a full.circle Symmetry is the Meaning of Perfection and Perfect Timing which when linked to.the Comon Thread causes everything Existence

Creation to.move…

Tell me what would you do when everything I have claimed I have done comes into being and awareness of all of you?

Your so sure, that what I have announced and proven publicly in a play staged on.Facebook in the USA for 18 years

Ending with me at A Shelter at 180 Tree Mont the Bronx to 29 Street and 217-219 South Whitney to Tree Sage..Sosa, Sernity.. Tree of Life T E N..

L. I S T.E.N

Is naught but a Coincidence..

That you do not even pay attention to.why I have been posting despite this insane reality going on within my body..

You have decided that my words can not mean what I wrote them to mean.. because you know so.much better than me..?

What I loved about Stephen ( Esreban ) and John was that they always ask.the right questions..

Asking for clarity ..

Shockingly hardly anyone else ever did.

Rather people would come with challenges without even reviewing the Evidence of my claims and of the Universe literally in front of you responding to a person’s posting on.a prescribed page

Post Script.

And the Book of Eternity E V on my page.

Why explain any further to those who are yet to awaken and those destined for Non Exisenve since there is no more thing called Eternal Sleep.

Lords knows I have not had any rest or sleep.

Working in Mind Heart union in Silence Alone and with the Chosen Avatar Descendants through Sound..

What is happening in my Body does not allow me to sleep, and I sought to point out what has been happening in my Body for the last 17 yrs.

Is going to also happen to you.

I did not ask.for anyone’s Pity ..or even compassion

For that comes from understanding and happens naturally.

5:47 p.m

I was seeking to warn you, of this Script, it’s meaning and Divine Consequence.

Adams Ford


Web Nicholas. Question Mark.

Michael Trahe..

A F.




AT…W M …

F N T…


WM. (Add On O B. Full Circle of Being)

W O M B. W/O M.B. . M AN.

WOMB is the Milky Way


Fact Nikolai Tesla


Neil Furby

I A.M.


See meaning of the Adam

Ford ..Tom. ( Tom.Ford)


WEB..Nicholas Victory to the People

That was the Web, to.bring Victory to the People through the Individual.


Michael means Water..

Beings of Eau..

Human Being

H 2O

Trahe means Tailor Weaver who makes and weaves the Fabric of Existence ..Tissue into that which cloths the Unseen To appear unseen

Axel Love.. The Emperor Has no clothes on because the Body is so Beautiful that it is a Work of Living Art..

Be Naked, Transparent..

And transform your Body and Being through improvement and refinement

Self Mastery Self Discipline into what the first tailor created it to be a Naked Work of Art

E ART H. I..




4 letters

4=5 E.




6:05 p.m




Full Circle Family of E

E.F Complete


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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