
7/11/2019 18:32 – Facebook Post

3:53 p.m

C E C. I L.


Seven Eleven T S
2 47. 11 28 39

247 25 39
Tel No Winnipeg Canada
105 Wiltshire Bay
10 5
John is E
A O E. Alpha Omega E

Cecilia means 6 in Roman.
( Roman Dusenko R D. Road)

A F E/ E F A is the name of my Sisters long time boyfriend and first Love.


I was at 1300 Facebook Friends yesterday and have now moved to 1301.

Stephen Johnson code 29
Aligned and confirmed by the Two Last men standing in this 29 year play of Talking To The Silence..
John Mack whose See and Being is perfectly aligned to mine.
See his post of the code 29.
And Tree Sage ( 13)

Which has brought me through Esteban Miguel Filgueira to Jesse Macias age code 39.


P.S Sacred Portal 47 is the Entrance into Terrible Death ( Non Existence.. N E)
Terrible Death is the Compass played out by the force moving through Stephen Filgueria who led me with Mckayla… to Jesse’s portal and his 17 year old son Zion.

4:07 p.m right now.

Terrible Death ( T.D) is Sacred Portal 104
10 4. J D
104 14. N.
14..5. E.

E.N.D J. ( B) M

J D.N.E..

In order to reach Beautiful Death
B D you have to pass through the J.D
Judgment Day…
Which means, you pass through the same Fire which I went through and all the line of my Father.

4:14 p.m right now

D N…

Do you recall the play of route 414 with John Mack when Mikkys car broke down and he saw Dunn..
Which linked to Brenden Velez. B.V.

It was the Grave Yard.
G Y… 7 25…
Golden Yellow… Planet Earth.
Kim means “Gold”
Y chromosome… Male.

Golden Men..

You have to pass through Terrible Death
And it the fire is of the burning away of all the old stories including the Story of your Lifes because as I have Proven, that your life is a script.

For example, I was born 18 Alexander Grove.
I was summoned to New York in 2001.
I came with my “little brother John born 1971 in 1999.. the year of the Matrix movie came out.
The year Mckayla, Johns girlfriend was born.
The code on it is 11-8..
K.H ..
John MacDonald recently saw that code once Tree Sage, Chiefy, Kim and the line he represents was confirmed as The Script.
Of The Source.

Thus as Kasien Thompson testified to me which I posted, how he saw a vision of himself buried dead, and he was in a Grave Yard, listening within his coffin as he was mourned and how the base of his coffin opened up and Animal Headed Egyptian Gods.
( E.G) took him, and released him from his body which they had to clean.
And took him as pure spirit to a stage where his life flashed before him.

5:11 p.m

He is born on the date of the 13th Zodiac sign

Begins 11-29..

Same with Albert Santana Generation X Gardens born 1974 and his Mother 1947
She touched him as she was dying and spike a Command ” How do you see me?”
He looked within
And he saw his entire life pass through His eyes from the moment of his birth to present.

And my Uncle, Sir P.. Pius Nduka, testified to the my being buried and dead in a coffin and how he was the only one to mourn me…

5:17 p.m

Expression is .Quantum.

That means that first you die, and then you pass through Anubis Ma’a t or holy of Holies or Star Gate… or Isis Osiris
And your body contains like a manuscript your entire story
But you can not pass through if you have not aligned your story, fiction to fact.
Resolved it, understood it’s meaning and purpose and then let go of it..

If you have not, you will experience your decomposition for holding onto ideas which represent non existence.. not real or of Existence.

But if you have and are Truth.. True..
You pass through the Man Made Matrix Web
You move through 104..
To 14.

Nature Book of Nature linked to Naturalness which is the only way to pass through the Book of Nature
This is Pans Labyrinth
Where you have to now demonstrate that you are beyond Nature as 4th Dimension
And are a 5th Element, meaning your frequency is that of all nature in one
14. To 1 4/ 4 in 1..
Universe Creation and beyond.

And thus sacred portal 14
“Evolution of Consciousness as you pass through the Maze Labyrinth with Amazing Grace
A G/ G A..
Yes my maze ( now my Fathers Sons translation of it)

5:28 p.m right now
John Mack.. Ian Patrick Stewart..
5 28 Hertz
Love Frequency
Which is Truth Love..
Love means Awareness Consciousness
Consciousness is Awareness..
28 is H B as a Harmonious Being but this time you have to use not just Naturalness but also Awareness
A N. 114 Grant Moor

A N A..
A.N N A..

&Yes, the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze

And you must Express and Explain it..
Which is why I ask people in that frequency to share their evidence on my page..

Once you have completed that last test, which Father Supreme used me as the Example and Guinea pig and Guide… smh..

Then you move to the 5th Dimension and then you must stay there in that frequency while still being in the Illusion of being in this world.
And carrying the Truth of your I D..

J D N E…
Judgment Day
Natural Evolution

If you are still in the “conscious view of Fear ” then you are Backwards moving backwards.
E N D. J B. I come as the Beautiful Assassins
Jaymes Bond 007
Double O O 7. 6 67
007 Zero Does not Exist

License To Kill..
L T. K

I passed that portal
With Liberty C Liscomb & Thomas Lang.

L T. And Jeron.
L T J…

Man With the Golden Gun.

M.W. T.. ( E.T)
Kim Hines rep of God’s army G A
( G A. M E)
Enders Game.

G G..
7 7

* I have been here in the 5th State
Connect ..or I Cut
For 7.7 months…

See sacred Portal 77.. Loki and the note of Animal Cruelty.. humans did”

Yes.. the animal kingdom gets its revenge and their Supernatural Spirits tear you to bits..
Body and Being.. they get their revenge

D.N E is the Beautiful Transformation
Beautiful Death.
Sacred Portal 48.

See me..
See John MacDonald
But we are also the line of Terrible Death.

I thought this was abundantly clear, even in your human stories, myths etc…

Joseph Campbell. J C. E
Bertrand Russell B R. O

Brenden even mentioned him.

I was about to give up hope on my Sister line, rising independently of me..
Sarah Kaizer to Brooke Lee Lemery..
Each were in perfect alignment but their Human Fear doubt got in the way..
And that need to compete with themselves as Men.

Of course none of them rose to fully embody my Sister Self, even my Bio Sister really my Aunt as Titan Line
* See Super girl is more in Harmony at Virginia because she never competed with me, she simply wished to be seen in her own right apart from me.

5:55 p.m

But I checked her Harmony despite our hardly being in contact since 1989.
She moved from Washington DC to Virginia.
West Virginia
Anirbas Lem
Al and his Mother Lydia

W V.

W A V E…

E mail “Nons 01″

So yesterday I was ready to walk away from Alexa Vertefeuille
I had done enough work, and have endured way too much betrayal…
I am fully aware of how a Sister should behave.

That this is a play not of us, but of Evolution Awakening of the World
She would be by my side fighting and posting her fury,along with my Mother at what was done by most of you to me, the first representative of Eternity ” Beingness” and
Truth …Beauty”
E T B..

All literally being enacted by Jesse Macias
My Father Sister line.

B T E.

I am at 1301 Facebook Friends and I see three messages
2 texts
1 from John MacDonald
6 from Tree Sage, Chiefy, Kim Arthur Hines

And the One from messenger at 7:07 p.m
From Alexa claiming that she did not feel in Harmony ”
* see her Harmony time 77..

6:06 p.m right now

707 606..

77 66.
76 76

7 O 7. 767
6O6. 6 76.

I was about to not respond
I saw another message at 7:19 a.m.
Better.. suggesting she was ready ..

And so after my coffee I responded

And there she was !!..
Just a little bullying and threatening and appealing to her Beautiful Pride..
Which like my bio sister, and mother if you mock their self pity… they will rise recalling their Beautiful Pride.

I was of course, indifferent if She would rise by now.
I spent the entire night squirming trying to pick the lock hooking my body..
The discomfort beyond belief ….and quiet pain and agony..
I cursed the One who put me thriugh such a play, recognizing again sadly as an evil which just could not be…
How could this be allowed in any Existence for a Man to Endure All This Alone.

I was very glad she began to rise as Aphrodite Venus incatmated by woman to completion for the first time.
But I am done caring and fighting for others and a play that cast me in a role as a slave putting all of you first.

What about me?

So no, I do not care if All born, burn and suffer tortures beyond your imagination and have no hesitation in giving back the exact same Cruelty and Indifference done to me and the Humans of the Humans who in History who fought to help you ser….

Alex just sent me a message..
Confirming she will post her evidence publicly which she sent to me.
She sent it at 6:21 p.m right now
F B A. F U.. / A B F. ( A Best Friend Harmony) U F. O
Unified Field O. Of the Full Circle

I responded at 6:22 p.m

Fritz Venneiq
My bio sister actually chose Fritz V
As her Facebook Friend years ago.
They have the same energy.

1301 Facebook Friends.

F V..

ME 3301 Stephen Johnson echoed

13 O 1..
M. O. A.
M.. Omega Alpha
M 15. 1

M F.

Masculine Feminine

6:30 p.m

First Contact

She was born 3-31..

6:31 p.m right now

See Patrick Okolo play
6:31 a.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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