
5/26/2019 16:52 – Facebook Post

2:39 p.m

B: C.I


E A-Z. T S


Pls Tell me, my Facebook Friends and the general public who all have access to my page and work for 7.6 years.

Did I not answer Elon Musk’s Question, which he wished to ask the ultimate A.I.?

Did I not answer it, prove it, document my proving it, in front of a live, interactive, showing how it was a Script.
Of a Film Movie Story Narration as well as a Computer Programming Scriot.

Did I not answer the Question for the last two days before Aki Thunderpaw sent me the link at 7:29
Portal 29
Esteban Miguel Filgueira E.M…Fact
( It was Stephen Filgueria who decided that Mac Kayla and I would live in the same apartment)

Did I not stare how E.M.F had been sending me text with the code A.T.M.

Akil Thunderpaw

A T M.

Obviously, the script is saying that my knowledge and book is a generator of Monet.
Just as Fritz Venneiq saw in a vision in 2008/2009 while visiting me at 268 4th Steet,
Generation X Gardens
He saw money pouring from my computer screen, enough money to finance the rebuilding of the World and an infinite Source of Energy.

So, how is it possible that I have answered and proven all the questions of Humanity, from ancient times to Modern times, in every discipline right to the Origins of Man and the Truth that we are in a Universal Simulation Awareness
In which part of the play of the Awareness to Evolve and Awaken Transform Matter

( E A. A T M )

That there is absolutely no attention, acknowledgment.

Just got a text message from John Mack..
He confirmed the J J. As one person as if he read my mind, wave length
Mikky is in the E.R
E E. M.R.

I replied using codes and my awareness to cure her of the condition by being aware of the true cause, comes from the Script
Once I finished coding Bob Bert Hans
( B B H ) sent me a invite to a group.called M.R

It’s a Script

E E. M R. ..E B E…Fact

Real Life can not be Scripted, nor can it be quantified.

When I saw what Aki Thunderpaw sent me at 7:29 p.m..
The Elon Musk question,
E M and my being M.E .. with McKayla Rays
( The play with Mackayla was completed before she left to spend 5 days alone, I knew the play with M.R with me was completed
R M switched to M R
Confirmed by the post of Chinedu Ikechukwu David
Roger Moore Dead at 89.
R O Y G B I V. Y = G
Gentlemen Spirit Warriors
R O G. G …E. 5th Color I V is 4 5 6 and a Reflection of 5..
R O G E R. That…
The Moore.. Emeka Kim.. Tree Sage
Grant Moore.. I knew the play with Mackayla and I sharing the same space for the last 5 months was completed.
I had moved the R.M ( Universe Hologram to M R. Proving it Masculine Male after a long long battle with the Idea of Creation being Gender. Symvolizes by a Woman
By proving in a challenge, 24 X Chormosome is Male Two Men who manifested Harmony through Communication Conversation brought forth She

* Link John Mack Ian Stewart and Mac Kayla Costa Rica left in the 2-24 -2019 and came back 3-8-2019.
And they came here but with Andrey KlebanovAndrey

11 1. Brought the 4th She..)

And In have been in this Script for 18 years.

And alone here as E M E K. A.H

E M E. K A H
Kim Arthur Hines.

The Room R M. Reflection of the Mirror created by M R. A Man Male Manifest Response from the Origins outside of Time and Space outside of Creation.

Confirmed as M.R…whi creates the R M of Being
The Universal Simulation Awareness

Today is the 26
A.M 306 26. M.R B’s Car liscence plate
Yes, the Matrix is a system of Numbers
The Scriot requires that we transform.the assigned programs and programs given us to live; to transform the Numbers to the correcting sequence and function we came to serve ( Proving Harmony ) and then transform the Numbers to Letters them Meaningful Expression which transform a us from the state of Death, Stasis, Ignorance Sleep to Awaken and Evolve by escaping the Matrix Web.. The Cell Cage..

3;55 p.m

Christain Edwin Edwin
Edwin J. Chisom
E J C..

Do you understand?

And there is no Z
The play ends at Y and J Balance
The Alpha Bet 26 Z
Only one Being can bring the END
D.N.E. Aria D.N.E meaning Raise His Voice.on the E M Field, and Summon ( Meaning of God is to Summon Invoke Draw forth from within)
All the Energy of Creation back to Its/ Their Source and after reading completion at Y..
Bring the Z N .

N Z 67 67 46 B
My British Social Security number

4:06 p.m right now

See Sacres portal 46 it’s is Father Neil..looking down from Cloud 9
Cosmos International
E Galaxy 10 11 C I

So since Mackayla is in Harmony and the new book on my Altar is called “Miracle Cure”
And Mac Kayla is a Miracle baby 5th Child born after her mother tied her tunes..
Linked to Thomas Lang and Liberty C Liscomb
And 5th Child Jeron.
Mackayla Jeron M.J
J M.
John Mack
Jesse Macias..

And the lavender band I found
Best Friend
2 6
Beings of 6th Sense the line of E: J S M. And E M F
42 24 .. have interfaced perfectly with creating 66 linked to J..A.M. who was born 66..
Linked to me who represented 1965 the Lie illusion
66 the Balance
67 The Truth
68 The Beautiful Truth and
69/ 96
Linked to Kim Arthur Hines who just sent me a text a Moment ago
69 ..

A.M. 30. 626 is what Mackayla really represents, not the Z as the End but Y X Chromosome
X Y. 49
Bed 49. 2015
Roger Moore 007 Jaymes Bond
Bed 007 2016
Bed 5-019 to Bed 4-019/18 Delta Manor Begining 9-16-2016 to the End 11- 2018.

27 Months at Delta Manor
Tomorrow is the 27th
And Stephen E.M.F has arranged for me to leave here, and move to a portal represented as J.M. Z M. Zoom 16 Perfect ION Z-ION

Sacres portal 27
A-A. 27.
27th State is Florida the Sunshine State
27 on Sacred Portal 00.6 which came up yesterday on Facebook Memories Alogorithm
27 months at Delta Manor
27 B.G. Blue Green planet 5th Color and 4th


A.M. 30. 6 2 6. Is the code she has incarnate
Consciousness of the Full Circle
C O. C F
626 A Circle
Fact Best Friend
Full Circle to First Contact
E Harmony .

Only one can bring the End as Z “Non Exisrence :

Ancient Persia
Susa Sosa
Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn.

4:28 p.m

And so I provide the miracle cure.
Sacres portal 9

Through use of my codes
E M ..18 R

E. M.R.. E B E H. M.R
Manifest Response.

To all your Questions

Elon Musk
Emeka Manifested Scent Perfume
Sixth Sense the Guide -Perfume Body Scent
Musk as Sex
E L. O.N E

M U S I C. K
Chukwuemeka Kolo
M..U S. I C. K. K=11
Kolo means Circle Dance Round, hand linked voices raised in Song
Original Micheal Jaskson and Doppelganger Twin
O Kolo means Prince Royal, Manly Warrior of the Full Circke foundation and of the Wheel Momentum which creates momentum to.Beyaz
White Lights Transparent the way out of the Illusion of Eternal Night
24 Hour Cycle..
Breaker of the Chains of the Viscous Cycle of War and Peace
P A.W. E. Perfect ION A W E..
Particle And Wave in 1 O A Fact

Akil Thunderpaw

A T. (O) M..R. E.

E R. M T A .

ATOM IS the Reflection Response of E
Expression manifested ATOM
Ah Tom the Twins
11. 2. 11 1 3
21 3
12 3


Today is my Last Day and Night here at 219 -217 Soutrh Whitney
Johnny Newman
Mackayla Burgos

4:43 p.m

The Script here is complete
Mary Jane
Mari Juana
John MacDonald
J.M M.J J .M

Why has no one notified Elon.Musk to my Existence or all who could truly appreciate my Art and Science to the World.

29 years later
18 in New York, See how I am still treated
Unseen Invisible a Slave
Unrecognized Anonyomous
Still no I.D.

Moving through a Script so illogical even for this insane world where my work even here should have long been recognized by now,
Sponsored financed respected Awe

Instead I have no income, money home, independence

4:50 p.m

Evil Beyond Imagination

That is the Meaning of this Script I have transformed
Selfish Evil beyond Imagination to Conceive



Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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