
5/18/2019 18:43 – Facebook Post

3:25 p.m

C Y… C is Male Chromosome
C B.E Consciousness is Beautiful Expression


E.R T. S. Expression Reflects Truth Supreme

Infinite Energy Source


Good Lord, I am weary of this Script.
It defies belief, that I am still in it, contained by it, and not released from it.
If only I had my body back.
It’s functions.. it’s Spring and after 18 yrs of working day and night through a Script of Human Expression, I sometimes wonder what this is really about.

Is it a nightmare created to destroy me, anf the Truth I represent by the constant use of physical and material things, to force me to finish a Script which had been completed in 2004-2005.

The number 33 is everywhere now, last time it was 3.41..
41 as in D A which links to Esteban Miguel Filgueira and Christopher Filgueira whose Fathers are Brothers
Alexander Darius
A D / D A.
D A. V.I.D..

3:41 p.m right now.
V. I.D. Victorious I.D.

Jesse Macias, the names Jesse is the Father of Kind David in the Bible story and means
Gift just as the name Maccias means ” Gift of the Creator ”
And Zion which I understand means having reached the Peak, the Highest Point
( H.P.. )
Dry Land which suggest that I ( we) have been
travelling through Space as well as the Sea to reach at last dry land which represents “Anna”
Solid Ground in O.I.Nri Igbo.
And Grace and Favour The Child as Truth have reached Solid Ground to walk upon. Meaning the True have reached the Truth as Fact Solid

Sea and Space
Land and Liberty


I have two new Facebook Friends, and because this Script is based on people arriving in perfect harmony, and since once again all other doorways are closed or delayed, such as my getting my passport, my independence from this Script, is based on my continuing to add each person and I can only stop when I am.in a position where I do not have to depend on anyone, financially to help me sustain myself while I completed this Script.

It’s is actually competed, the Echo confirmation is enough that the world can see it for them selves.
Which is why I am baffled, and fully aware of the Evil beyond belief in my still being forced to carry, solve and document this and translate this for the People, alone.

I am The Source.. it is not a boast but a simple fact which took me years to accept.
And in a play created, I did the same things as I did in the Eternal Beginning, I rose from the state of nothing and the Illusion of forgetting to rise even through this Realm insanity back to.the frequency of the Eternals.

I spoke recieved an E Mail of acknowledgment and appreciation from McKayla Rays yesterday.
It was lovely.
But I wondered about appreciation and gratitude which does not sustain you in.the physical realm
I reflected back at all the people who said thank you, and still left me to die on the street who said those words but did no action or gesture to support that expression.
How people use others, take, and others who are such awful hypocrites who come on face book on my page and denounce this behaviour and then around and do the exact same thing.

I have taught the World Free of charge, while walking through a terrible dream- a Nightmare caused by this attitude, these empty words this selfishness so extreme, the taking advantage of others because of the position and circumstances they have been placed in

People, especially those with western values have sustained and made evil grow into this abomination of deceitful human beings stealing from the ones in the worst situations and leaving them to suffer unspeakable horrors.. who say the words thank you, and like wretched vermin, walk away knowing they should do something, to help to support but instead they find some excuse or reason to justify their response.

More than anything, I am so tired of watching and encountering people who are like this, thinking them selves so smart and clever and that you can not see their deceptions, their Minds and what they are doing…
I am tired of not being able to make them pay the consequences immediately, but instead have play the part of swallowing their lies to.my face, and only through this Script and reaching its end, can I bring them the consequence of insulting Source .

4:10 p.m

This Script has allowed people to get away with such deception, such behaviour which is the root cause of the very evil in the World.

This Script … is Evil because of most of you, don’t have any faith or trust in the Beautiful Truth Facts .. and you wait for others to do all the work for you, using the advantage the Scriot gave to you – of putting me, placing me in situation where I had to come to you.

Your advantage is the Illusion which you say you have over me, your have homes, families, jobs, income, many of you, your bodies and security … Money.

But what I find sincerely amazing, which links to the Dollar Bill with the number 117 Sarai..
Linked to Sarah Kaizer, is that everything in your Physical Material realm is temporary.
In a blink on.eye, everything can be taken away as it was done to me.
And most of all, that if I can see what is really behind your thinking and actions.


And there is a whole Unseen realm watching observing you.

The funny thing is that I feel no.rage, just a quiet contempt and disgust at such a mentality.
And as I sit here, each day chained by the reality you all created for the True, my deepest quiet horror, is how, how could you as a species be allowed to go so far.
To do this to anyone who brings truth.

But I promise you…
Not even One Dollar sent as a gesture and those who are happy to say, well it is not your problem what happened to me and all beings like me who came into this world
That bringing forth the Truth and the BeautifulTruth is not your responsibility

But I promised that each person’s heart has been searched and that the time come when you will pay.

You think that I am not able to do so, because of how this Script, allowed you to treat me
Because of what it out me through to bring the Beautiful Truth to you.
I watch how the respect In was once given when people sensed my power and then see nothing dramatic happen and how I have been treated.
And I observe that constant mocking mentality of ” If you are who this Script says you are Climb down from the Cross in which you are the Sacrifice for us, the unclean swine who nailed you to it to be our Eternal Slave.
Cleaning up our mess, which we repeat over and over again… because you have no power. Because you can not make us do anything we don’t want to, because you are weak meek made meek by the power of a Script which if you wish to get home, you have to pass through us.

So I.am quiet for the moment, content in knowing that you have no idea that all who feel.they are so clever, that they will not pay.
But you will

4:33 p.m.

Sacred Portal 33. The Terrible Dream and my response Terrible Death.
“Do to.others as they do to you…”

John Mack came over to visit me yesterday, he came to see me, he always does that, considers my feelings and the position I have placed in.
Of course he had I ntel.
And seeing him made me feel lighter.

He loves me, not just what I represent and have brought to.the table, or the recognition he gives unstintingly of his awareness and intelligence and truthfulness of the evidence that he is aware that I came down and all this way to rescue his line and Truth.
No he has caring which is human and which has never faltered in the 6 months I have known him
He respects the work and what I have brought and done for the World which un like most others he does not act or diminish it.
He expressed it in action expression devotion and respect.

4:41 p.m

And so, it was easy for me to explain to.him about how Hue Man Beings line of the E are infinite sources of Energy.
I explained and I saw his face morph with Awe in understanding as it sank in.

Tell me how many people in the World who ever existed can provide you with Answers all of the time?

What is the infinite Source of Energy?


I.D E A S… E

Which bring ease which can transform the world through just one person creating an equation no one thought of and none could see.

The Wheel

Who invented Energy ?

Who is its Source?
The Physical Material realm or its Truth in a Human Being and Body?

There is only one other person in my time in this play and in Connecticut who asks me the right questions
Esteban Miquel Filgueria.

John Spencer Mack ..

E M F. 24
J S M. 42


6/6 = 1. A

66. 67 68 69 Me.
Age 33.

And one who simply gets it, the first time I explain.
M.R.B… 34.

And one who already knows but stays quiet
Christopher Andrew Filgueria.

C A F.. 10. T.E N.

And there is Chiefy Tree Sage
Kim.Arthur Hines
K A H .. 20. T

C A F.. E
E. F A C T

4:57 p.m

@1257 Facebook Friends
Sacred Portal 57
Unification of Father Son and Holy Espirit
Feelings Sensational AH! E
E H. A.. S F. Stephen Filgueria

5:00 p.m

And there is a final play with Sarah Athena Kaizer.

5 is Expression Throat Chakra. E T C.. Infinity
7 is Crown Chara. C C. 33.

7 continents
5 Oceans

The World

Expression manifested the Physical Material realm
And it came from outside of Time and Space as 5 9 E I. Eternity Infinity
Then manifested Creation Universe as Harmony Universal .. Understanding Harmonics…
And then it entered into its own Creation called E 8…
And entered the Body Creation Nature
C.N. 3.14 ..Pi
And manifested The Plan E.T.
Cosmos Logos Light Life Cee.

5:07 p.m
57 .

Susan Salomi
LaTricia Lindley

Are my two New Facebook Friends


Recall the arrival of James Echols?

Susan means “Gracefull Lily as well as Rose” it’s origin is Greek and Persian
( Susa. And DARIUS the Great.
S – U S A…. N-E

5:11 p.m right now.

Salomi.means “Peace …Resoect”

* Did you see Ogonna S Omocrafts comment about the True Jersusalem being Peru Heru.
H P. My computer is H.P and that links to E.M.F birthday

Latricia means Noble and Patrician
And Lindely means “Flax Meadow Glade in the Woods

Flax is used for weaving ..

Response from ECHO L L S S.

“The Patician and Noble
Gracefull Lily Rose is the Weaver in the Meadow E M Fields of
12 12. 24.. 6.
19 19 38. 11 2 1
6 2 F.B. Father Brother
6 1 F A Father Awareness.

5:43 p.m

The 4 agreements

Truly apart from 3-4 There is really no respect for me or what I represent ..
And it is mirrored in how people respond to me in this situation made me accessible to all..
All because of creating lack, because I do not have money.

Money.. Value Respect…
I am made to feel as a Burden and a Beggar,
And constantly kept waiting because nearly everyone puts them selves f irst because in truth the have no respect for what I have done and shared.

6:18 p.m

Links Sarah Athena Kaizer

And to me as S A K E
/ E.K. A S.
Universal Sensei

And this what this Script sought to prove..
Your truth you recognition and appreciation in acknowledgeding the Value of my being forced to Share so much intimately and to see the Truth of how you care for the Beings used forced to share vital I ntel with you for your benefit to rise.

Each was given the right to acknowledge or deny all based on your actions and gestures.

After I had given you all access time, space Intel and Data…
Facts so you could Judge for yourself

B.K. E

I already knew and know this plays original truth and how it sought to find witness the Truth of you.
At which I was used as the Sacrificial Lamb really the Great Wolf.

I never break a promise, despite the costs
I told you I would bring you all the Truth and then you could Judge for yourselves.

I kept my promise since I was a child even to being a man.
Chika Promise Enendu
C P E …
E.P. C .

And what about all you..did you keep those promises you made to God?

4th aspect of the Family of TEN is Noni Promise Life

… It’s alright if you deny me, my Truth and not acknowledge Respect beings as I deserve, this was a test of which I did not set you up to pass through Lord knows I did try to warn all of you.

But it is very obvious that there are very very very few in this world who respect of believe in.power greater than you.

And so this power, draining my Espirit through the constant interactions through all these years of people expressing lies and breaking promises sources of Betrayal of Trust.

That is why this Force greater than you made me prove it a Fact.
It does not matter what you believe and deny.

My Father is here, more enraged than I
And he will.make you remember that only the True are a Fact, and they recognize the Source
The Beautiful Truth.

Sarah Kaizer line was the last on his list.
And so that ends that play 19 11 S.K.

The world of this Dimension.mainly respect Pain and Dirty Money- Unfair Advantage
Unfair Exhange.

And if you annoy them they will take away what they promised to give, support food shelter- they require Pain Violence and Misery that is what they respect.

Not True Love and Consciousness Beauty of E.

Which they call weak because I do not show them that I too can bring Pain..

6:43 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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