
5/31/2019 23:25 – Facebook Post

9:29 p.m

Full Circle of 29

Code S J.
Sacred Journey

29 = 11.. 11 2. 11 1.
All confirmed
K A-A, B.K. A.A B. K A A A..A.

We are currently at the last sequence
K.A = A A A @ 1 3/ 3 in 1.

The Sacred Journey was the going down from the Eternal Dimension, ( Particle and Wave in One)
– and via The Elegant Nomads, as the Wave, moved through Space as the Harmonies, dancing on the See, Cee of the Harmonics, landed on the Matter Particles via Spectrum Rainbow transit, as light Energy C Speed of Light ( Consciousness Harmony)
( Electric Current )
Into raindrops which is the first aspect and appearance of Cellular Material..
We went under cover merged with the raindrops, deep under cover of the Earth Soil.

And merged the Subconscious to out Consciousness Energy/ Eternal, ( Unbreakable)
With the subatomic nature of our elemental selves.
Bonded, Converged Merged and emerged as Bio Cellular Life..
Always aware, always constant as Energy, we broke through the Dark Matter of our nature and broke the surface soil to daylight.
Reaching for the Sun.

We rose as the Flowers of Life and the 4th Note as Balance Green Life, and flowers, Flowers of Life in all variations of Rainbow Spectrum.
Emitting rays of every color wave length and each merging with other rays, created vibrant life in shades, hues, colors, paints, pigments of all possibilities and variations.
And within us, always the E..
Intent, expression..

Golden Ratio.. we spread..
Filling The air with out perfume and all possibilities, variations of Being we filled the then blank and pristine Atmosphere and indented it into its twins..
Sky Heaven Harmonics, that intent and blue print.
And the Atmosphere which enshrined and coated the Environment was filled, water and perfume which created a Mist.
And this Mist was consciousness but for the iniated…
The Nose
Filled with Master Piece, of the Master Perfumes, the Scent of what Humanity was and were to become.

In the mist which filled all Space Atmosphere the Environment, was Beauty Purity ..
All the possibility of all the Harmonies,Harmonics which we had brought to the Earth.

And framing all that was the Green
The Green Life.
The Heart Chakra
Life’s possibility
True Life Possibility in full bloom protected by the 1 4…in 1..
Red Orange Yellow- Gold …Green..
The frame the Stage, the Supporting. actors and the setting of the dance of life.. to true life.

And so did A N.
Awareness Nature rise..
And the play of Life…
Plants Tree,Fish Animals..
All rise from those interaction and intersections of color arrays spectrum Rainbows Kalediscope – A myriad array and mixture of frequency merging creating informing and manifesting in firms of consciousness..
All E
All from the Harmonies expressed by Energy from outside of Creation where Solfegio!
A Voice from a Hue Mans, Hue-Humanities expressed, expresses a wave of purpose and meaning into onto, his Reflections Expression Manifested as Spacs Harmonics..
Beauty and Logos it be…
5 + 3 =8
Energy +C Speed of Light
Was already within the Expression of the Eternal Realm for it manifested into physical matter manifest ethereal elemental form as the Universe Harmony Infinity
Onto this Universe Milky Way
As 8 9
98 9 planets and One Harmony Eternal Energy in which so many, many variations of that one Expression See

10: 10 p.m

McKayla Rays
Will understand the importance of my perfect timing to pause.
At 10:10 p.m last night, we Linked in a play of E S.P.
I thought of her, then thanked her, by talking to her through whispering my thanks to the air..
Instantly, I saw she had sent me a message
” Hiii”

And of course to John Mack see the Tatoo of his friend Tom with the letters J.J an hour glass and Effiel Tower. E T.
John John
John MacDonald
Johnny Newman
Tell me which one came first
M or N?
13 Manifestation Matter
14 N Nature …through Naturalness
Providing Nourshing Necessities
Essential Elements..
The later the name of Johns New company


E came with M
E is A
E A.M.
And then Natures Expression a Reflection
Rising in the Green House
The Nursery
And which evolved to High School.

A contain field

* Jesse Macias gave me a book he had been reading which he couldn’t quite place how he knew and recognized what he was reading, as if he knew all this before.

” The Field
The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe

By Lynne McTagg -Art ”

Secret Force S.F. Link Stephen Filgueria
E M.F and the Sixth Sense ( Secret Force) moving through him
And see Zions cologne
11 La Force

New York is the 11th State
K. 1-1
A-A… 27.
The date Stephen decided to move me here
And to J.M.
S is 19. 10 9. J I.
John and Ian..
I am I an.

Fair Field
Electro Magnetic Field

This is where he led me.
But who is moving him, her all to literaly response to my translation of the Script..

E is 8. And this is Expresion creates 8…
Energy Creates Harmony..
Environment Atmosphere
5 1
Meant to be my age code porta home being my body transforming to 33.
Earth Harmony
Inside the Earth Harmony
Every Where Harmony
E within it is Everything
E Infinity
E Harmony

E H 13

E H M. Man Manifest

Planet 13.8 Billion Years ( M.H. Manifesting Harmony- passing through Room as Reflection Mirror.. From its Source in the other side of the Mirror..
Micheal Jackson ( M.J) ” Man in the Mirror ”
E. 8.13/31… 4/4. 8/8.. 1. 16. 64=10 back to 1
Alexander Defender of Man
Yes, I brought my D.O.M. coffee cup with me.

Yes John Mack represents the View point, and the Truth of not being of within creation but of the E 8
Andrey Klebanov E8.
A K.
A A K E 8 line.

J.M.to J.M
217 -219 to S W
3 17- 219… Fair Field..

Via E.M.F -F F…/ Freeman.

Universe Harmonics Beautiful
Environment Atmosphere Harmonious
Breathe Air Space Energy. B A S E.
Earth Surface: Beautiful Expression B.E

And from within the Earth
Quantum. Transformation Harmony
Sacred Portal 48 ” Beautiful Death as Transformation deep under cover

10:48 p.m right now
4 A Square a Baseball Field
Base Ball Diamond
The Mount of Center Stage..
Pitch… Timbre Sound Tone of Voice.
In perfect Harmony
Life break the Surface, to the Dawn Light but through the Night and Dark Silent Knight
( Knights Templar Temple Template)
Llama Knights

Llamas Peru
* Did you see the pictures of Sarah Kaizer and Esteban Miguel Filgueira?
He was stroking a Llama…

Everything is E8.
And E 88 88 88 88 88 888
E Expression is always E 8 13…

E = 5
E is C. 8
5 +8= 13 Letter M
E 8 8. E H 2.. O. F M
Always creates Manifestation 88 16
32. 48/ 84. 23. 61. Always to 16
That is the Nature of E..
It’s creates H M. 21 U. 3. C
M U C / C U M

I am at 1261 Facebook Friend

Arrival of Alicia Sieferd and Sylas Stansfield

Art Science the 11 DoppelgangerTwins
11:00..01 p.m right now.

11 = O 1

J.M J.M.
John Jesse
M.M. 26
Z I.O.N.

H I. O.N..

H I. O.M

M remember brought the Dawn
And then came Natures Expression
From I A M ..I A M

( MA I. M A I 5 5. Essential Elementals
) . 55 10….1 O. A.O A O
Alpha Omega
Omega Alpha
6 6
Fair Field

I I. 99. 18. 9=I
A A B. 27. 9= I
M M 26 2 6. 8= H

H I I !

In balance
9. 98
I 98
I. 17

I C 17
I C Q. Quantum Transformation
I 8
I H.

Infinite Harmony Manifest
The Awareness Memory in all of thee,
Was the program Dna-Dne.
E.T Go Home
E T G-Rail.H.
E T H. E.

And there is no crack in the Sky Tree Sage.not this time rather a seamless energetic transformation through E 8 13 8 16
Everything Transformed back to Beautiful Divine Harmony Perfection and the bad dream the terrible dream of this reality fades as all awaken and the Nightmare fades as if never were

But it was ..
And I have made sure that all remember that the experience of it was real and it got you back to your senses.

And so I have completed the 5th month in the FIfth State
To Hawa II and then finally to Paradise through Nature returned to its Senses and Sensue..

Through the Art and Science of the Universal Man.


With the aid of My Selves
The E Family .

11:19 p.m

Y. A.M.
I A.M. I E

11:20 p.m
Kings Temple
Nugahs Ramuk Nahdarp
Victoria Jackson

N E V. E


The Beautiful Ones who swore they will never land on Humans or Earth ..

11:22 p.m

Cecilia David


11:23 p.m

18 years with this unpaid under appreciated work

8 8 8 8. E 8
Source of the 4 Corner of Existence even in the play of a Hologram Pyramid play

11:25 p.m

K B. E



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