
5/29/2019 17:37 – Facebook Post

4:03 p.m


Sacred Portal 43.

My Art of Sacred Portals

My Science

E = C.M.e 4/3.

E = C Sped of Light ( S O L) ” Sol! A Needle Pulling Thread” Fil- Gueria.
E M F.
Sol is the 5th Note.
Blue Color
5 is E
3 is C
C 3rd Planet from the Sun Sum (Sun O to 1’9 Planets..Sum of the Milky Way Galaxy
Classification MW87.

*87 U sd currently in my wallet.
M.W 69..

M is Mass. M.A.. Keys of John and Mackayla have 13.1 on it.
Kayla meabs Keeper of the Keys
Sound and Color 7 7.
Solfeggio Sound Color.
M = 13 .
One Cycle of a year 12…365 Days
12 +1 Ressurection of a year .
New Year.

A is 1. Andrey Alexander Awareness Alpha1 is Manifestation of the Unseen to the Seen
Solid Fact.

S is Stephen Sarah


13. 1. 19 19. 14 38. N C H. Naturalness Consciousnes Harmony.
H C N. Hartford Connecticut.
14+38 =
52. E B..

Energy is Being…

Mass thus is Energy in Being…
And Energy in Being ..
Being required Awareness and Movement, Momentum, Motion … MMM. 39. C I
To completion -Manifestation..
4 ×M ..
North East West South..
Square Stage Base

13× 4 =52.

E M. 5. 13. = 65 / 56.
11 11. 4(1.
4 in One
At the Highest point 1 to 7.
7 in 1.

4 1. 5
7 1. 8

5 8. 13. M ..

S S A M. E
= E M A S S.

Thus Mass is Energy Expressed through Being and then Ceeing Seeing.. Hindsight Foresight
But to completion meaning E × 5.
5 x5. 25
25/ 52.

*4:25 p.m right now.

This Mass is expression through Being.
And Being required Awareness and Movement
A M To Completion of the Square/ Diamond
( Base Ball Field)
Of Awareness of the 4 sides linked into one, the Center.

And 4 is linked to 7 Sound Colors
Solfeggio Sound
C Speed of Light Consciousness Colors
Solfeggio Spectrum
Rays Of Light
Created Refraction Rainbow

4 Day Week.
7 Day Week.

4 7. 11 28
7 4. 11 28.
11 22. 56 11. 2. 1.

11 22. 11. 2.
My mother and brother friend
Born 11 22 47
11 22 68.

David .
C D 34/ 43 ..

11 22 56.. 11.
11 22 11.
1. 11 22. 1
2 11. 22. 11 2.

Meaning the Two are One

11 + 22 = 33.
2 4 6… 12. Completion

11 22. 33. . 44. 55. 66. 77 88 99 O.O (66)
12.. 3
Thus completes at 33..
The 1 to 3..
Venus to Earth
Aphrodite to Eros..
Cosmic Egg
C Earth Harmony.

That meabs C is Mass and mass is expression
Designated as a little e, linked to the Capital E
Through the play of the Micro manifested the Macro..

4 /3. A Square and a Triangle
4 a Base of a Pyramid
3 the Side of a Pyramid which has 4 sides 4 Triangle Faces ..
Link they Converge at the peak as one
7 is the Highest Peak of Sound Color Rainbow before it returns to its Original Expression
Transparent Light. T L. 20 12

Egyptian Pyramids. E P.
Inca Pyramids. I.P.

E P I P. Links Beginning and End.
P I P E.
Jesse Macias smiles a Pipe
Zion works at a Baseball Field.

E P ..I P.
E Perfection
I Perfection

Confirmed by Stephen Johnson
S J. ” i P i”
Sacred Journey Stephen Sarah Crowned Splendor.

Cecilia David
David Is Ceclia..
C is Earth
D is Mars ..D is 4 and 2. 2 4 6 8. 10. J
Mercury Mars… April February.
A F..

1. Mercury Mars Saturn Neptune Sun-Jupitor.
10 is 55. 5 is Jupitor.

4:55 p.m right now .

M M N. .S J..
” MacDonald Mac Kayla Newman.. Sacred Journey .. S J M..
Steven to Jesse Macias.
Jump Man

C is 3. 3 6 9. C I. Is Eath.
3 6 9.
Earth Saturn Pluto
Link John Spencer MacDonald to Ian Patrick Stewart.
J S M.
I P S.

1: 2 4 6 8
1: 3 6 9
That which connects the Two paths of C D .. is 6. At Saturn 6th Planet
Cecilia means 6 in Roman 6 9. 6 8. And means “Blind”- which is what sixth sense is because you can not see it, but you are able to Feel it, you are Conscious of it ..

As E M F.
Jesse, as John are sees through his Feelings
Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Music
David means “Beloved Cherished”
In the Bible Story Jesse is the Father of King David and Davud Son is Solomon.
John J 10 represents Balance
J B. D S.
J B. E. D S.
007 Bed J B. Is me
In the 29 month and 27 months play of Bed Numbers
27 months at Delta Manor, without break
29 months in total 2 27 months a break of 9 and two months
@ 18 Mountain View ( M.V Mercury Venus/ 8 1 Venus Mercury)
J.D. and Donna O Sullivan.
And Erik Ebright E E @ Miami Florida M F
*recall Erik changed the code of my lap top bought by Jon and Donna for me ..200 u sd.
He changed it to 8369
H C. ..Hartford Connecticut 5th State
MW69 Nnamdi

It was Meant to be 3896…

5:13 p.m.
5:14 p.m.
E M. 18 is a R Refection Response
E N. 19. S. Spectrum Solfeggio.
5 :15 p.m..E O. From the 5 State Full Circle
Link the meaning of Emmanuel Okoli.
5 15. Is 20. T. 2O. B F.

5:16 p.m. E P… Eternal Planet. 21. U. Unity Universe
5:17 p.m. E Q. E Quantum Leap Jump Man.

5:19. E S. 24. X B D. F
E S ..( P) E S F.
E Sensational Feeling

E S P. 3 6 9. I.S. Ian Stewart
A F.A.CT .O A M. E

5:21 p.m

E U. 5 21. 26. Z

5:22 p.m

John Mack
Jesse Macias

Same Thing
But one is the Future Present
And the other the Past Present.
And Esteban Stephen M.F
A.T M.
The Moment
20 13
Line of Even and Odd.

11 2
Kelsie Bissell. K.B. 11 2
Benjamin C. Krajewski. 2. 11
Christopher Filgueira. B K E 67 Wallet

11 1.


5:26 p.m

To be honest, I am not sure why I am being compelled to still post,
I.have answered all The Questions ofthis 4.5 billion time line

Answered right up to Elon Musk of what is beyond the Universal Simulation Awareness..
U S A.
And I have responded,that it is not a Abyss v
It is the realm of true Existence
M.R. A.H..B.E!

There is no reason for me to be here, I have passed through the wall of Matter as Reason and Logic as Clarity
Aligned in movement to E Kelsie line of Clarity Clara Star Child and her Twin aspect
Sarah Athena Kaizer
And Micki and Athena Aphrodite
Kelsie Sarah Mikki.. on.the White Side of the World play..

John Nelson author of the Awakened Child
H A NN A is present

What more?
This play and End Game is completed.

5:35 p.m

E C E.

13. A A. K E A

5:36 p.m



A M E N.

5:37 p.m

At C


This E = C M.e 4 / 3

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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