
6/8/2019 0:16 – Facebook Post

I have a new Facebook Friend

Aora Rathbum.


Aora means “Dawn” .

Rathburn means ” White Castle”

( link face book friend Winners Castle”

Mac Kayla Burgos. M.B
Meaning Crown and Castle

I have been here at Esteban Miguel Filgueira portal for 7.months and this is the 6th month.

I have been on Facebook posting every day for 7 6 years.

My Sacred Portal 76 is the 123 Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening.”


5:10 p.m right now

I am fully aware of the reason for the resistance to what I have been proving
That this reality which so many have come to accept as reality… their home, not being real.

Through out Time, Humanity have senses and even had recollections of another world and realm they came from, but after a long time of exploring, Humanity… especially certain Individuals, began to accept this as being real, and the only way to exist here was to be here now.
And accept that only through Death, that portal all living things must pass through, and it’s mystery and all our questions would be answered when we physically died.

4:43 p.m

The notion that only through physical death could we get the answer which tormented and haunted the species, soon became fixed.
And humanity resigned itself to that fate.
And gradually came to accept that all there was, is.. is us here and now.

At least that is what the Western world sought to push down Humanities throat.

It was safer not to Hope, or speculate and with that Human Spirit of wonder and imagination tamed, the Magic dies..
But not really..
As I have proven.

What moved you to become my Facebook Friends?
And in Harmony And in Perfect Timing of a Script, at which you had no awareness.

No, the Magic in you, though buried never died.
How could it?
You are made up of Energy and energy can not die.
It’s Eternal, indestructible “DA Vinci ”
Vitruvian Man.
Venus Mercury.
1st and 2nd Planet
Alan Blakey
Busayo Alonge

Please see the meaning of both names.
Alan sent me an elegant message today not realizing the relevance of his being moved to appear today.

See the meaning of the name Alan.

Did you recall what I was posting yesterday, and my comments and conversation between Stephen

4:33 p.m.

7-6-2019. As is the correct way to write it.
6-7-2019.. Month Moonn Leading

43. 3.17-19. Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life

E= C M.e 4/3.

I have been in this dimension of E.M.F for 7 months.
We connected on Facebook in August while he was in the 50th State called Hawaii.
This is the 5th State.
I lived almost non stop in New York, the 11th State.

The cap I had been wearing in Istanbul especially in my last production, the story of Colors, had the number 3301.

Please see the post I shared from Stephen Johnson.

John Mack came over at 5:11p.m

McKayla Rays arrived at 6:11 p.m.
11-6 is her date of Birth.

Then Jesse Macias arrived much later.

E K J M M B J M ….

Followed by an extraodinary, enlightening conversation about water.
Distilled versus Ionized.

Ionized won.

The conversation ended with John,
Mikky noting that her phone registered this address as 311.
C K.

Chukwuemeka Kolo
Christopher Filgueira. Andrew
Kim Arthur Hines
C.K. A-A. H.F. H.F. is 8 6.


And when I recounted how Sarah Kaizer had sent me a text at 9:04 p.m as I was writing my 9:04 p.m “Lighter Tone” post, she noted the time was at that moment 9:04 p.m.

John noting the number 68.
Followed by Jesse saying the code 5 13
And John concluding with the number 11 5.

68 is the number on the T-shirt Jesse Macias gave me .
It’s the date 11 22-1968 of David Roman Nicholas, me.
Jesse is the Father of King David in the Bible Story.

5 13 is a code E.M

E Manifests.. see Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula and the Muhammad Bande.
Response confirmation on Facebook..
Michael Bennett.
Michael Belle.
Mackayla Burgos M.B
Marina Burini

Emeka Manifested

E M ..I have 13 USD in my wallet.
John had counted out 13 u sd earlier

Who manifested expression ionized charged which manifests into Solid Fact for all to see.

I Did.

11 5

5 11/ 11 5.
Full Circle.

E.K at Sacred Portal 115
“The Wall with Samson and the Lion as the Morning Sun behind it..

“In the city that never sleeps
He rises as the Morning Star.
Phi 6 8. 2012″

Morning Star
Mackayla Sarah.

Evening Star

511 115
16 16
Jon Jason Lee

And it is 10:14 p.m right now.
J N. A O N. A F.N

John note the numbers 1 11, 2 11, 3 11 ( Mikki)
4-11, ( Nathaniel Thomas Bywater) 5-11, 6-11
Only 7-11 had not been acounted
But Mikky said she had seen the number 3 times in the way here.

And that was the play which took place, an enactment conversation first between John and I who arrived at 5:11 p.m rep of my perfect reflection
Manifest Being.
My Beauty

What took place today in the setting of the backyard…
I am not sure I can, or just don’t want to.
Perhaps it is because for the first time in my entire life, there were two other witnesses to an enactment which had never taken place with witnesses full articulate, fully conversant and aware of the play.
Each observing how they parts and total embodiments and participants in the play.

We were at the portal of Eternity, the realm which I had passed through in 1992, 27 years ago.

Stephen Johnson and I, had a conversation yesterday on comments where I revealed more than I had ever done before.
I spoke of the reason why Michael Bennetts arrival and his birth codes, and name meaning was so relevant
3-11.. 1992..
Because it indicated that this journey began in 1992 when I reached the threshold of the Light of the full circle.
And how I had asked it to give me evidence when I came back that I actually experienced what had taken place..
And how it did, and swore after wards that I would never deny its truth and what took place.

That was 26-27 years ago.

A – A.

11:06 p.m
11 6. Mikky.. M.R B

F H. Filgueria Hines
6 8.

We were all made aware that we were sitting at the entrance to the E realm
And I was suddenly there, recognizing the perfect reflection of myself in the Eternal Realm speaking to John and Mckayla, but to all the Eternals who appeared as Ethereal beings and how I began narrating them a story of how they came to be…

Which began this last play called 13.8 Billion Years ago but from E. H.O.M.E..M Manifested
And 8 13 the Return to the Original point of Origin in which they had not gone anywhere, as Stephen Johnson post had confirned what I have been proving and stating for so many years.

Particle and Wave
All one
Stillness Motion
Awareness Motion
Expression Awareness Movement Stillness
S A M E. T H I N G
19 20- 20 19
39 39
Tree Sage
Christopher Filgueria.. 1987.

Stephen, so you see the photographs by Aora Rathburn?

One representing the Story of Colors and then back to White Light.
And the one of the Light Portal through the darkness… and yes it looks like the Moon.

Imagine that 1000 times more beautiful, but that was my journey home in 1992 I described to you last night early this morning…
This is the literal reflection of my two Journey.

11:28 p.m

I was conversing and transported back Home and John and Mckayla could see it, read it, feel it.

I will let them in the near future explain this play which took place today.
Earning Meriting my way home by proving that I know what is on the other side.
Earning Open See Same me..

Today is 6-7- 2019

John saw Christopher Filgueria today
* his Wall E T.
Knights Templar B.K E 67.
In my wallet was 13 USD
Thanks to John, I now have 23 u sd.
See sacred portal 23.

John spoke of Aaron and an Adventure to Hawaii the 50th State
And Jesse spoke of Aaron and having known him longer than Stephan Esteban.

The first day I arrived at 29 Stephens Portal
The first person I encountered was Aaron Weston.
And later was tested by him as he sat besides John that first day.
And Kelsie Bissell ( Clara 3rd principal of the Family of Ten- Full Splendor and Victoria Jackson listened to the test of my clarity..)

H A! J


Full Circle of Completion 6 almost 7 month play complete.

E.M.F sent a message @ 5:51 p.m
With a code of 12,O.O.
43= 7
43 = 12.

7 12= 19 S
Stephen Manu we’re the two flat mates in Paris 1992 ..and Erika Chamberlain knew of my departure.

I am Steven, Manu Eric John Luke Victor.

Apart from being blown away by what took place as well as the message from Esteban..

I am chilling in the house with Zion
” The Highest Point”
E C T. F.S. Feelings Sensational
E T C. Facts Solid .

Father my Son wished me to prove his Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix
Using Emprical Reason, logic and Common Sense
Find the Common Thread
And prove the Matrix a Documentary
Bring it to Awareness and create an Emanuel
David ..
That He never left because He She are in all of you..
The Beautiful Truth of the meaning of God.
G.I O.!
7-6, 2019

H I P.

P I is Harmony
I.P Man.

12:03 p.m

Elon Musk asked a Question
The line of the 7 Crowned ascended master
People in fear of the Awakening asked what is beyond the wall of Beautiful Light
Beyond the Hologram.
Universal Simulation
What is beyond Death.

Answer the Original 5 and the 3
The Eternal Truth of you

You never went anywhere
E Motion Stilllness
Astral Projection
Same thing

Open See Same M.E

E J John
5 13
R R. 36. 9

M.E M E. Chose.

12: 13 a.m



12:14 p.m

Christopher’s Filgueria’s Birthday

New Britain

12:15 a.m.

L O. L

12:16 a.m

L.P .
Turn Tables
Album Vinyl

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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