
8/8/2019 19:10 – Facebook Post

3:37 p.m

8-8- 2019.

At 13 44 Facebook Friends.

13 8 .. M..H / H M.
8 31..
8 1..

John Mack told me how he wore jersey number 31 in his High School Football Team and then Joined the La Cross Team and wore the Jersey No 1.

See sacred Portal 31.. Erection Ressurection.
Golden State.
Linked to Kim Arthur Hines
Tree Sage
Christopher Filgueira…
T C/ C T.
Both age 31..
31/31. 1. 62. 8. 1 8.
A H.
K 11. A.H.

K A H.. Egyptian Over Soul.

And La Cross

( Jesse Macias and Zion ..Perfume
La Force 11. By C K
And Perfume “MAN”)

La! Cross..
La Force.. MAN. A.M. A N. 29. S.J
Alicia Norris.
Stephen Johnson
( Stephen Popiotek. S.P)

La is 6th Sense
La La. Land.. *watched it the other day.”

31. To La Cross 1.
It means once Sacred Portal

3:50 p.m right now is
Emeka John.
Esteban Miguel Filgueira John Spencer MacDonald

E M.F. ( S F)
J S M ..

E. K: E J S F ..E M M F S..
Feelings Sensational
E M M Field.

It means at the completion of the play of 8 31..
Which is the date code E M F arranged with Jesse and Sarah Kaizer in which I would leave.
It really is a code.

Once I completed the 31 ” Erection Rebuilding after the Awakening with a play of 6th Sense
Moving the world Energetically and unseen, ( working unknown behind the Scenes) back to Its Original Blue Print..)

I am the Original E Line, cross X. Marks the Spot. 24 is X
E.M F is X .. B D. 24. Beautiful Death.
31. Moves to 1.

See sacred Portal 1A
SHE energes from the Cosmic EGG.
S H E is E H S.
Wu Man
Go Man
H M. Holly MacDonald
O.E. full Circle E
H O. 8 O. ( 86) M E. 13 5..
H O.M E. R.
Rest Relaxation Romance Recreation Reflect
A.H.. OH A H.
Code at Jesse Macias
Exact time I have been in New York.

Odysseus .. The Ethnic Odyseey my short Film 1999 Dec shot in Istanbul Paris London Rome New York.

John came over yesterday and gave me a massage…
Beyond belief…
Nothing Supernatural occured as with Mckayla and Brooke Lee Lemery.

This was John MacDonald as Father Unlocking with strength and intelligence he was unlocking my body..

Many of my older Facebook Friends will recall my saying that it was my Father Son who was the First To Rise after I completed the Exploration of the full circle of my reflection
He Rose as the Everything and Everyone.

And that he rose as I who also waa 3 in 1
Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines Chiefy..The Script
Johnny Newman : The Plan
And Christopher Andrew Filgueria the Mystery Enigma Riddle..

And Aaron Weston, as the rep of his highest Point ..
* Mckayla my little sister Harmony to Sarah Anirbas Lem ( Sabrina M. Link Facebook Rep as SabrinaFrey- Stephen Filgueira representing ) Brooke to Alexa Vertefeuille

A V Y E. S.

and then Crowned.
Esteban Miquel Filgueria..
Steven Ade..

The Highest Point represented by Stephen and Aaron.
Sarah Athena
Science Art

And of course, this was represented by my Great Battle with the Ascended Masters
12 12. 24. 144.

And that last test of reaching Zion was in my challenge to all these beings sitting in thier Ivory Towers .. directing the world to Enlightenment and release from this World of Illusion.
And my stating that they had got it incorrect and that Enlightenment Nirvana was not the point
And that there was something beyond Enlightenment Nirvana..
And the only way to access that portal was to enter into the Play of the Illusion, the World.
Solve the riddles of the Powerful illusion being part of the World But Apart ..
And then use Alchemy Magic. Magical Thinking- Linking…to transform this seeningly power Illusion Spell,
Mass Hypnosis which the People of this World are Under…
And Wake them up, by Proving it not real.

And how it manifested by “Popular Belief”
Transforming Revealing the Maya Mara Spell and raising revealing the true E M F.

That is why Stephen started out as John Aaron
J A.
101. A J. ..11. K. B- A.

A J ..A Y.
J A Y. V E..

But I came Through Stephen Esteban portal S E
Spirit E to clean up the Secretion Expression pf the Mess of Ages done through and to the Eternal Spirit.
My Truth and that of My Son Self,
The Everything.. and restore it to its Orginal Truth.
I was already crowned “Ade Steven”
This time it was my Son Daughter line who represent A.L.L ..
The Best, The Beautiful Truth of Humanity which I had to link, and align to the Eternal through this play of Energy..
As to who really knows what Energy is and Source Energy
S E/ E S..
Who does Energy Respond to
E M. 5 13. 18
E R. 5 18. 23
JM. 10 13. 23. J.M. 46. J M. 69…
John MacDonald Jesse Macias Joseph Mccorkle

4:43 p.m

E. = 5
Me E K
John MacDonald representing the 1 who is 3 in 1, 4 in 1 5 in 1. 6 in One.
3 1 4… Christopher Anthony
4 1. 5. David Alexander Erose
5 1 6… Esteban Aaron. Fair
6 in 1. Frank and Albert…
7 in 1. 7 1./ 1 7. G A/ A G. My past Alexander Grove 7 1. Newington.

7 1 is 8 1 7 is 8
8. 88.
8 16
Stephens Birthday
8 24… H X. H D
32.. Jon Jason Lee
John MacDonald as E K.
Energy Kinetic
5 11. 16
Yes 16
P O I. N T.
P E R. ( Rep ) F.. E C T ( ET C) . I.O.N.

So when I found nyself watching a Movie called Detective D.EE and the 4 Heavenly Kings which dealt with this subject of the Illusion becoming so powerful, possessing people and the sect behind it having come to China Japan Asia via India…
And how it puts entire populations under a Mass Hypnotic Spell..
( something Axel Love once enquired if that is what I was doing…
At which I stated I am transparent, breaking everything down.
Doing away with Superstition and Belief breaking down everything into Solid Facts so everyone knew how everything works…
At which I was punished so severely, so extremely by the Religious and Spiritual worlds and Secret Societies whose power in this world was such that they made ( or thought they made the possession of my body and being so real… that I would enter a state of shock disbelief and fear.
Sure I was astonished by the power to make what I knew my Father Son allowed, but read my posts through the years..
I made it clear, that this was not the Power of the Curses of the Secret Societies who were doing this to my body and Spirit Expression it was Father who wanted me to clean up and raise the E.M.F back to E A. ..E B.

* Father came down as I had suggested, he came into this world, and learned how to be as a Human, by watching and observing me..
And how I handled situations, using Mind Reason Heart..
He used me as his Example to understand how to be a Human Being….
Hue man E Being.

And that is why it all ends competes with John MacDonald
5:08 pm
5:09 p.m

Heighest Point.

Grace Favors.. the Son of the Universal Ruler..

U R E P. / P E R U

5:11 p.m right now is.

J M / J.M

E M F. Esteban Stephen Sarah Athena.


E Spirit
Secret Energy..
Steven Esteban Aaron.
S E A… M. L. E S S.
The Full Circle has no Duality..

When I converse with John it is seamless..
It reminds me of moments I shared with Stephen on The Road.
But with out the conflicts, doubts or testing.
I knew that through John and myself
Stephen as the rep of the World Population is restored back to his True Self but this could not be achieved without bringing back his first Fathers
Darius/ David.
John Joseph/ Jesse.

J A D E. Stone From Heavens.
( My Jade Elephant bought from Daniel Maman 550:00 USD value 950:00 USD.
Rep Memory..
Elephant Memory… Stephens Memory Mediation Room

Z A C K.
Zariah Aliya.
Karina Carmen K C / CK

J E D I. Warriors Star Wars of the Rebel Alliance…Revel.Alliance. R A Y. E.

5 :20 p.m right now is

I can not begin to describe what took place through conversation with John and I.

He suggested that the next time we meet he would record the whole thing.
There are no words to descibe it..
So I wont even try but what John saw, was just as I had protested about that instead of these conversations being treated like a Shameful Secret, which only the Invisvle Unseen were benefiting from, and keeping secret from the World.
And my 18.5 years of bringing it to the attention and focus of the Visible, Seeing world.
That this can not be wriiten about but must be recorded bevause it was created for All the T N TRUE Nature line..
The Gap that was missing was Expression which creates The Cee..
Not the Sea.. but we did that too.

T E N. C. S…
Kyle Murphy
Eric James Murphy

Elvis Presley. E P
La La Land
La Force of Man
Holly Wood
Holly Wood set the Mood. Moon.
M O O. D N. A.
M O O A..
Omega Alpha
6 back to 1
7 1 8. 9 10
7 10

8 8

I went to pick somethings up today at C.V.S
After a Mischeviois play with Jesse Macias
The bill came to.14.74..
14.84. I paid 10 c for.

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater
Esteban Miquel Filgueria
@ North Carolina and Oregon.
N Carol Line A.
Ore. GO. N. Nature Nathaniel..
N E. W. S. E. S T O N E.

31 33 rd State

5:50 p.m right now is

And 12:53 Cents.
At the “Spirits” Store.

Completion 12.
12 Flags From Sarah Aaron ( Moses Ram-Sees)
From the Himalayas
Mountain Peak
” The Tibetan Book of the Living”
Egyptian Book.of The Dead.”

West African. W .A / A W.
Song Lines, Heart Memory as the Drum

E T S D..

First Bed in the Shelter..
Bed 49 Room A.

77. 14. 49.
Sarah Athena Kaizer born 6-3O 88
And her friend Steven A born 6 3-88.

53 Keith Grant
5 17
3 17 Fair Field Ave

8. 34. Stephen is 34..
35 8-16-1984. Indeed a special day.

6:00 p.m

As I was Buying coffee at the local C.V.S.
I noticed a tan woman standing there, I went to pick up some Half and Half ( Middle Town)
* Summer Lyla.. Half Year. Festival..

6;03 p.m right now Is.

Sacred Portal 63
Atlantis And Sheba
Land and Sea ..First Comtact.
He Air Water… Adam Waldron

E.She ESHE. B A La La land.
6 6. Sense to Fact.

6:06 p.m
666 18 R Reflection.
Oh HE is HE as H E R …MAN H E S S E
Yes, Good Grief, I was He.
Golden Child.
Golden Baba… Angela Marie Alexander Esther Uzoma called me by my former name.

6:09 p.m right now is
Nn a.m D.I.

Edward Eceinco
Called me by names.

Lord Li. Ye.

The Peak and completion of E was it transforming He to She.. Transformation of Form -The Body..

E H / H E
E H S/ S H E

See Mackya Anne Ray Burgos
She is played my Little Sister Harmony
John MacDonald
And that is how I knew she was the break down of a story because she completed at Alexa Vertefeuille which is why John MacDonald motorcycle license plate has the code
A V Y E..
Y is Male
He had to return Home to his Family J C J
J C H (B. Besty Elizabeth. Holly Carter Brayden..
Movie John Carter… he goes to Mars through a Crystal Stone.. J B. Play Jaymes Bond
Kim Arthur Hines plays Blue Jay)
J C H J. J C Heros Journey

At 71 New Wing Tone… Yes Angel Wings on.Air, as Feathes as Fingers playing notes, Piano ..black and white notes..
A Message transmitted through the Air Wind water
Breeze.. Summer Breeze
Kaho Atiba
” Perfume Sailing in the wind” a massage of 6th sense.

Alexander Grove
G A. 97.1. 987 1.
Allen Ginsberg
George Andreo
Agusta Georgia…..Tiger Woods..

Sacred Portal 79.shows two men.riding a Rocket Phallus and with them the Decoded Dna as writings on the wall.of the 5th Dimension as the Enter the 4th.
Square Stage to Enact the Play of Matter Ore, and project it through 1 7. To link to 7 1..
Descend Ascend.
Darius Alexander
D A.
Persia Susa Bablon. Prince of Persia
Macadonia … Athens Greece…Sparta

Akexabder I am line of one. Lone Wolf Dallas
Alexander John line of Many, All in.One.

Darius Di-Ana.
Divine De-Vine
Alexander Alexa
Adonis Aphrodite

* I saw John transform into the Blacksmith
Deadalus whose son was Icarus. – Esteban Miquel Stephen..
Who was the God of Inventions
Builder of the Maze and who created the Golden Owl.
Athena and her Golden Owl.
Sarah Athena Kaizer

Stephen and Jesse rep the Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence which merges at Aaron Weston.
Adam Waldron.

And John is their Unification in One.
Tiger and man from Atlantis with the X on his forehead.
In Sacred Portal 79.
39 Age and 22 age..
Jesse had Zion at age 22.

79 97. 16. 16.
5..E K
5 11. 16. P
88 88. Aaron W.
But jon is 58
88..1 8.
Kim Arthur Hines

11 A.H
And 89. 17
8 10. H J.
J.C J.
J.C H C B B J.
Blue Jay/ J.B

See books Ink.Spell
Ink Heart
Ink Death

Dark Tower… D T 4 20.
The Body which had to be transformed back to a body of light at 7-8. Linked to 7 1-1 ..7

Lord of The Rings
L.O T. R. U E
Lot Abraham. LA.
L. Abraham Sarai Hagar… L.A S H. E
( Oh.Lord the did. Kunta Kente)
S E A. S. A.L.T. Alternate Universe
Au Gold. What was Left Behind.
Ag Silver What was Present C Speed of Light
C. SOL…5th Note came First.
The E.T.
Extra Terrestrial
Dharma Santana
Eternal Truth
Eternal Law.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Tree Sage.

* see what was done to “Agape ” the Brother Lover Warriors Truth..
The Story of Two.men when Ahtom met Energy E.

And so, this woman.was there at the Half and half place too before me..
Coffee Creme…
I did not take to much notice but I did notice that as I stood in Line to pay, A woman stood infront of me, wearing a cap.which said “Holy Cross ”
J.C H C .. E.

La Cross.

So then I went to the Spirits, store
( literally called “Spirit’s “and written in Green)
And a moment later, and the same woman at C.VS who I had notes at the Coffee and then Half and Half.. C H A H!
Had just purchased some wine or Spirit and left as i met her at the counter.

7:01 a.m
76 1.

Do you understand?

Its telling me through a Rep of Wuman that by observing me, watching me,they now understand the way

7:03 p.m

10 10
2. 1
J.A. V. A Y E.. Jon Jason Lee is part Javanese.

Holy Cross
J C H. 71 Newington 18 Alexander Grove
7:06 p.m
76. 6
G F. F

Grace Favors
The Child Truth
Expression Consciousness
YES HUE.S. A.H. Christ.

E Family have completed
My First and last Heros Journey

7;09 p.m right now is




7:10 p.m right now is

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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