
6/19/2019 20:33 – Facebook Post

7:51 p.m.

G is 51


F.S-T.S…. Feeling Sensational Facts Solid… The Script is Truth Supreme. Transparency Trust Crowned twice in Full Splendor
(Stephen Esteban Sarah)
T E N… Five Five…

Proof of your,Truth ( Including Mine)

Before I relate the intelligence, and the extraordinary play which took place this morning with Stephen Filgueria, Sarah and Jesse and I…

I wish to post, honor and acknowledge A White Raven, and his post today as a reference post of how to read the Matrix…
How to start…

Tree Sage gave an example yesterday…

We had a spoke through messenger and this is what is resolved too…
through a conversation..

Hmm in fact I had three Conversations by Text, and Messenger and one in person…

Oh and I have 19 U.S.D In wallet I realized last night, I thought yesterday was the 19th… now I understand why…
the code play yesterday was not based on R=18… Reflections but as A.H…
The Completion of reaching 1268 and 1269 Facebook Friends
Anastasia Hart who returned after leaving, whom I linked to Hart-For-D Connecticut and my arrival here, just before Thanks Giving in November.
When I was still at Grant Moor Room 114.

6-19= 114…See Sacred Portal 114 ‘The Shadow of Death Viking, American Spirit and the King Stag ‘ rep of Nature.
K D.
11 4 44

Emeka Kolo
Hey I sent you a message to share your last post on my page…

P.S. concrete carvers
3 3

A White Raven
Interesting !
What do you feel it means dear brother?
The board is also from a man who went on. It is peculiar indeed. His name was Bartman Cowan.
Never knew a Bartman.
His mother is following us on YouTube.
C C. Is 33.. age of Christ. 33 Vertebra etc…
B. Art. Man. C O. W. A N. D..
B C. E

A White Raven
Who, do you feel eye am becoming. Eye feel sounded by ancestors.

Emeka Kolo

That is how I know who is in Harmony with the Script I am translating.
Eye speak in many voices.
Yes, that is what I have been proving.. And how I recognize where people are seated…from here and this e aligned to eternity.

A White Raven
You and eye have known each other since the beginning.

Emeka Kolo
And dear beloved ..
When Did it begin?
6:00 PM
*Pls. Note the Time. I asked him the question

A White Raven
It began with the Divine spark

Emeka Kolo
By who…. who manifested that D S..
Dharma Santana
Recall D is 4th letter and 4th Dimension which is a stage..
A play..
And that a box cube had a center point from which the 4 Square..and directions emerged..
4 chakra is Heart
E M Field

A White Raven
Bartman is helping from beyond the curtains of reality.
It feels as though the board is charged.
Eye feel enlightened on the board. Almost super charged.

Emeka Kolo
Yep… I did..it as a man.

D.S is Dharma Santana
E.S. means Dawn in Greek
Enlightenment Supreme.

Thus before there was the Divine Spark
There as the 5th Dimension
Eternal Realm.
Eternal Fact.
Thus it is from E the 5th Dimension that the Source resides and his Supreme Epiphany manifested the Spirit of Existence whom I recall as Spirit as Awareness..
And he would be the Son of the Source, manifested at the completion of the Sum Total of the Source Reflection which brought Epiphany Realization Inspiration.
I C! I Cee Energy my is my Expression Experience as the Sum Total of my Expression and Reflections made manifest and returned to me as if like a Mirror
E R I..

A M. E R I C. A.H.

America H

And then the Son called Spirit E Awareness manifests into 9 aspects of the 1 O..
The Elegant Nomad

A Family of Ten who then travel to the 4th Dimension and firm the Cube..
An Matrix
Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix in which the Awareness as the Son linked to his Source Father..
Goes into an illusion… A School and Echo of the Experience of the One
Expression Supreme
Dawning Comprehension
Dawn Realization..
So all aspects of the 1 Son..
And the 9 as 333…
9 Planets One Son..
One Moon.. Many Moons
Month Wolf/ Flow..

Descend on a Stage.. retracting into Billions of Particles Fractals which again is still the Reflection of what the E Source did in recollection of how he Made everything rise..

Now played out by 9 but guided by the 1 Son Reflecting Source E.
And so the play of walking through the Sources reflections began so all could chose to be as He by simply enacting on a Theater Stage..
T 20. S 19

The Supreme Truth so that all could now be as He, if they chose.
And at completion 4-5 Billion yr planet..Earth.
( 4.5/ 5.4… 9 9. I I
18. R. 1 8 A.H..
It returns to the 9
Really MW..
Expression of the Expression Supreme
E S. 5 19= 24.
E M F = 24.
6th Sense becomes a Fact as the Suprene Expression of the Source and now his family
11. 2. B. Being
11 1. Aware.

Please take the time to read my page starting from last year to Present
A W. R.
R is 18. A Reflection.
Awareness Wave..
A W. E. A W A. R E..


Emeka Kolo

May I share the last part ( your Expression and mine) on my page..
I think it is for the world..

A White Raven

Emeka Kolo
It honors you

A White Raven
Always feel free to share what we express between us brother.
Eye honour you!
A humble bow of the head toward you dear brethren!

Emeka Kolo
And to you.. I stand tall with Beautiful Pride.
Humility we have
Humble we are not.
Confidence can never be humbled.
But we bend, and yes and bow, in honor of the Beautiful Truth of each other.
Namaste Express embodied arisen in Completion.

A White Raven

A magnificent expression!
Eternal gratitude needed brother!

Chat Conversation End
Type a message…

I am at 12 71 Facebook Friends

Note his comment…


AG.. 1-7…/ 7 1

“A Magnificent Expression
Eternal Gratitude Needed Brother”

E.G..N B… Natural Being.

‘I speak with many voices’

Laura Walsh- Multi Dimensional Universe.

8;32 p.m.

4;32 Earlier Post.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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