
10:04 p.m

10:04 p.m



There is a Full Moon outside

I was at 13 15 Facebook Friends

M.O according to The Script.

Link Mariisa Omar.

Mike Oboom

Manifest Full Circle

Moon Orb.


Confirmed by The Script ..T S

Confirmed by Tree Sage


This year.

Right Left

Robert Lorenzo

Based on me and the long Fil of my 29 years on the E.M.Field.


Robert means Famed Shinning Bright.. Of Light.

Lorenzo comes from the name Laurence


Omar Sharif..

Lawrence of Arabia..

Peter O’Toole.

Lawrence means Crowned with Laurels of Sweet Basil leaves of Victory

Did you see Esteban Miguel Filgueira beautiful photograph where he is at Oregon.

Can you see the Tree the Moon the Smoke.

See it through the eyes of imagination.

R and L equate to 18. And 12..

666. 66..


10:19 p.m right now


10:20 p.m


All pink..

Recall the Play with John Mack and the pink clouds when he and Mckayla came here.

R and L

Right Left

Is Reason and Logic.

That is the basis and foundation of this play Script.

Everything you make claim of has to be explained with Reason and Logic.

Reason is the wave which Connects The Dots.

And so when Sam Be Mixing shared my post of Stephens post with Aligned A Mount Shasta

And today’s is Brooke Lee Lemery birthday,

Today 7-16.

And it was She who brought to my attention the play of She at Mt Shasta and the meaning of the Mountains Name along with the Echo I ntel of the Original Script of the Brooke leading to Dawn.

And my own years of evidence, of my first being Alone in Existence, with my family of Ethereal Elemental famiky around me.

In which a stream a Brooke ran tinkling as music about me.

Which was acted out one day, by Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions

R D R S…

RD Rainbow Spectrum.

And witnessed by Jofia Ross

Evan ALexander Judson in 2011-12..

When she sang me home.

That Brooke, led to Where I sar under Tree as First Dawn Awakening..

That is how I knew through her portal B L L we were moving to Dawn but where everything aligned to the Man On The Moon.

M O T M.. 88

( MOT. Mot The Word Manifested the M.O O.N..


Mozart Symphony.

Nature Symphony.

Reason links the Dots.

The notes of the M.U.S.I C…

And that leads to Center O

Right Left

R L is the correct order

L R too..

But I came down through the Portal of Robert.


Is C F

Circle Filled.



9 planets

These are the rules of Natures Play.

Respect. LAWS of Existence and you will arrive at Harmony.

These People who embodied this equation were people.

And yet, a fury is in my stomach, the same stress and anxiety when I am compelled by the Script to show evidence which may seem.like I am invading people’s private lives and the trust given to me in their world’s homes and secret gardens.

Yesterday when I was compelled to post the equation of Jesse Macias visitors my inner rage almost erupted.

How were these people to know, if they did not trust or follow or understand that they are safe..

That I had to post the Evidence and Facts.

It is also one of the reasons why people stay Facebook Friends but take a distance, and isolate me because if the things I might post.

It does not matter that I reassure them, it is a matter of Trust.

And I am stating that the Presence Supreme is here and they are rising..

Please how many really truly take me seriously despite the exhaustive work of providing evidence and in seeing the literal play intended that I wrote those codes..

License plates…


13 15 Face Book Friends


O N. 15 14. 29.


Stephens former portal before he moved to Oregon..perhaps you can under Stand how Evil Selfish Indifferent Cruel that this force who manifested such a play, had in Its creation of it taken into account not only my Point of view or the World and People I was forced use their codes..

Or was it an intentional malice.

Because by now, people should have had a preview, given evidence, some indication other than a Reasonable and Logic Script.





18 yrs

12 years since Albert Santana who literally would go crazy with rage

Truth nothing is meant to be hidden, and everything Transparent and my Truth Manifests but who has followed The Script.

And who would trust it as people heard and witnesses by experience.

One of my greatest sources of Anxiety has been this seeming invasion of people’s privacy, my privacy…

To bring all the Pieces Fractal of this play together

Do you have any idea the thin line I have had to walk, use masks and disguises to hide or veil people’s private information.

10:59 p.m

And for 7.7 years I have been the one people blames and punish even after I tell them, and am discrete, and have explained and even State that if they do not wish me to tag them just to let me go.

And then this play at Fair Field Ave.

This Is what I have been forced to deal with?

After what took place with Jesse and having to post even the visit from his friends..

I just could not take the feeling of dread and the people’s discomfort…

Despite my tagging them, writing their names solving their riddles would include them in the true evolution rising, that I am defending and fighting for them.

But how do they know?

What time did they have to read this voluminous 7.7 year Manuscript


Most do not even under Stand what I have too link

666 Mark of The Beast.. M.O T. B

66. Sacred Portal The Exit from the Black Hole.

Climbing out of it using Reason Empirical Evidence.

Logic by only connecting the Dots Anchors..

Then creating Consciousness in Creation in a realm where the Lie and Truth have been rendered as lines blurred..

Time Creation Cruelty Illusianart.

11:11 p.m right now

And you don’t know half of it, that which I just can’t post.

All this to grant that which was born free to be free of one who has abused Trust and Power given to it…

That it’s riddles are solved and it rises or non one does or will..

Recall Dror Ashua and his visit to Woodstock where he saw the evil twisted Ego ..illusions of Humanity attached to me from here to.the threshold of Infinity Eternity Immortality..

The Ancestors as Time attached to me as Dead weight and the Demand that they Evolve and be allowed to pass through that Holy of Holies..

And it was allowed, by The Truth who was willing to do whatever it took to pass through and rise..

The most sacred play transformed into this infinite insult.

And all my energy used to manually make vanish all these Hanger ons..

And just as Dror Ashua saw, just as Nnaemeka Ifennanna Ezeufonna informed me, right to the very End.. they would fight me.

And that which was once The Truth

TT blocked the Gates because HE SHE. IT saw itself as God.

Almighty God


Alexander Grove..

That was not me who rented that house my sisrer and I were born

11:22 p.m right now

Onuaabuchi Nnamdi..

M.O O N.

Cecila David.

C D. 34. 7

G. God’s is Grace…Gracuousness

Appreciation Gratitude that is what I have manifested and That is the meaning of my name

Give Praise

I give Praise and that is the meaning of Grace.


Good Point!


Grace Gives Praise…

And that is what I played out..

To all right up to Stephen Post

To Brooke Lee Lemery.. now ‘LL =24

John returns on the 24th.

11:27 p.m right now

He did not do this to me, rather he is the resolution of that which did this ..

Lied when It represented The Truth

And then set me up..

11:28 p.m right now



Acknowledgingment .

Acommplishmebts require Praise

Natural Law

Eternal Law

A G P.

A. G A P….E

Brotherly Love..?

Fill the GAP with E.K.P.

11:31 p.m

Is that not the meaning of True Hate?

vieled as a mission of sacrifice a sacred Journey a Soul Journey above and Below and withholding the Truth by manifesting the signs of the Awakening Evolution. Which inspire fear and doubt because it never allowed to be truly clear of the exact meaning of what is really going on.

Yet it is so clear…

That there can be no doubt that Evil came under cover in this world as True Love..

True Love ?

Give people their True Menory back..

T M.

Which I had to fight the Lie as Death Ancestors..

To prove through such a play…

I only posted the last codes of the play here because it was crucial to the completion not was it a risk..

Jesse is cool but it is Matter of

Personal Privacy and Respect.

I am people’s homes..

And this has been my personal hell, revealing to you all my personal information alienating my family friends or their illusion of them ..

But don’t even Potential who I am had to activate to Energy Kinetic deserve respect?

But I got this Far, to the End and Ressurection by charming the Truth, so no one was truly angry with me..

It ..they bent to my Will because I made thier Truth Beautiful by showing my view of each solution and situation.

Belle Vue..

The Beautiful Truth

But Enough!!!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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