
7:51 p.m

7:51 p.m

Because you have the right to know..

I received Intel from my former case worker Rene ( Rona) concerning my passport application.

She sent the emails immediately and spoke with the people at the British Embassy about my state and having my lack of I.D and physical condition being the reason I sought the umbrella of the Shelter to at last get my I.D.

But they ignored her telling her that they would only speak with me.

And yet they have never called in.the last two months.

I never recieved the E-Mails.

I ransacked my in box again.

Yet, I a was already aware of something else going on because I had noted that she had sent an e-mail on 5-8-2019.

* Yes E 8. E.Harmony

8;00 p.m right now

And yet there was no information or content

And she has the evidence of not only Her conversations and having sent the Emails.

This is what I have been dealing with for the last 17 years.

A Story so bizzaare, that no one believed me until made witness to it.

Hence some people believing that I am cursed.

I do not believe in such things, never have, even when my father summoned witch doctors who used the blood of cocks to place spells on me.

Not even when.my uncle saw me buried, or when I was suspicious as to why my younger brother Nnamdi was buried in my cloths, I knew the reason was not simply that he had inherited them from my father who I had no idea that he had them.

I.have been through so much of the Super Natural in my life.

Since a babe to a youth.

Things which I could not really tell anyone, and the few who were aware would become frightened .. and others especially westerners Caucasians who would dismiss them.

I felt perhapa if I could only later provide evidence on this that people would pay attention and truly understand that there is a powerful people societies in this world and in the shadows moving through this world.

With powers beyond belief, but who used the lie to power their Dark Magic.

Which could only be defeated by riddling them out of Existence.

Completing the challenge and this Script which I had noted ( as some you had) that every thing was being done to stop me from competing it, and on another side, every thing was being done to ensure I completed it.

And that is the Literal battle which has been going inside my Body and the interference to my true state of being which has translated into what people see as my body and voice bring literally at war..

And yet with myself serine and not of any duality.

Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions knew of this before I met her, of the Armageddon which she wrote of in her university thesis of the Body and Being at war with the truth and the Lie inside the Body and Being.

McKayla Rays told me two days ago when I last saw her, that she never truly could believe the things which were happening to me but after conversations together, she said she began to literally feeling what I was experiencing – a force which made what seems impossible not only possible but manifest, a force seeking to take her over and creating irritations little gaps in memory and in those moments another force taking over which with my aid she learn to fight.

I spent so many years seeking to alert you all.

I am.a warrior of Spirit and Being since I was a babe.

My Mother renbenbers, even my peeing in his food while he was eating – knowing my Espirit had challenged him.

It was Marina Burini who sponsored and studied under me, who at one point after watching observing all attempts to work in this world and do others things be blocked who at one point said that I was cursed .

She was not the first I.had heard it since Paris

I am not cursed, at least not in the way people saw it.

I am a warrior and despite my nature which is Gentle and Quiet, Witty and Fun, I notes that people at first senses the Warrior Man in me, but this Script or play contained me, forced me into playing a role as if I were a Nanny or Parents who had to be so indulgent with the Human Children.

But I realized that is what people later took for granted and could not accept so much I have stated, which the Universe has publlicly echoed and confirmed, that my mild mannered nature is really this same force and Being who is also Existential Death

I carry it in me

As well as the Sum of Evil planted in me to which I had to riddle out.

They.. you think I am exaggerating in what I am and surmounted because the Script did not allow you to that other nature of me..

My truth and True Self.

And so I observe most of you take my words with a grain of Salt.

Why did I fight so hard at first to alert you?

Why did I go so far to prove to you that it is all real and true and that this is a Script..

Not only of the E but the a Script designed to Judge who is truly Good or Evil.

And so tell me, me who has never lied to you, brought evidence and facts which many if you the next day promptly forget .

Is this not the meaning of an Existential Nightmare..Terrible Death as Living Death?

What else could I do, against such odds a world hypnotized, under a Spell to not recognize what is right in front of your noses..

And the power given to evil by you by your forgetting the Facts experiences with me and the E.

All I could do was complete the Script


With no one on my side testiying, documenting relieving me of a little of the load of telling the Truth.

The Beautiful Truth, for which I was Damned and Defiled and still rise.. still rose and fought back ..

While most of you saw my Truth and Expression as a Story, either to feed my Ego, need for attention or simply to serve and entertain as this Joker and Fool.

8:43 p.m

A Story

Despite it set in actuality reality created through time from this very nature of Humanity evolved into this current mentality where people are much more comfortable with lies and see the Truth… not as a friend.

This is the Legacy of Lies..

Krzysztof Solek film

When we no longer respect or recognize the Truth Proof Devotion of a Man ..

Woman or child..

You let such people be tortured to death and beyond because it appears easier to lie and accept a lie rather than the Truth.

Especially the Beautiful Truth

That is why I post this for the record…

The Truth.

8:50 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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